Thursday 21 October 2010

I realized that I'm turning a new me
We are always changing and I've realized that I'm also changing in some aspects.
So, let's see:
- I'd always enjoyed all seasons, from spring to winter, I never complained about it but lately I'm wishing a long summer or a long spring and a short winter just to force me to stay at home resting. I always said winter is good to sleep, be under the blankets and watch movies!
Oh, and drink hot chocolate nhamiiii!
- I'm listening myself more than I used to and we all should do that. Sometimes... I still forget me but something always reminds me that, so I can stop and pay attention to what it's important.
- I'm saying to myself "this is not you, this is not your life. This is not good for you. Drop it and take another thoughts - pure and positive"
- I get furious sometimes when someone doesn't understand what is saying to me/is saying things without meaning when I don't need to hear those things (we all need a break ok? Especially when we are sick and just need to sleep to recover our energy).
What I usually do is look within and say "ok, I can be sad and furious sometimes, there's nothing wrong about it. Now, stop thinking about others and think about YOU because no one is going to do things for you or be happy for you." and by saying this all the furious turned into tenderness.
- I have feeling fluctuations within me.
Lot of doubts, lot of questions - asked by my ego and sometimes, maybe, by myself.
Ego and consciousness can't cohabit in the same frequency. If you consider that your ego is speaking instaed of your essence then consciousness is present and ego starts to disappear (yes!). How I've detect that? Well, my ego is very destructive, doesn't say anything to make me happy, on the contrary but I'm trying to do what they teach in BK - give a present to your mind, speak like a mother speaks to a child with tenderness, love and patience. Instaed of saying to a (useless) thought "go away" give food to your mind and think about positive things that you like.
- Having faith. You just can feel it inside your heart and lately I was too much inside my head being less spiritual. Goal to achieve: listen to myself, listen to my heart because he is the only one who knows, and truly knows what is best for me. If you live inside your heart you can see GOD. If you live inside your head, well, you just see things through your head... put your head/mind and heart working together. Nothing has to be opposite.
- Stop thinking about useless things and start living... totally, fully, happily.

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