Monday 31 December 2012

A wonderful article about closing charperts in your life - perfect for the new year to come!

(In portuguese)

Sunday 16 December 2012

Since I moved country I never paied so much attention to love as now.

I guess living in a country where you see people selling their souls for luxury and poverty and luxury walk side by side at the same time makes your mind change. I always said and assumed that it's not because I stay in 5* hotels due my job that I'll be rude to someone on the street or working or serving me in a restaurant. Actually I turned into a much simple person as I admire everybody in its job or dutty and recognise (much better now) how much difficult sometimes it can be to deal with people.

Lately I concluded, based on what I encountered so far, that we have 2 types of love (regarding love between woman - man):

- The love of your life/your soulmate, the one that unites.

- The love that can work; You are getting old or you are still young and you want to have a family, a house, kids etc. You can't find your soulmate but actually you found out someone who wants the same as you and  you see that the relationship can work. You are not madly in love but things can work because after all you both have the same desire of having a family.

Through all the people who beautifully shared their experiences and life with me, without knowing how much they were adding to my heart and knowledge... I concluded about love!

Maybe I am a dreamer and a romantic, risking being single but I still believe and want to continue to believe in true love/soulmates. If I'm a dreamer I'm sure I'm not the only one...

Friday 7 December 2012

I try. I really try...

I try to get to know new people, I go out and I laugh. I mix with all kind of people, I really do but even if I try more than a thousand times I just can´t stand prejudiced people. I just can´t!
And so I give up. I give up of being with people with who I don´t feel good and don´t serve my high purpose. I don´t bend to be someone who I´m not. 
I´m not prejudiced. In instance my name is Love & Tolerance.
And so it is.

I walk away from stupidity like crazy!
Sometimes I just get fed up..... it is too much!

Saturday 1 December 2012

Working like a real workaholic!

Sometimes, I have periods of time, in my life, where I work non stop... with full power, full heart, full body, full mind, to accomplish my deadlines. This is one of THAT periods! Sleeping less, going to bed in the morning and always, always, always with one song playing in my head giving space for new ideas of steps crossing it all over. For those who don´t know yet, I´m teaching 2 oriental dance workshops in Portugal, as well as, a debate about arabic culture called "What the Middle East taught me".

The infos are below in the website (oh yeah... and I got a website!)... till then, a lot of work: steps and feelings await me to compose them in an unique piece of art!

PLUS, Patricia Bernardo, a recognized professional tarot reader will answer your questions on 16th December from 18h at the same place! I personally do recommend one appointment with her!

See you ALL there :)

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Stress is not the enemy

I´m listening to as many seminars as I feel like to learn more about abundance lately. Too many ideas have been crossing my mind about the Universe, emotions, feeling abundant etc.

In one of these last seminars here it is what I got:

When we constantly repeat "I want X" we are saying actually that we need that particular thing X (whatever it is: relationship, career, car, etc) because it is missing in our lives and by saying that we are saying to the Universe "this is missing". And what I figured it out (it was literally my Ah Ah! moment) is that what they often call as law of attraction - so if I say "this is missing" then the Universe will repeat what you say and that X will miss in your life and not appear. You are attracting that to your life - not having the X you desired.

Another beautiful pearl was about stress. We all struggle from time to time from stress and according to the speaker stress doesn´t have to be our enemy and he´s completely right because here we go - stress will lead us to a turning point in our lives! Stress will be like the dog running after its own tail - it will lead to a point where we will be able to stop due the exhaustion and finally say "I´m ready" and surrender to ourselves and to who we are.

Ultimately, the soul will never wake up in the morning and say "You suck" - though your ego probably will repeat it all over again and try to fix your ego based on the ego. - I laughed a LOT with this as I felt how true it is!

Also, the conversation about "how much I have to improve" is like saying to yourself that you are not enough, you have to be another you when you are already perfect and divine.

And I suddenly remembered something amazing I heard once - I just adore this one - We are like a radio we just need to syncronize with who we are because we have everything within us!


And so my eyes started to cry when he said "some of you are in a dark forest because everything was ok and you just realized some things don´t work anymore (...) and as your conscious expands you can hold my hand and cross that forest and let go everything you don´t need anymore. Face everything, experience the depression and sadness and keep walking, you can do it and at the end everything is light".
I just have to say that the meditation the speaker conducted was very very powerful and no one should miss it!

All these amazing calls and speakers are here:

Never forget this pearl:

You are perfect, wonderful and divine and wherever you are the Divine is There. 
You don´t need to be better, you don´t need to be healed, you don´t need to be fixed. You are perfect.


Thursday 22 November 2012

As a pearls seeker where we go another one, directly from 
A place to love and be loved; 
Your dose of love everyday...

“First of all, to commit to quieting down the negative voice in your head, you must commit to doing so with every cell of your being. Everyone in every moment is doing the absolute best that they can. Regardless of whether you agree with this or not, it is the truth. When you are critical of someone, take a big deep breath and realize that this is an opportunity for you to cultivate more peace within yourself as well as patience. Everything that happens in your life is an opportunity to support your internal growth. How you respond to situations allows you to be more or less at peace internally. It is not your job to teach — it is your job to grow. Do your best not to judge. Although you cannot control your thoughts, you can control your tongue. Make a commitment to do this. You are solely responsible for every word that comes out of your mouth. Be quiet if you cannot be kind. By being conscious of this, your mind will become more still and the criticism that so easily finds you will knock on your door less and less. If you are seeking peace in your heart, take some time and let those that you hurt know the regret you hold in your heart. You can’t take those moments back, but you can take responsibility for them. Just like everyone else is doing the best in each moment that they live, you are as well. Be gentle to yourself. Be ever so kind to yourself. In the future, beginning now, hold yourself accountable and no make longer make excuses. Allow yourself to remember that you define yourself BY YOURSELF, not by how other people treat you. You will find peace in your Heart this way. Hold your head up high so that your Heart may expand and you may live a life of no regret. When you run into people in your life who are Nagging Nelly’s, take a breath and realize they just haven’t met their own Nelly yet, but when they do, they will be more accepting of you as well. Those people need the most support and love for where they are in the moment. Try to always remember — how people treat you is a tiny fraction of how they treat themselves. Please remember above all, that everyone is truly doing the best that they are capable of. When you are judging a person in the moment, it’s an opportunity for you to grow and commit to the person you claim to truly be. Hold yourself accountable to yourself regardless of what is happening around you. Be strong. Have courage. YOU CAN DO THIS.”

