Friday 19 November 2010

Expressions of Love

So, I've added a new therapist to my "collection". I had my first ayurvedic massage today and despite my back (that "suffered" so much in that massage in order to take all my tensions away....) I'm in a super zen mood - and I should be!

I was wondering how much love I'm taking from outside to help me, to relief my pains, my wounds... how many people are here with me, helping me everyday, every session. I know that's their work but they could only show me their work, instaed of it, they show me and give me their hearts, their love, their energy, their words, their time, their hug...

After my massage, me and my therapist spoke a little and I drank a hot tea.

This helped me so much... in ways that I can't explain by words.
It was good. It really helped me flowing my energy, my emotions, which were so deepy inside my heart...

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