Friday 1 October 2010

Today it's going to be (or I suppose it will be) a long long post so take a deep breath....
Damn, conclusions till NOW:
- We are alone and some friends aren't really friends. To explain everything in this sentence...
I don't personally believe that we are all alone, I believe that, no matter what you believe (God, Universe, Energy, etc...) we are always protect by a Supreme Energy that Loves US as we truely are (yeah, I said TRUELY!). But, some friends aren't really really friends... and as a friend told me once "the friends that you have now, maybe part of them won't to be part of your life in the next 10 years. I can say it now to you because it was what happened with me...". She's right, she's totally right and I never have doubts about that.
Definition of friends - another interesting quote to consider in my daily life. What's your definition of friend? Thank God I can say that I have some true friends, those that carry me when I most need them, those that don't judge me and are with me with their pure hearts sharing their lives and accepting my choices (even the most different ones).
Fortunately I know by heart their names and I don't complain about them as I shouldn't complain about some friends that don't show me their hearts... yes, I'm reaching the point where I give without giving to much and don't expect some people to be truely friends. I'm reaching the point "Auch, you hurt me, take the knife and leave please".
I think most people don't realize how a simple gesture makes the difference (do they??).
As a friend I don't expect you to tell me EVERYTHING about your life or about your things but when it's about doing something together like going to a place, taking an event together etc and when you speak about that with the other person and suddenly she is going with other people, everything is arranged and she says "yes, my ticket is booked" as if you never talked about it... Damn, it hurts a little. I'm not sure what means to be a friend anymore and it seems that I'm trying to not figure it out anymore. No worries. (I will try!)
Thank GOD, I like to be alone and I never feel that I'm actually alone. HE is with me and I trust myself and I feel safe about ME.
Fortunately, and because life is amazing, in the meantime people that I just know are showing their hearts, being honest and helping me when I didn't ask for anything (I didn't ask anything to my other friend as well). They are being themselves... just it!
Conclusion: All that I ask in all kind of relationships is honesty. Pure hearts and true love without too much external information is a gift and I'm realizing it now. When I allow myself to just feel my essence, my true and sparkling heart, that we all have inside, I reach the point where I'm totally honest and ME. And I'm not intend to be arrogant with this sentence.
I just think/FEEL that sometimes we take to much external information (including me) and we can't manage all to select what is good from what is less good.
- Once again: Reorganizing my LIFE! I think I'll always do that and perhaps that's good. It may say that I'm not comfortable about anything and it makes me seek for more/better ways.
Although lately I feel that I need time for me. I really do. And today I spoke with my sister and I was (just) trying to talk about one issue and we ended up talking about another issue that is done for me and there's nothing left to say... oh, but she always like to say the same... damn, I freaked out I can't support more of this subject... I was suppose to be calm, I really woke up in a very good mood, I sang for me, I saw the sun shinning and felt blessed by nature but talking about the same or being the target of the day for some people shouldn't take me out of my mood as it did.
- My path is not your path!
Everybody has a different path and sometimes it's difficult to another person to deal with *your path*. What can I say? I face this one sometimes, maybe I'll face more in the future... just because I'm really looking for my path *outside, abroad, etc* because I feel and I truely believe that my path is direction X...
- Feeling tired. Feeling dizzy. Feeling lost.
Because we all have difficult days sometimes where we just want to lay down and take a deep breath.
Today I received too much noise from outside, so much that I just want to lay down, take a deep breath and meditate. And asking for too much, where I go: fall asleep in someone's arms (*his*)
- Leaving my comfortable room for a couple of hours to work/dance with my (new) girls!
Let's dance with our hearts... and fly fly fly :)

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