Tuesday 13 November 2012

The body is WISER

In one of the many seminars I´m listening lately on-line I had one which blew my mind. 
A very particular phrase kept my attention and gave me an A-ha! moment.
The speaker was explaning how much our body is wiser and serves as receptors of infinite wisdom. In a very simple example she explained how her body told her something that wasn´t working for her or wasn´t for her at all! It was very interesting to see that what she experienced was the same I experienced a couple of years ago in terms of relationships. I started dating with someone, who obviously wasn´t for me, and at the same day, some can call it coincidence, I felt sick. I had a lot of nauseas and really felt that something was going wrong with me but at that time I couldn´t understand what. It was obviously my body rejecting his energy.
The speaker´s example was quiet similar to mine, her body also rejected her patner´s energy after one day when everything looked ok. We can think that this was just a coincidence... but to be honest my body has sent me a lot of signs in life which make me believe in HOW WISE our bodies are and how many signs they sent to us about what´s wrong and what´s right for us. It applies to all areas of life and it´s absolutely amazing and beautiful how the divine speaks through our bodies.
Another example of that is the muscle test which I just have learnt some months ago and I applied already in one particular situation. As your soul and your heart know exactly what it´s for you and what is not if you center yourself and ask your soul to allow your body to answer you - as a receptor of divine answers - you will get the message. You will just get the answer because deep in your soul you know what it´s for you and what is not so you are just allowing yourself to get that answer in a conscious level - through your body.

More about:

Sunday 11 November 2012

A dream accomplished

One of my oldest dreams ever was accomplished recently. It submerged unexpectedly in my mind and took over my heart. I had to go to Venice. I don´t know why, I needed to go. I trusted God to manage my busy agenda to have time to at least book a hotel and have an idea about what to see or what to do. I organized myself and I prayed for the loads of my flights, to go and come back in the day I wanted without dramas or stress.
I did. I absolutely fell in love with Venice and I accomplished my dream. I went by myself and immersed my heart in the narrow streets of the beautiful San Marco, walked a loooooooooooot as it is a MUST of Venice. I came back fresh, new, with my soul breathing again, full of life and hope... feeling alive again!

I can officially say I´m in love with Venice. Can´t wait to be there again and another official annoucement I can´t live without the sea, river... water! I´m totally addicted to it!

Saturday 3 November 2012

Something to follow and keep an eye ON!

Beautiful like life... Recommended by moi to open your heart and soul!

Just silence and time can heal a heart... and so I wait.

Creating new dreams from the ashes...
Healing a heart who needs time...
Setting my goals, making decisions - being happy as I can be in this present moment!

Love to ALL


That´s exactly what has been happening during my absence from my blog - an enormous amount of emotions to deal with. One of my friends, in Doha, left the country for good. She made her decision (congratulations janeman!!), I supported her and I even packed some of her belongings with her to send back home. 
I met her this year thought we got attached to each other and we shared so many stories, smiles... I can´t believe how much I laughed with her here! We understand each other and when I most needed she showed me to be a true friend, opening her arms and heart, giving me such strenght in difficult moments.
I miss her so much, more than I expected. I´m sad, of course, but I know she is happier now in her country. 
It´s absolutely funny how we can meet someone and despite just being friends for some months we feel so connected, anxious to share so many things in life :)

I miss you my sweet indian! 

Thursday 18 October 2012

Sabah - by Ruba Nadda

Another movie written and directed by Ruba Nadda for who I admire for exploring love and culture delicately and beautifully, forcing people to THINK and ACCEPT differences!

Sabah tells us a story about love, culture and acceptance. 
What I love about Ruba is her simple way of telling us stories ready to consume - drink, digest and accept. They are absolutely pure, without any complications, they are so true as human nature and the characters are always fabulous, making us feel like one of them. They express everybody´s feelings and that´s why I completely adore her movies! Since Cairo Time I became her fan and today I watched sabah, which was edited 4 years before Cairo Time but still touches the wound of many people - the culture differences. 
I think that´s why I like her movies.... 

Wednesday 17 October 2012

No words required - the music speaks for itself...

Wednesday 3 October 2012

WOW - I should say!

My life is moving again... new friends arriving, friendships getting deeper and deeper and new challenges on the way!

For those who know me, I don´t dare to try a dance floor if I don´t know the basic steps of a dance - I just don´t! I will stay watching and trying to learn and figure it out if that suits or not my soul.
So, yesterday, I had a BIG challenge - SALSA night! What?? Yes, salsa night! I was invited by a new friend and I felt like going just to make some company and... watch! 
But someone UPSTAIRS had bigger plans for me (Thank YOU!!) and I found myself being leaded by all the new friends I met. Another challenge for me - for a person who is used to be THE man, woman and everything in one single pack called moi, being leaded was the biggest challenge of all, forget the steps...
Trusting in somebody´s movement, somebody´s hands to touch your hands to lead you and being close to someone (body by body) is far more difficult than memorizing the steps... so, I accepted the challenge and I made it... somehow!

I was just wondering how can people think that oriental dance is sensual and provocative and salsa is completely acceptable. You have to SEE people dancing salsa from all their guts, body to body, heart to heart... It´s absolutely fascinating, it will catch your eyes, your heart and rythm, but still, oriental dance is the evil... and you dance alone... I think I´ve been missing something here!

Sunday 16 September 2012

What is happening with the world?

In a very rare and relaxing moment I found myself watching TV tonight. For those who know me they will tell you that this didn't happen... but it did! While eating tonight I felt like watching TV and try to catch up the lastest news.
I realized why I don't see TV, all that negative news from all over the world can depress even the most optimistic person. So, I finish that "news session" asking myself what is happening with the world? Why is everybody fighting? It's seems that no one can escape now from having protesters on the street, a civil war, victims etc etc. I seriously just can ask what is happening?
Intead of trying to communicate with our neighbours we get angry.
Instead of trying to understand other cultures we insult and attack.

And I ask again, what is happening?

Thursday 13 September 2012

Living in the Middle East makes us aware of, obviously, happens in the nearest countries.
Today, when reading the news on the internet I found something I did not know about - the video which is shocking Muslims. To be honest, I saw an excert of the video and I felt disgusted with the content.
No one has the right to atack other's religion/point of view, person etc - absolutely no one! Unfortunatelly the video was horribly made atacking a religion which spreads love - like all religions.

The thing is: we shouldn't attack others because we don't understand them or because we do not agree with them or do not follow their religion. You should instead accept their differences as a blessing and live with each other in peace!

Thursday 6 September 2012

How blessing the darkness can be!

I admit I have been through a LOT since I moved to a new country. I have been facing my fears, my insecurities, etc... a lot of darkness indeed. It's not easy to move alone, adapt to a new culture and language but most of all the process of growing PLUS all the rest has its ups and downs. At the end that's what makes the ride worthy...

Sometimes we reach the point, as I felt so many times while standing for myself in the past, thus some other moments we feel like we don't know anything anymore - am I learning something new today? Have I been listening to me lately? We question ourselves a lot of things!

