Wednesday 28 November 2012

Stress is not the enemy

I´m listening to as many seminars as I feel like to learn more about abundance lately. Too many ideas have been crossing my mind about the Universe, emotions, feeling abundant etc.

In one of these last seminars here it is what I got:

When we constantly repeat "I want X" we are saying actually that we need that particular thing X (whatever it is: relationship, career, car, etc) because it is missing in our lives and by saying that we are saying to the Universe "this is missing". And what I figured it out (it was literally my Ah Ah! moment) is that what they often call as law of attraction - so if I say "this is missing" then the Universe will repeat what you say and that X will miss in your life and not appear. You are attracting that to your life - not having the X you desired.

Another beautiful pearl was about stress. We all struggle from time to time from stress and according to the speaker stress doesn´t have to be our enemy and he´s completely right because here we go - stress will lead us to a turning point in our lives! Stress will be like the dog running after its own tail - it will lead to a point where we will be able to stop due the exhaustion and finally say "I´m ready" and surrender to ourselves and to who we are.

Ultimately, the soul will never wake up in the morning and say "You suck" - though your ego probably will repeat it all over again and try to fix your ego based on the ego. - I laughed a LOT with this as I felt how true it is!

Also, the conversation about "how much I have to improve" is like saying to yourself that you are not enough, you have to be another you when you are already perfect and divine.

And I suddenly remembered something amazing I heard once - I just adore this one - We are like a radio we just need to syncronize with who we are because we have everything within us!


And so my eyes started to cry when he said "some of you are in a dark forest because everything was ok and you just realized some things don´t work anymore (...) and as your conscious expands you can hold my hand and cross that forest and let go everything you don´t need anymore. Face everything, experience the depression and sadness and keep walking, you can do it and at the end everything is light".
I just have to say that the meditation the speaker conducted was very very powerful and no one should miss it!

All these amazing calls and speakers are here:

Never forget this pearl:

You are perfect, wonderful and divine and wherever you are the Divine is There. 
You don´t need to be better, you don´t need to be healed, you don´t need to be fixed. You are perfect.


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