Friday, 31 December 2010
- change my wallet (which was a little bit dirty I must admit!) to a new one that my uncles gave me this Christmas. My new wallet is beautiful, white (is going to get dirty within just few days...)!
- buy new stuff to my curly hair: new hair clips and so.
- liquid for my contact lenses.
- food/ingredients for our delicious dinner...
-clean my messy room: still got to clean one of my main drawers
- call or text message my friends just to say how much I love them!
- listen to yoga kundalini cd - listening to mantras to fill my heart/soul and give me strength to the new challenger new new new year, where I will be a new skin, new and truely MYSELF where my heart is the leader.
- transfering files to computer - finally!
Monday, 27 December 2010
Love means freedom for me and sometimes we need to set someone free in order to see HIM/HER happy.
So, I'm letting go and trying to relax into "no-thingness"... because something sacred is about to be born.
Trying to remind my heart the best advice I've ever received: Give time to yourself. Not to the other but to yourself to heal and to breathe...
Sometimes, we really forget ourselves...
What makes your heart beat, what makes sense to you in your life, what really fills your life? It's a simple day, your cat waiting for you in the end of the day or a simple and delicious coffee?
The most simplest thing can be the deepest one. What is simple is unique.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
I love you because I don't have reason for it
I love you because GOD made us to fall in love
I love you because you are part of me and I didn't know
I love you because I feel I know you from other lives
I love you just because Yes, because God knows what HE does, because everything is Divine on earth because you exist and my heart will always fly high everytime I think of you and you may not know this but it doesn't matter because all it matters is what we have inside ours hearts... and I hold your heart inside me and you hold my heart inside you.

Sunday, 12 December 2010
My black moon phase started some time ago and I'm more calm than ever because now things have meaning for me. All my state of mind and soul have a meaning to be like it has been lately and despite not feeling connected to GOD sometimes I know and I believe HE's with me all the time helping me in this path. So, what I curiously found about the black moon was very interesting and it speaks about the emptiness. In this phase the emptiness is essencial to surrender and connect to The Divine. It takes a form of a White Unicorn which symbolizes the integrity setting away everything that is impure.
Thursday, 9 December 2010

Monday, 6 December 2010
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Changing Emotions with the Course of Time - 3 Apr 10
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Today it's a beautiful day to be truely HAPPY
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Monday, 22 November 2010
Friday, 19 November 2010
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Monday, 15 November 2010
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Saturday, 13 November 2010

It's so interesting that I'm not afraid about living my harder dream because I know GOD/Universe protect who is brave although I don't do anything about it (or by another words, I'm trying to be calm and rational - I hate this word! I can't use just my mind, I just can't. It doesn't work for me being just in my head and I hate when I'm too rational, I feel I'm loosing so much from life - but the real thing is, now, I want to definitely explode because I'm tired - God knows why I'm so tired... I'm tired of wasting energy doing something that I know that doesn't work for me. It doesn't make me happy, it doesn't make me smile, it doesn't give me the challenges that I need to grow!)
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Did I mention that I was leaving my old skin and feeling new? Yap, I've said that! But, for some reason, the old person was trying to come back to control everything again..... yes, ok, nice try!
Yesterday I realized that - finally! I analized all things which are happening with me (inside myself). I'm not feeling happy at all and the way I recognized that, was completely scary, like if it was "normal" to be unhappy!!!!???? So, after 1hour of therapy I decided to do something for me... again! I'm always feeling that I have to remember myself why I am here, why I am doing this, etc, etc, etc. I need to remember myself that I'm a warrior, I'm strong enough to deal with my fears, my ghosts and with my darkest side. Just GOD knows how difficult it is to remember myself over and over again sometimes... Just GOD knows how difficult it has been to cry when I feel desperately I have to clean my soul from negative energy. Lately, I just can't, my tears seem to be made of jelly and they are stuck in my eyes so, no washing soul for now.
I still believe that I am the Queen of my life.
I still believe that I can do everything that I want when everybody around is saying "You can't".
I still believe that I can do everything but I need to believe it NOW, TODAY! And I'm not...(today)!
So, after 1 hour of talking I realized that I'm not doing what I deeply deeply want, I'm taking decisions that I'm supposed to want but if I look deep within I can see that I really don't want that and everything has a price. The price of doing part of what I don't want/doesn't make me happy is loosing myself, my balance, my mental health and this is not good...
So, today, I just want to say: This is not working for ME. There's life outside with lot of blessings waiting for me and, for some reason, or without reason, I'm not seeing that because I'm wasting my energy thinking about things that really doesn't matter at all.
Being happy isn't always easy (what a stupid quote that makes completely sense...!!!). It REALLY takes COURAGE to be happy... and probably you will be seen as crazy/completely insane person by others but it doesn't matter*. As long as you can be yourself (totally) nothing matters*. If you really want something from your heart doesn't matter how long it takes your path, doesn't matter if it isn't easy... you will just keep walking to reach your dream.
And this is the point where I am now.
That's enough for me. Life is freedom and I'm not being free with myself.
The time of change begins now.
More than ever. More than ever.
Because this is the only way to be happy.
* by doesn't matter I don't mean you have or are going to hurt someone. You just need to follow your heart and sometimes people can't see that by not accepting you as you are... (and I know how it feels like...)
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Monday, 8 November 2010