So, while dealing with all the questions, darkness, how to overcome everything etc I've diving into a tons of seminars available on line, looking for books, reading articles - a bunch of good stuff! or sometimes, just stuff... and it turns out that what I thought it wasn't making any effect in fact it's making! I'm learning a lot with all the things I have listening to, reading and re-reading. It has been a ride, I must say!

Thursday 16 August 2012

Some weeks ago I moved house here in Doha.

The story started some time ago when I felt like moving into a house with a friend or with someone I knew simply because I didn't want to go through the same experience I had. Sharing a house always takes a lot of commitement and tolerance and if it seems easy, believe me, it's not. Sometimes it's not easy to share with a family so imagine with someone you barerly know! So, I wanted to move desesperatly but all my effort was heading me to zero. There was no flat available for me. I accepted the idea that all my prayers weren't being answered because it wasn't time for me to move. I had something to learn about that experience... and today I can see that. After some time, when I wasn't event thinking about moving house, I got the opportunity to do it. I looked to the sky I said "really? I wasn't thinking about moving anymore... Are you telling me that the lesson was accomplished and I can do it now?". After thinking a bit about moving house and said to myself "Let's try, if my request is approved then it was because was written...". So, I left to Heaven's will to decide what was better for me. And the answer was YES! I think I still can't thank enough about it. I moved to a better house and I'm much happier than before! The house has more light, even if my room is smaller at the same time the closet has much more space to stow all my things (and how many things we have and don't realize...!!!!). The house looks like... a home! The sofa in the living room is perfect to take a nap in the afternoon and I see myself taking even better meals, specially breakfast, than before. I never skip a good breakfast now.
There's no rush, I just manage the time perfectly before going to work.
Oh and from my room I have a beautiful balcony where the birds come to sing in the morning. I feel much better and blessed in this new house... just the privilege of listening to birds in my morning can change my mood like this :)
About my new flatmate so far I couldn't be more happy. She is tolerant, communicative, funny and has a good heart!
What a change it in my mood hein?! :)
The process of moving was funny tought. Even before moving, or getting the approval I felt like they would say yes, so I set my mind to start packing my stuff and sending to one of my friend's house, who lives in the same compound. The first 3 (some big) suitcases, one heater and one cover were sent and it was funny how my friend was saying "everything will fit in the taxi, I'm telling you, it has to!". I remember when we entered the lift with the suitcases and were squeezed by them... ehehehe.
but this was nothing! Then, the BIG moving happened some weeks ago when another friend of mine, who fortunately was also off, came to help me. From packing (because I didn't have time to pack everything as I arrived late the previous day of my moving from work) and stowing everything in the taxi it took more than one whole morning since 9 or 10 am. Almost at 12pm we finished packing and started to do trips ex-house - new house by taxi... 3 journeys, some phone calls, new keys and the move was done! My house was a mess, of course, and after breaking the fast with my friend who helped a LOT that day I started to feel like home. At night another friend came to help me and it was amazing how quick things went once she came and said "Yalla, let's go" - she reminded me how my mum is like this, like a militar as I say for fun.

I was in my new house and after everything was stowed I felt like I could start again a new life.

Monday 30 July 2012

Fasting under 43 degrees but mostly under AC

I decided to fast this year on my days off while I'm on ground to experience the meaning of the Ramadan.
I always found the reasons behind fasting very beautiful and for the first time today when I friend asked me to eat something I felt very proud to say I was fasting. My fasting is still not perfect, I admit, but for the first time I'm not that bad... and I'm happy. Of course having a friend fasting as well, for the first time like me and for the same reasons, is also motivating because we cook together for us and break the fast together and celebrate. In a near future we will celebrate the Iftar in some good restaurant around and truely feel the spirit of Ramadan. And I'm happy!
It's not just about the words you said
It's not just about your voice that is beautiful for me
It's not just the way you used to blink your eyes to me
It's the way I love you and the way my soul is connected with yours.
I can not change. You are part of me.


Tuesday 17 July 2012

Sometimes I get surprised with my own strenght...

God is definitely fantastic and gave me such a power within that I really don't know from where it comes. The way I reborn from the ashes is surprising for me and I give all the rights to God/Universe who made me like this... this strenght comes from above for sure and from its LOVE.
Yesterday I was completely broken but I do believe I'm such a blessed person that the Universe sent me the right friends, and so a friend of mine managed to calm me down. It wasn't easy but she gave me the support I needed at that moment and I re-borned from the ashes.
Yesterday I read an article about love myths and love reality. I wandered about the subject for a while and I made my own conclusions. I took what was written and digested every word of it. I completely agreed in some aspects which were written and from those 5 myths I particularly selected the next ones:

1 - Love is not enough.
 We all heard this one and we can love or hate this quote but here it is what I realized: love is not enough but is in fact the big part of the thing! Of course we have to love the person is next to us but by saying this I'm not avoiding or hiding aspects that I might not like that much in that person. I am just accepting totally that person because I DO love her/him as a soul. Love is in fact the most important thing but there is also the compatibility. Since I was young I used to say, without realizing in fact what I was saying at that time, that love is not enough. You have to share the same lifestyle/way of thinking with the other person. Of course you can disagree about your favourite colour or some aspects of life, but, as long as you accept each other and RESPECT each others' opinion things can definitely work! Sharing the some principles is definitely important for me.

2 - If it's true love we will never fight.
Of course you will! This is one of the biggest myths ever. Even when we find our soulmate, we will fight. People need to comunicate, we are a social being and we will agree and disagree with people because we are all unique and nobody is like us. Plus, sometimes we are tired and the other will take something we say in a wrong way. It happens and it can happen! It is so normal to fight from time to time that is pointless to explore more this point here. The important message to keep is that one argument is not going to ruin your love story or all the love is going to fade away. In fact we can learn a LOT by having an argument with someone. We can learn about the other, how to listen more carefully and how to deal with that person (love partner or family or friends), being tolerant and patient... with love.

Monday 16 July 2012

So many books and so little time....

After 10 days of deserved holidays I came back to Qatar, willing to read books like crazy, take care of myself and find a new me. Reading books, meditate and stay with myself and GOD is my number 1 priority as the Holy month is starting on 19th July.

Ramadan Kareem!

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Written on 3rd July:

God is extremely wonderful. When I least deserve love that's when we send me HIS gifts and put people around me giving me love unconditionally.
Another day, while working, I must admit that my mood wasn't the best. I was very quiet, I wasn't saying anything or something nice to my colleagues, as I usually do. I wasn't even joking or making fun of something to make others happy, as I usually do.
I was with my thoughts and I was feeling blue and despite my mood, the thing is, my colleagues were somehow nice, somehow in little details they were expressing love... telling me to sit down and rest a bit, as I was working a lot or, at this time, making me laugh!
I felt good and I realized how good God is! I think we all deserve love, in good days and bad days and I experienced it... we deserve love anytime and we should receive it without regret!

