Thursday 22 November 2012

As a pearls seeker where we go another one, directly from 
A place to love and be loved; 
Your dose of love everyday...

“First of all, to commit to quieting down the negative voice in your head, you must commit to doing so with every cell of your being. Everyone in every moment is doing the absolute best that they can. Regardless of whether you agree with this or not, it is the truth. When you are critical of someone, take a big deep breath and realize that this is an opportunity for you to cultivate more peace within yourself as well as patience. Everything that happens in your life is an opportunity to support your internal growth. How you respond to situations allows you to be more or less at peace internally. It is not your job to teach — it is your job to grow. Do your best not to judge. Although you cannot control your thoughts, you can control your tongue. Make a commitment to do this. You are solely responsible for every word that comes out of your mouth. Be quiet if you cannot be kind. By being conscious of this, your mind will become more still and the criticism that so easily finds you will knock on your door less and less. If you are seeking peace in your heart, take some time and let those that you hurt know the regret you hold in your heart. You can’t take those moments back, but you can take responsibility for them. Just like everyone else is doing the best in each moment that they live, you are as well. Be gentle to yourself. Be ever so kind to yourself. In the future, beginning now, hold yourself accountable and no make longer make excuses. Allow yourself to remember that you define yourself BY YOURSELF, not by how other people treat you. You will find peace in your Heart this way. Hold your head up high so that your Heart may expand and you may live a life of no regret. When you run into people in your life who are Nagging Nelly’s, take a breath and realize they just haven’t met their own Nelly yet, but when they do, they will be more accepting of you as well. Those people need the most support and love for where they are in the moment. Try to always remember — how people treat you is a tiny fraction of how they treat themselves. Please remember above all, that everyone is truly doing the best that they are capable of. When you are judging a person in the moment, it’s an opportunity for you to grow and commit to the person you claim to truly be. Hold yourself accountable to yourself regardless of what is happening around you. Be strong. Have courage. YOU CAN DO THIS.”

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