Sunday 12 December 2010

I'm finding what I need to transform

Last Friday I had a fantastic appointment with a my beautiful spiritual counselour. We spoke about some things but I listened to her, essencially.

So, I never heard about the "black moon" (according to astrology) but now I know what it means - finally!
My black moon phase started some time ago and I'm more calm than ever because now things have meaning for me. All my state of mind and soul have a meaning to be like it has been lately and despite not feeling connected to GOD sometimes I know and I believe HE's with me all the time helping me in this path. So, what I curiously found about the black moon was very interesting and it speaks about the emptiness. In this phase the emptiness is essencial to surrender and connect to The Divine. It takes a form of a White Unicorn which symbolizes the integrity setting away everything that is impure.

The big opportunity in this phase which may seem difficult for who is crossing it is:

surrender to what doesn't matter anymore, give it away and trust.

It drops the ego and fears to not disturb anymore. It doesn't mean passivity, but the will of changing and trust and it allows to feel the Divine within us.

So, besides not feeling connected lately I believe that GOD is within me, taking care of me, helping me and that's why I speak with HIM all day asking for HIS light and LOVE.

I'm accepting this new phase as a BIG OPPORTUNITY to cry all the sadness that I don't know sometimes from where it comes and give my fears a chance to go away.

I'm accepting my new phase with an open heart so GOD heals all my scars and give me JOY.
I'm accepting my new phase with an open heart but also with a smile on my face because this is the time to heal and solve what needs to be solved. This is the time for stop giving excuses to not be happy today... today is the day! And today I decided that I'm going for it, I don't know what to think because I don't need to think, I need to feel and I just know that GOD is with me and HE is cleaning all of my energy from useless thoughts, I just know HE's helping me to open my heart and surrender to a blessed energy that I am. I'm healing myself from my fears that I'm realizing that are huge.
And today, I deeply decided that I don't need more excuses to or not to.

Today I decided to be happy and it doesn't matter if I'm scared, if I look within I can see that my strength comes from GOD and this black moon phase it's an (my) amazing opportunity to learn, heal and love. It's my individual path.

Once I read: after emptiness something Divine is about to come. I'm sure of IT. I'm willing to be ME and vibrate just LOVE.

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