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Sometimes we share 4 days with people who end up turning like a family to us... & I feel so blessed and HAPPY about it... this is a true bliss of life!

Monday 18 June 2012

- "He is my skin, my life, my heart, my soul..."

- "Well, if he is everywhere, then it's love..."

I did it!

30 min in the treadmill today and some stretching! I'm naturally skinny but it doesn't necessarily mean  that I'm fit and lately I have seen myself tired just for doing nothing. So, you can imagine how fit I am....
So, today was THE DAY! I said to myself it was time to face the gym - yes, I absolutely avoid/ignore/hate gym!! - but the treadmill it's better because it also helps my legs' circulation.
30 min in the treadmill, maybe 2 minutes in the bike and stretching!

A good way to start... being fit! (Let's see if it lasts.... ahahahah)

Dreams can change everyday. Yesterday I could have had a dream and today, after what I experienced I can have another dream. I do believe that new dreams are always welcome. That's what keeps us going on and on and seek for more.
Yesterday my dreams were different. Today, one of those dreams was acomplished - I moved country exactly one year ago. I remember all my fears, insecurities... everything! Today, I don't fear the same (do I? Well, at least I don't fear to live in Doha anymore eheheh). So, I made it... and it wasn't that bad! Actually, I'm very proud of myself, well, I really should!! What expected me was huge! I faced so many things in 1 year that I had to manage somehow... maybe this is the process of getting a real adult!
I'm facing my fears and my darkness (oh my, please, go away, give me a break pleeeease!!), I'm loosing insecurities from the past, I'm learning about myself and what I really want. My definition of love, friendship is totally different now. Today, I'm more pure I should say. There is no masks, there is no need to please anyone anymore, there is just ME, purely.
After seeing so many things in the company I work, on board and around the world (well, everywhere) shaped me for sure! I saw people using each other just for pleasure (feelings, where are the feelings, emotions, love??), I saw people being childish, nasty, arrogant, mean, stupidity in almost all kind of ways (maybe that's more, we never know...).
Once we get to see all of these things it's impossible to not get different. I do believe I did not turn out being a bitch but turn out to be more human and appreciate life differently as I changed and give more importance to what is real and from the HEART!
So, what others called crazyness, others courage... happened! For me, I just followed my intuition. I didn't know what to expect (at all!!), I said to myself over and over again "let's try" and I felt I had to come! It has been an incredible experience full of up's and down's and  I'm grateful!
Today, I have good friends here, people whom I love and love me back, I feel comfortable and know how do manage my daily life within this country (and its crazy crazy definitions of life). What makes a place is without any doubt the people you know, your friends!
I'm very happy for having such good (REAL) friends here... in this desert called Doha!
I know... you might be wondering: What about her family and friend from her country?
Those never leave my heart! My family and my REAL friends who live in my country (very few at the moment but the REAL ones!!) I miss everyday and I got used to miss them everyday... as well as my LOVE! 

Sunday 10 June 2012

Another passion of mine...

Is absolutely amazing the way I surprise and discover myself everyday. Today, I discovered (or re-discovered) I like the stationery near my house. Some places in Doha make me feel absolutely connected with myself: Virgin Megastore (at Villagio Mall which unfortunatelly is closed due the fire it suffered killing people - I'm still shocked I must say), Jarir Bookshop and now Stationery Shop. 
Some places fascinate me or I feel myself enchanted in those places, where I can relax, take my time to explore books, music and check all the simple details of life in a new book, a new pen or post-its - my lovely post-its! Yes, life is absolutely wonderful, we just need to STOP and FEEL!
Is it easy? Not everytime or not at the first sight (our brain is most of the time busy being negative or feeding an ego), but believe me, it worth it! It worth to feel umconfortable, set the ego free, set yourself actually free to enjoy the simple things of life! Even if it starts with a simple post-it that you are going to use to read books and learn arabic - something you were wishing for soooo long!

Friday 1 June 2012

Do like the butterfly... spread your beauty by flying away.

Respect yourself, love all your cells and heart.

Go, live and love.

Photo by my lenses and heart, taken in Indonesia :)

Thursday 17 May 2012

Flying can bring interesting, emotional, sad and happy situations into our daily routine

Receiving a kiss from an old lady full of love where I could feel an autentic way of gratitude, honesty, humanity filled my heart another day, as well as, an emotional life story who someone shared with me.
Sometimes we don't know the impact we have in other's lives doing something so small and so big at the same time. These two situations made me realized that I really do things for the others without expecting nothing in return. I just do it with an open heart because, fortunatelly, my parents and life taught me how to be human in the chaos and to put myself in other's shoes. My heart was immerse in love when the lady thank me with a gentle kiss and my heart felt emotional (and the tears almost rolled in my face) when someone shared his story with me and appreciated what I did.

Flying is a tiring life that most of us don't even realize it. The most positive part is to touch other's hearts and feel the human kind in such small things of life. More than destinations, funny or horrible situations, rudeness and kindness, what I keep for myself are the values, the humanity and the simple treasures of life. Like LOVE. True Love.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

This a public announcement:

If you want to test your nerves with sexual harassment you must come to Doha!

There are days that is almost impossible. It is too much that you end up like me saying a lot of bad words in your language or just like today looking directly to the hunter and say "seriously?" (translation: are you really trying to hunt me instead of driving?????)
The importance of being... in the present!

Every time I get sick I always analize my life to see where I was making any mistake. I believe that when we get sick is because we were running too fast or paying less attention to ourselves.
So, it was with me. Of course eating a salad that it turns out to be spoiled was one of the reasons to get sick but everytime this happens I allow my body, mind and soul to relax to recover fully... and I analize how much attention I was paying to myself or not. The brightest part of being sick is to re-connect with yourself. There's no way to escape it. You may not even recognize it but you re-connect with yourself automatically because you have to give attention to yourself. You feel the pain, all the umconfortable symptoms etc and you have to slow down and say to yourself "ok, let's heal, let's stop and recover. I give myself all the time to recover. I'm here for you (body)". When you say so, or when I say so, I release part of my anxiety of being good within 2 minutes. When I stop and say "ok, I admit I was rushing too much lately, I'm sorry. Let's take time to heal and recover" actually I'm saying "you (body) worth all the time of the world. You are the physical part of me who supports me and gives me everything I need to experience the physical world. You are a temple and so I give you the attention because I love you, you are perfect because you are Universe's Creation".

So, yes, I was sick yesterday and one of my friends came to help me. The pain on my body was too much to even stand up. So, we spoke, she made me company and cooked for me something light and plain to eat. Today I'm much much better. I believe I surrounded myself by love and because I rested a lot it made me recover faster. Though, I'm still introducing food slowly into my body. Everything is plain and light for now. And some minutes ago I was listening music and feeling grateful for everything in my life. For a healthy body recovering from food poisoning, for the will of reconnecting with myself more than ever and for the beautiful and blessed moments to come!