The emptyness isn't that bad. It can cause loneliness and sadness but in fact emptyness means everything because it considers all possibilities of something happen.
So, don't worry, be calm and feel the emptyness because after that something Divine is about to born!
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Saturday, 30 October 2010
"Many nights we've prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we knew we could
There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayers so often prove(s) in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now I'm standing here
My heart's so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say
There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way straight throught the rain
A small but still resilient voice
Says hope is very near
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles,you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
You will when you believe
Just believe...
You will when you believe"
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
I know that I said "from now on I'm going to save money and I'll be very quiet doing my thesis this Summer and studying for my last subject" but I still miss my trips! I like to observe, explore new cultures and breath new fragrances (and/or pollution). Being outside allows me to be completely inside and I like to test myself in the most strange and magic places.
I want to feel my Indian part in India where my sparkling essence can find itself.
I want to be part of a beloved country, where I can test myself over and over again.
I want to throw away old thoughts and prejudgements that I may have and which are so traditional in all cultures...because we all judge without noticing it sometimes.
I want to push myself more and more... to live totally and FREE.
I want to leave my old person behind, the thoughts and energies because they no longer can survive inside me because I'm new.
I'm trying to reborn in order to find myself and be totally free and happy...
I want to smile not just in my cells but also with my liver!!
ps: I still miss my trips! And I never thought I would say this, but: I miss Paris... :)
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Friday night after my dance class I almost flew to perform in another place. I'm feeling more and more that the stage is my world. In a specific occasion I asked for the audience's clapping to feel the music with me. First attempt. Nothing. Second attempt. Almost there. Ok...
Third attempt: I was clear enough and by gestures I said "I'm not hearing anything". Now, they understood! :) Oh, now it's really a show! They were following me, clapping and enjoying the music with me... Yes. All that a dancer wants... Having the audience enjoying the show with her :)
It was a night with up's and down's. Very interested people enjoying my show, a man making sounds that I didn't enjoy at all and people saying to my boss how much they appreciated my performance. Wow, I was surprised but it's not going to make me a star. I always want to grow more, be more, do more! Although it was good to see my work recognized.
Saturday night: ohhh... what a night! My car died, it was a huge problem to park it, hurry in the theater to get everything done on time. Some thieves opened my car but fortunately they didn't steal anything, just messed everything... and the car suddenly was working good. Ohhh....
Sunday morning: news that changed my plans for today.
Being present for friends that needed me, my support, my hug. Meeting friends that needed a hug, meeting friends that needed a smile. I'm turning an chameleon or I'm just growing up. Don't know. Don't want to know. I'm just trying to live one day at a time and trying to return to my meditations every morning to get God's energy and LOVE.
Day by day finding my balance... and working hard as I'm going to study now, at 11.40pm (Thanks God we have coffee for these moments).
Love and happiness.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Monday, 11 October 2010

