Friday 31 December 2010

In the last day of the year (today), I decided to:

- change my wallet (which was a little bit dirty I must admit!) to a new one that my uncles gave me this Christmas. My new wallet is beautiful, white (is going to get dirty within just few days...)!

- buy new stuff to my curly hair: new hair clips and so.

- liquid for my contact lenses.

- food/ingredients for our delicious dinner...

-clean my messy room: still got to clean one of my main drawers

- call or text message my friends just to say how much I love them!

- listen to yoga kundalini cd - listening to mantras to fill my heart/soul and give me strength to the new challenger new new new year, where I will be a new skin, new and truely MYSELF where my heart is the leader.

- transfering files to computer - finally!

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