Saturday 12 May 2012

What Doha taugh me so far:

- To grow up! To do, to be, to laugh with myself;

- Things won't be like you want but how they have to be.
- To organize my time, my agenda and prioritize what is important.

- To recognize what really makes sense to my heart.

- To be with myself and enjoy it so badly!

- To (really) select my friends and feel blessed for it.

- To be stronger in my values and feel them so strong within my guts! (I never knew they were so strong till I face all the bullshits I did).

- To see clearly what I want and how living intensely everyday and every feeling can change the way you dance and express yourself truely!

- Things are always different when you live in a different country, when you immerse in a new culture and ways of thinking but this is what makes you lift up! and understand we are all one. We all seek for love and peace and try to do our best in everything. Just forgive and let it go.

- To be more human with others.

- Opening the heart to our energy will attract what is for us, people, situations, etc.

- Listening to the heart is the best way to live your OWN life and not with others expect from you.

- To see how much I simply LOVE my family, pets, true friends - miss them a LOT everyday!

- Real LOVE... how it moves our life completely, beautifully, deeply. The only way to live within our hearts.

Today I was speaking with a friend about detachment. I had the opportunity to analize my life lately and I realized I am detaching myself from some friends. I was feeling really bad about it. I like them, they are nice people but somehow it makes me bad to stay in their company. I feel like I have to be another person or just half of the person I am... and I am so intense and rich! After the most amazing experience of awakening in Egypt some weeks ago I naturally started to detach myself from some people and I didn't realize it till someone asked me why I was so quiet lately.
I realized then, besides enjoying these people as nice persons they are, somehow they don't make me good. I really like these friends but I can not accept to be less than I am. I have to respect myself and ignore the social meetings which will afect my essence.
I struggled with this feeling for some weeks but I decided to let go. I have to think about myself first and without hurting anybody I naturally detached myself from bad energies I was dealing with. I like these people and I will always send them good energies but I should not go out with them just because they expect me to go. I will go out with them only when my heart is saying "go" and now my heart is saying "stay with yourself".

I do not intend to hurt anybody and specially myself.
I am just detaching from what/who doesn't make me good. It took a lot of time to see it. I felt really bad but I respect my feelings and I choose myself and my heart.

Saturday 28 April 2012

A beautiful text that we all should read:
(in portuguese)
Some time ago I felt a strong need to go to Egypt. I didn't know why or what should I do there but I felt a very strong need to go. It was stronger than me that feeling!

I asked my best friend for guidance and she read the cards for me. Yes, I had to go. Something would change for me and that trip was the turning point.

Some days before travelling everything was booked and prepared but I was so tired that I was asking myself "ok, I'm going there because......?". Well, I didn't have an asnwer in my mind but my heart knew it somehow.

So, I went to Cairo first before getting another flight to my destination. At the airport I met one of my colleagues from work and it made me feel so happy to see a familiar face next to me! We exchanged our numbers and keep in touch as we think the same way about living/working and enjoying life here.

Full of excitement and tiredness I waited for the next flight... and I arrived to my destination!

The last day I decided to walk a bit and photograph one mosque that was being built, I remembered passing by bus and saying to myself "I have to come to photograph this mosque".
So, I went and I meet someone next to the mosque that I thought to be another seller trying to convince me that his shop was different from the others. I went, don't know why, maybe because I can't say NO.
What happened inside that shop was, far from my imagination, where I would receive something magic for my soul. I found the reason why I went to Sharm el Sheik and why I was in that shop talking about perfumes, oils and papyrus.
The person I met is an angel with human body. We talked, he read my soul and the palm of my hand, I cried and he healed me. I gained a guru from an expected place in my life. I felt a light coming into me saying "this is why you came here". At that time I understood. I went to Egypt to be healed. Now, I'm light, I feel and I live in the present moment.

Thank you Universe for this present. I thank myself for allowing me to follow my heart which has ALWAYS the answers! If I hadn't follow my heart I wouldn't be so happy and who I am today.
Thank you LIFE.
Thank you Universe.
Thank you Walid.

Sunday 22 April 2012

There is one place on earth I truely admire, LOVE and RESPECT: EGYPT!

Where everything begins....

Where, actually, my life began and made/makes sense!
Establishing limits

I confess, I have a problem establishing limits. I seriously don't like that. For me, everybody should understand my limits naturally and respect my space before my mouth saying something. This is what I would like to have but unfortunatelly/fortunatelly is not like that. I understand that we are all diferent and due our differences people can not guess exactly my limits and I understand that.

Though, this has been a struggle for me since I'm sharing the house with someone I did not choose to live with.

After struggling about whys and hows I thought to myself that imposing limits is also about choosing either with who I speak and share my thoughts and with who I do not.

After my discovery I felt a little bit better about the situation as I said to myself it was enough. I allowed someone to try to destroy my kindness and it was almost impossible to believe I have allowed so. When I said enough I was actually saying to myself I deserve happiness and good people surrounding me. Why shoud I put myself in a place where someone can hurt me or be rude with me? I have done it again but now I know.

Saturday 21 April 2012

The most positive aspect of travelling non-stop is the opportunity you have to meet special friends of your life who live in another part of the world.

Here I share with you, my introduction to Japonese food in... Brazil!!

Thank you, Marina, for this wonderful lunch and afternoon with you! Crossing fingers for the next time! :)

I was planning to write here before but I've been suffering from lack of time, jet lag and having problems with internet connection all over the world!

As usual, I've been super busy. Till here, there's no news about myself. Who knows me, knows I'm always doing something or planning something to do. The good news is I've started to plan the next East Fest Lisbon - Portugal 2013 with my dearest friend and dancer Cris Aysel. We both feel so much joy in planning everything from our hearts! Despite the crisis we both believe everything will work out better than ever!

 At the beginning of the month I also gained an amazing friend in my life who supports me in everything I do and help me to have faith and move forward with my dreams. The best part, I must admit, is that he is not trying to buy me either my soul to get something in return (as I've seen so many times in this country or... in these men!). In a short period of time we feel like pure brothers and I'm sure God sent him to be my friend. It wasn't just a coincidence. It was meant to be. For the first time I can truly trust a MAN to be my friend in this country. Finally!

In the another hand someone I thought to be my friend showed me his interests about me. There is nothing wrong about being interested about a person but I confess I cried once I got home. I felt like, showing his interest towards me was like forcing myself to change into someone I am not! It was completely weird and the situation made me feel really bad. Once again, trusting someone (MALE gender) to be your friend here is a challenge!