Friday, 8 October 2010
Listening to music over and over again in order to choose which music should I dance next week. Hmmm... feeling soooo baladi and diving into my essence to reborn.
Listening outside the rain falling... and feeling lazy, very lazy whilst my heart is in another place, far from here.
Picture from Brahma Kumaris to inspire us...
I've already experienced days of rain where I was happy happy happy but lately... too much things to manage inside me, too much rain on my window (Someone IS really upset in the sky), too much to manage, that's all! This weather is putting me sad.... I'm trying to forget that I spent all my Summer studying, yes, I'm really trying to forget that because after all I'm not done with university yet. This will be my last year, thesis included and I'm soooooo anxious about it that sometimes it's hard to deal with all anxiety.
I need time to read, to relax and look within to start again my meditations. At least with these sad feelings that I'm feeling I learnt that I forgot me (again)... damn! I said "later I will do some meditation to balance myself" and "later" was always for tomorrow, and tomorrow... oh, I've really learnt now. So, I wope up 2 days at 6am to listen to some meditations because I needed to start doing something but it turns out it's not working, so, I'm trying to figure out the best meditation to do when you brain/mind is still too much active/negative and you want to calm down a bit...
And I really need to feel that I love myself! That's what's killing me right now... but I have no idea if it's suppose to "think" - "yes, I love myself" OR just feel that I really like me... that's hard. I'll try to get the 2nd one because it makes more sense to me, but I don't know... oh, I definitely need time to breathe and relax.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Monday, 4 October 2010

Saturday, 2 October 2010
Friday, 1 October 2010
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Receiveing little gestures that fills my heart in my daily life. Sometimes just a simple smile or a simple word can open your heart and fill you peacefully, sometimes even from unexpected people.
Feeling sick. Because the liver is, according to traditional chinese medicine, the organ of emotions and I may be too stressed and running to much lately... and today my liver expressed it self through nauseas and I could barely eat! So, time to breathe, take a deep breath and take care of me. I mean, really taking care of myself. Being in silence because silence heals everything and I need to be quiet some days to balance what it's not balanced at all.
I usually have difficult asking for help when I need it. And I know there's nothing wrong about asking others' help, it's not a sign of weakness and I know that. Lately I'm feeling that I need help but at the same time all the things that I have to do just can be done for me so it takes me to another question: what's your priority? And because I woke up sick today I'm trying to remember what is really consuming my energy lately to put me like this...
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Saturday, 18 September 2010
So, OK I'm going to admit this, I found one music that found me and reminded me how I was and how I am today (after my highest point of depression, when I realized that I just needed to be me and to accept me with love and total respect. I realized that I don't need walls, bridges or whatever in order to avoid being rejected. We all just need to TRUST, being UNIT and LOVE.
I don't have more scars today.)
"I know that the bridges that I've burned
Along the way
Have left me with these walls and these scars
That won't go away
And opening up has always been the hardest thing
Until you came
So lay here beside me just hold me and don't let go
This feelin' I'm feelin' is somethin' I've never known
And I just can't take my eyes off you
And I just can't take my eyes off you
I love when you tell me that I'm pretty
When I just wake up
And I love how you tease me when I'm moody
But it's never too much
I'm falling fast but the truth is I'm not scared at all
You climbed my walls
So lay here beside me just hold me and don't let go
This feelin' I'm feelin' is somethin' I've never known
And I just can't take my eyes off you
And I just can't take my eyes off you
Off you
Off you
So lay here beside me just hold me and don't let go
And oh..this feelin' I'm feelin' is somethin' I've never known
And I just can't take my eyes off you
And I just can't take my eyes off you"