Tuesday 28 September 2010

Re-organization mode 'cause I really need it NOW

Receiveing little gestures that fills my heart in my daily life. Sometimes just a simple smile or a simple word can open your heart and fill you peacefully, sometimes even from unexpected people.

Feeling sick. Because the liver is, according to traditional chinese medicine, the organ of emotions and I may be too stressed and running to much lately... and today my liver expressed it self through nauseas and I could barely eat! So, time to breathe, take a deep breath and take care of me. I mean, really taking care of myself. Being in silence because silence heals everything and I need to be quiet some days to balance what it's not balanced at all.

I usually have difficult asking for help when I need it. And I know there's nothing wrong about asking others' help, it's not a sign of weakness and I know that. Lately I'm feeling that I need help but at the same time all the things that I have to do just can be done for me so it takes me to another question: what's your priority? And because I woke up sick today I'm trying to remember what is really consuming my energy lately to put me like this...

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