To add, another friend, is showing everytime to be very stressed and not supportive about me. I do believe she cares for me a lot as I also care about her, but sometimes, you want to help someone and you do not help at all when you try to assert something as the "right thing to do".
And about this I just need to say "there is no right or wrong in life". I learned with life.
You are you and no one can change you! You are the master of your life, as I am the master of my life & I declare I live by the heart and no one as the power to change me as I did not give permission for it!

Apart from some normal stresses of life I've been also planning some journeys to do, have been looking for books like crazy (I can't control myself when I see a bookshop) and I also have enjoying the wonderful presence of my real friends just to relax/chill out and speak things from the heart.
Oh yes, I'm very blessed about the people who sorrounds me with whom I can speak about God and LOVE!

The rest that doesn't suit me anymore, I'll deal with... asking for God's guidance every day and night.
I release all the things that don't make me good/are useless in the present moment.

Sunday 8 April 2012

How everything started...

Yesterday and today I'm thinking about how everything started for me, some months before coming do Doha. I remember the girls I met in my interview, 2 of them I had the privilege to met in Doha again and are the best portuguese friends I could have here.

I remember being seated with one girl in a hotel in the North of the country waiting for the final interview when she said "I think we all will pass this interview". In her words I could feel somehow that she was right, that we really would pass this final test and the probability of coming to Qatar was huge! I felt excited and nervous at the same time. I knew this would change my life forever. All my habits, routines, mind, ideas... but I guess, never my heart and those I love.

So, she was right. And so I came do Doha. During the 3 months since I got the call and I got into the airplane I had to manage a lot of emotions. It was hard to say bye and dive into a new world alone.
I came without knowing anybody, and today, after 10 months here I feel I can move easily. Of course I still struggle with some daily things but we will always struggle with something in our daily life.
Tough I feel my experience here is not going to last many years I feel this is my place now to grow and learn about myself deeply. I feel I'm preparing myself to the BIG step of my life: decide where to live, what to do and fight for my love.
I truely believe Doha was/is meant for me now. Its strong and heavy energy is helping me (in some kind of painful way sometimes) to break the ties I had with the past so I can be free from within and smile whitin my soul!

This journey has been a wonderful experience, full of lessons... and thank God, I got to know real friends!

Thursday 5 April 2012

Have I mentioned lately how WONDERFUL & BEAUTIFUL life is?

Life is ALL of that!
Maybe is the Spring coming, maybe is the re-connection I am doing with myself & the Divine Source. 
If you want the Universe to help you, you have to help yourself first! That's what I am doing :)

Friday 30 March 2012

The turning point

Today I experienced the turning point. After talking with a girl I know from my building yesterday she left me an invitation "Come to church with me tomorrow, everything will be ok". 
I was struggling trying to find an excuse to not go till I felt inside my heart and said "why shouldn't I try? Maybe there is a reason why she said that to me even without knowing me well and anyway she is so kind. Maybe something good can happen and it can be a turning point".

It was. Without any kind of expectation from my side. I took the best of it. This different church I found with these 2 wonderful future friends made me feel why I'm in Doha today. I felt emotional a couple of times in the church, I cried a bit and more when I reached my house. I felt like cleaning my soul. It was the turning point. The day I felt so cared by two people I barely know, the day I saw a different church where there is no images, just energy and where I heard "God does not seek a religion, God seeks a relationship". I was amazed (in positive way!) when I heard this! I always believed that GOD is present in all religions and Is ONE, no matter which name you call HIM. God is LOVE and all religions teach you LOVE. 
That's what I believe! but during my youth the way they taugh me religion wasn't according to this and that's why I was so surprised and happy when I heard someone saying today that God does not seek a religion but a connection with all of us. I heard this from a church and I'm very happy that the message of universal love is passing by like this.
I truly believe you it doesn't matter if you follow any kind of religion, if you are spiritual, follow your heart then God is within you because HE IS. I believe we have a precious ocean of divine love within us waiting to flow.

So, today, it was my turning point. After crying a lot when I reached home I understood a lot of things happening in my life and I'm feeling very blessed! I understood:
- Why I'm living in this country and facing my darkest fears
- Why I needed to experience some problems in my life right now
- I have met the right persons here who believe in the same I do.

I'm very grateful for today's blessings because TODAY it was the turning point. Today, I realized so many things! and today, after so long time, I could see auras again. Step by step I'm re-connecting with myself, I am cleaning my soul from all the fears, darkness and storms, I am reaching my heart, I am connecting with the Inner Source/Universe/God more than ever and today I decided there is no more tomorrows to do something for me. Today is the day to start caring more for me and my dreams and I am very happy I started to open my heart for good, once again.

And something helped me a lot and came to my mind like a flash today... everytime we clean the dust from the furniture, the dust comes up so we can clean deeper and deeper. So, in order to remove all my fears I have to go deep, I have to touch them like we do with the dust in the furniture, I have to recognize these fears so I clean them. So, there's nothing wrong about recognizing the fears, it just means you/I are/am commited to clean them! I'm cleaning the house, my Sanctuary within.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

About books and stories

I have forgotten to write about the last book I read "My jouney with the angels".
This book can be an inspiration for those who suffered/suffer rejection or that strange look from people who don't understand what are we talking about when we speak about the angels.
Patricia, the author, suffered a lot since her youth because she was blessed with the gift of seeing angels. In the book you can feel amazed by the signs and things she sees/saw but you also can feel how hard her life was specially till her 20s. Sometimes you can even think "how did she managed to survive to all of this? To all this suffering?" and I guess the answer is easy, she just holded on to an enormous faith she has in their angels who never left her even when she tried to don't see them and ignore them.
It's a beautiful and strong story that will hold you till the end. The book/Her story is full of signs, beautiful moments and moments of real life which can be sometimes painful and joyful.
After I read books I always feel like one charpter has ended and another one is coming - maybe in a form of another book! and now I can think about what happened after reading this book. Some time later when with a friend of mine she said something like the spiritual people who really want to connect with the Source/Universe always go through moments of darkness and survive to emotional states that nobody can imagine. If I think about Patricia's story, I have to agree with my friend!
Despite all the darkness you/we can face we can always hold into our faith to go through. Sometimes it takes time to heal, to recover but we always get there.

Friday 16 March 2012

Writen on 15th March:

I could say that days have been passing by but you all know about it. The truth is that I've been managing emotions for a while till I headed off to my country for another 5days of holidays, this time, more prepared in my mind for it and emotional seeking too much for reach my destination. This time it was imperative to go. I really wanted to stay with my family and recharge my energies as my grandma turned into an angel few days before. Since that day I really felt down and I tried to heal myself being quiet... within, I must confess, I was crying. Going to my country (a long journey of at least 12h and 24h awake) made me feel better, as well as having good friends who supported me on my pain.
These days in my country were absolutely amazing. I really felt that I slept, I huged from my heart my beloved ones without fears, I ran after my pets and I visited my sweet grandpa. Tought it was just 5 days in my country I felt like it were 15. The time seemed longer than the previous time in January and I felt good to be/see/hug/love my family and friends. I don't have to say how much good it was, I guess you can feel by my words.
It was also very special because I had some answers that I was seeking for. Without expecting anything, for real, I received beautiful pearls of wisdom through a card reading.
Despite all I'm facing since I moved to Doha and despite all dificulties I still have and face in my daily life and in my personal life, with all the ups and downs, I feel recharged!
Hopefully my energy is not going to fade away once I land in Doha and this beautiful energy of love will last! For now, I just want to think about how much love I have inside myself and how much of this love I don't express or allow myself to feel.

Saturday 3 March 2012

In a world of chaos I discovered I still can feel my heart.

I allowed myself to have a break from all the chaotic life I've been through. I met my friends and we went to another country nearby where we live. What I discovered was more than I expected, it was more than just sightseeing. It was like breathing, enjoying simple details of life. The most beautiful experience was being in a beautiful and absolutely peaceful mosque and listening the call for prayer and seeing with my heart people praying all together like real brothers. It was absolutely beautiful and I felt so in peace like I don't feel for some time. It touched my heart and I got emotional a couple of times, with tears in my eyes. I felt God there. I felt Love.

The proof that God is everywhere.

Sunday 26 February 2012

I have been working a lot and time has been less to write altought I feel an enormous will to do it.

Lately I've been going through a lot of stressing moments, situations and problems to solve. I allowed myself to have a break of 2 days off outside the country I live where I'll meet very dear friends and hopefully, alone and with them I'll come out fresh and new, stronger than ever.

Heading off to the airport with this one within my heart, filling my cells and my soul:

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Too much happening in my life and too many things to process lately...

Another day I was talking with a friend and we just realized that some people when reaching a good position in their jobs (in their country or abroad) completely forget from where they came from and they are consumed by the power. For me it's very sad seeing this happening and unfortunately I've seen a bit of it!
Thanks God, I don't forget from where I came from, who I am, my values... and I hope to be ALWAYS like that. Amen.

Sunday 12 February 2012

I just accepted some days ago

That I will LOVE you for the rest of my LIFE and it's ok.

I will LOVE you every minute of my existence because you are part of my SOUL and it's ok.

Even if we are not meant to meet this life anymore, I just want to say that I will wait for you my next life or another next lives to come. I wait for you, for us, to be ready and one.
You are PART of me and I love you unconditionally. And it's ok.
I surrender. I can't do anything to make you close to me. You are already close to me in my heart and soul. Forever. It was written by the stars and all the Angels. And it's ok if we can't be together this lifetime. It has to be ok. I love you deeply. And it's ok.

I have been diving into dark and reflexive moments lately.
I have been thinking and struggling with my unknown sadness for some long but I realized that these moments are priceless and precious as they awake us to something!
I have been fine, I just have been very honest with myself to recognize that something is wrong. I have been praying, holding to my faith and being in silence. Silence is a very powerful tool to heal our wounds and I'm taking it fully so I can also heal myself.

It's definitely time to heal.

Monday 6 February 2012

Ideas and subjects to post are always flowing in my mind but sometimes I just don't have time to write everything and then I tend to forget!

Lately I've been thinking what makes you to get along with some people who turn into your friends and what's the recipe to get a good relationship with someone.

Of course there's no recipes at all, you just try everyday to be better or do better in the relationship and that's the only way you can discover what works for you or not.

During all my teen period I always said that it doesn't matter if you agree 100% with the person about one subject but as long as you two have the same life style then things can work. So, I have been saying this since I was teenager and I still say the same. Actually I can't expect people to think like me and have the same opinion but I just realized, now even more, that what makes you closer to a person is your values.
The most interesting part is that you can find the same values you have in another cultures or nationalities sometimes without realizing it. The Universe is extremelly generous with you when you are blessed with such good friends from different parts of the world and when you look deep you can see how much you have in common!

Monday 30 January 2012

Going through ups and downs like a carousel!
Lately I have been silent for so many reasons. Besides trying to manage a very busy life when I sleep just God knows how many (few) hours, work like crazy and professionally I'm also trying to deal and manage my private life. Between my homeland and where I live, between a confused heart and a confused mind, between worries here and there. I'm sure this is just one phase which will pass soon but there is some obstacules that I have to deal with. I have to open my heart in order to listen to my inner voice and to what it's saying. Everything will be perfect, I just need to organize my ideas and to listen to myself, and for that, I need silence :)

Thursday 19 January 2012

It was another ordinary day of flying but this time full of beautiful white snow outside
The snow made my day and made me feel like a child enjoying a sweet.

I was working a lot and I barerly notice details when I stopped and in front of me was a lady wearing a beautiful necklace with a Nefertiti. I thought "How come I didn't notice it before?"
No, I think I couldn't see it before till I really have to sit and in front of me was that lady. I felt my heart saying that Egypt is calling for me and how much I miss it.
The funny was, she could be seated in one of the 200 somethings seats available and I could be seated somewhere but somehow we were seated in front of each other and she was wearing something very special for me... it was like saying "hi, here is Egypt again!".

Life is absolutely curious :)

Monday 16 January 2012

4 full days have passed like a tornado in my country and I'm already in Doha.

Once I land in my city I started to feel akward, I really don't know if it's normal after some months apart from our countries or not but I felt strange. 

I had a fantastic reception at the airport with my friends and family and some tears rolled through my face. These 4 days were full of people, lack of sleep so I could enjoy every minute with each of them. I felt tired all the time because a suddenly allergy appeared and I confess I didn't stop a minute but I do not regret. I enjoyed every minute. 
And I got the chance to assimilate all my time spent around the world while in my country. I stopped for a bit and I realized how much I changed. Still, I do not know how MUCH I am changed... maybe I'll always find it out along the way...

And I think that I'm feeling down for some time now. Maybe it's another desert in front of me to go through!
Rome, 10th January 2012

Everytime I thought about coming to my country my heart jumped of hapiness and I could feel my anxiety for being with my beloved ones. I said to a friend that I would arrive in Europe and cry but the fact is that I was so tired of being awake almost 24h that I couldn't drop one single tear. While listening to my music I remembered all the obstacules I went through to arrive here, at this point of my life. I have to be so much proud of myself. I can see how much I grew up. I went through all these challenges and I am proud of myself.
I feel more mature, more peaceful, more sociable and at the same time more reserved.
It is funny how I define myself sometimes, like opposites! but the truth is that we are made of opposites which complete yourselves.
Today, I feel myself asking more questions, being truely independent, talking and having fun with unknown people on the street and trusting God, I can talk and give a bit of myself without giving too much. I can be true.
While I write these lines at Rome International Airport I think about my life... and I can't say anything besides I'm happy today for coming home to embrace love!
There is a place where we always found ourselves: inside our hearts, in communion  with our roots/family and in the arms of your soul mate.
Time to go. Let's see if I cry in Lisbon...

(Actually I cried while in Rome Airport...)
Beautiful article writen in portuguese that I decided to share with all of you.
I suggest you to use an online tranlator in order to get an idea about what it says because it really worth it!
The title is "God by Spinoza".

Deus segundo Spinoza

“Pára de ficar rezando e batendo o peito! O que eu quero que faças é que saias pelo mundo e desfrutes de tua vida. Eu quero que gozes, cantes, te divirtas e que desfrutes de tudo o que Eu fiz para ti.
Pára de ir a esses templos lúgubres, obscuros e frios que tu mesmo construíste e que acreditas ser a minha casa.
Minha casa está nas montanhas, nos bosques, nos rios, nos lagos, nas praias. Aí é onde Eu vivo e aí expresso meu amor por ti.
Pára de me culpar da tua vida miserável: Eu nunca te disse que há algo mau em ti ou que eras um pecador, ou que tua sexualidade fosse algo mau.
O sexo é um presente que Eu te dei e com o qual podes expressar teu amor, teu êxtase, tua alegria. Assim, não me culpes por tudo o que te fizeram crer.
Pára de ficar lendo supostas escrituras sagradas que nada têm a ver comigo. Se não podes me ler num amanhecer, numa paisagem, no olhar de teus amigos, nos olhos de teu filhinho... Não me encontrarás em nenhum livro!
Confia em mim e deixa de me pedir. Tu vais me dizer como fazer meu trabalho?
Pára de ter tanto medo de mim. Eu não te julgo, nem te critico, nem me irrito, nem te incomodo, nem te castigo. Eu sou puro amor.
Pára de me pedir perdão. Não há nada a perdoar. Se Eu te fiz... Eu te enchi de paixões, de limitações, de prazeres, de sentimentos, de necessidades, de incoerências, de livre-arbítrio. Como posso te culpar se respondes a algo que eu pus em ti? Como posso te castigar por seres como és, se Eu sou quem te fez? Crês que eu poderia criar um lugar para queimar a todos meus filhos que não se comportem bem, pelo resto da eternidade? Que tipo de Deus pode fazer isso?
Esquece qualquer tipo de mandamento, qualquer tipo de lei; essas são artimanhas para te manipular, para te controlar, que só geram culpa em ti. Respeita teu próximo e não faças o que não queiras para ti. A única coisa que te peço é que prestes atenção a tua vida, que teu estado de alerta seja teu guia.
Esta vida não é uma prova, nem um degrau, nem um passo no caminho, nem um ensaio, nem um prelúdio para o paraíso. Esta vida é o único que há aqui e agora, e o único que precisas.
Eu te fiz absolutamente livre. Não há prêmios nem castigos. Não há pecados nem virtudes. Ninguém leva um placar. Ninguém leva um registro.
Tu és absolutamente livre para fazer da tua vida um céu ou um inferno.
Não te poderia dizer se há algo depois desta vida, mas posso te dar um conselho. Vive como se não o houvesse. Como se esta fosse tua única oportunidade de aproveitar, de amar, de existir. Assim, se não há nada, terás aproveitado da oportunidade que te dei.
E se houver, tem certeza que Eu não vou te perguntar se foste comportado ou não. Eu vou te perguntar se tu gostaste, se te divertiste... Do que mais gostaste? O que aprendeste?
Pára de crer em mim - crer é supor, adivinhar, imaginar. Eu não quero que acredites em mim. Quero que me sintas em ti. Quero que me sintas em ti quando beijas tua amada, quando agasalhas tua filhinha, quando acaricias teu cachorro, quando tomas banho no mar.
Pára de louvar-me! Que tipo de Deus ególatra tu acreditas que Eu seja?
Me aborrece que me louvem. Me cansa que agradeçam. Tu te sentes grato? Demonstra-o cuidando de ti, de tua saúde, de tuas relações, do mundo. Te sentes olhado, surpreendido?... Expressa tua alegria! Esse é o jeito de me louvar.

Pára de complicar as coisas e de repetir como papagaio o que te ensinaram sobre mim. A única certeza é que tu estás aqui, que estás vivo, e que este mundo está cheio de maravilhas. Para que precisas de mais milagres? Para que tantas explicações?

Não me procures fora! Não me acharás. Procura-me dentro... aí é que estou, batendo em ti.

Baruch Spinoza.

Monday 9 January 2012

Packing and heading off to my country - soon, very soon!!

Can't wait to hug my family and my real friends. Doha has been a great lesson so far, I think I still didn't realize how MUCH I'm changed... I guess I'll see it when I land in my homeland.

I can't wait to see my beloved ones, hug them, kiss them and share my love with them!
At the same time what I'm going to face is completely unknown as many friends I used to have are silence now and I guess I'll face definitely how much important I'm to them when I land. It is ok. The Universe will always help me.

Anxious to go home! :)

Saturday 7 January 2012

What I just resumed today...

All my friends, despite their job position are humble. They know their roots, their values and they stand still to what they are. Of course, we all in our lives experienced to deviate once from our hearts and did what we feel to be stupid things that brought us harm afterwards but I also realized that sometimes we need to fall apart to come back wiser and put the pieces together again. Sometimes we need to break to re-born, fully connected with ourselves.

I absolutely love my friends, the old and the new ones that the Universe brought into my life!

Yes, I love my friends, those who can stay in 5 * hotel and still feel the same and being even more human without being fascinated by outside appearances.

I hold on to my values and to who I am.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Agenda for 2012:

Don't look back. Yesterday is no longer today. Today is the only moment that matters.

Being love, breathing love - no regrets, just being happy!

Conecting with my inner voice, my heart and listening carefully to all the signals from above (so many dear Universe, so many! Thank YOU for ALL the guidance!!)

Cultivating more love, patience, tolerance with myself and others.

Living from the heart, without fears, without egos. 
Dissolving all negative thoughts and energies into LOVE - the most powerful energy of LIFE!

Chasing for my dreams, without fears! Now it's the time. If not now, when?!

Praying with the heart and hoping the BEST that is always yet to come!

Rituals of the last day of the year!

Yesterday, 31st of December I took time to myself and besides letting go all the old that doesn't matter anymore, I also cleaned all my body from its dead cells. I pampered myself.
I scrubbed all my body with a sweet scrub gave from a friend and I left myself being washed by the warm water while I listened to good music!

I cleaned my being and I prayed from the heart!

This was my ritual on the last day of the year!
Starting the first day of 2012 with a cup of tea, meditations, books and LOVE!

And the birds singing out there...