Friday 30 December 2011

... and today I felt a perfume next to me in my room, which came just God knows from where. It was a beautiful perfume, masculine and so familiar at the same time. I can not remember from where I know it but it is not mine. I even smelled myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
I suppose someone was here, I suppose someone is around or about to appear...

I know this perfume from somewhere but I just don't remember where....

Ready to embrace 2012 with LOVE, PROSPERITY, DIVINE CONECTION... and ready to write you tomorrow from the capital of Bangladesh with my heart!

Thursday 29 December 2011

Time has passed and I've been growing in proportions that I still don't realize.

Today, I decided or allowed myself to reunite the pieces of the puzzle which is life. And I cried.

All the prophecies I've been receiving in my life show me the same, that my heart belongs to a place and to a energy which I recognized as mine once. Once and forever.

Everytime I try to turn my head to another side to do not see the signs I realize that life brings me again the same sign. I need to see it. I want to see it. With my heart and soul. 
So, I let go my fear and my ego in the present moment and I open my heart, again and forever, to feel...

That's the only way I know how to live, that's the only way I deeply feel it worth to live!

Preparing myself to visit my country within 2 weeks where I will enjoy the company of my beloved family, pets and TRUE friends! I can't wait, to be honest, to step out the plane and hug the ones I love. I can't wait to listen my language, eat my mum's food, sleep on my bed with my cat purring, lie down on the sofa and laugh till my stomach hurts!!
Yes, I miss my family, my friends and my roots too much and 2 weeks left seem like eternity despite feeling that it will pass like a hurricane!

I'm also preparing 2 beautiful workshops in my country... and where it comes the problem: choreographies!
I really love to dance, give me a music, let me feel it with all my soul and I dance it with my heart. Choreographing it's one of my headaches I must admit. Everytime I have to do it, I study the music and I pratice over and over again and everytime what I do is different, every step changes because every second of existence is different! So this is my headache that I'm willing to overcome and enjoy! I'll turn this headache to a beautiful choreography that I hope to inspire everybody... and myself!

About RESPECT and other things...

Another day I experienced a sad situation. I took a taxi to drive me to a  place very near my house. It was a little bit cold and windy and that was the main reason why I took the taxi. After trying to negotiate the price we headed off to our destination when we had an accident. It was a very small accident, the cars just hit each other softly, not a bid deal for me.

Unfortunatelly, the driver who was in front of us didn't think the same way. He was national from this country and he just came out of the car, opened the taxi driver's door and asked the taxi driver to show him his licence while he was being rude and almost violent with him. I was watching everything quietly from my seat asking myself what is going wrong with these people...

I'm sure what the poor taxi driver was feeling at that moment. When I came out the car I could see his face. 
I felt sorry for him because I know who rules in this country and for sure most of the time it's not RESPECT but only rich people (whom I believe, are so rich that they just have money).

I thought about this for too long, trying to find answers for the rude behaviour of that man and I couldn't. I thought about the poor man... just God knows what is going to happen with him because he had an accident with a local person. 
I just hope God protect him from unfair destiny...

Friday 23 December 2011

Lately I've been very busy with all Christmas preparations! 

Planning Christmas night/day with my friends/family in Doha, choosing new recipes to do, last ingredients to buy etc - the same as I was in my country!
It's a new phase in my life, first year without my family near me physically and celebrating Christmas with who I feel like my family in a new country.

I'm celebrating this Christmas in a different way and at the same time in the same way!

I celebrate Christmas because I love the lights on the streets and the way my heart feels warm. I love Christmas because we all stay together on the table to have dinner or lunch talking and laughing and because we simply stop ourselves just to celebrate life! For me Christmas is about love, union, peace... it's about family and friends! 

For this reason when I thought about Christmas presents I thought about all my friends, despite their religion or nationality. I gave present to Muslim friends, Catholic friends or I don't believe in religion friends!

My message for Christmas is very simple:
We all are ONE.

God/Universe/Mother Earth never punish you, never separate you from your brothers and sisters no matter what religion they may follow, because all religions teach you to love each other.

We are all ONE and GOD is UNIT and LOVE.

I wish you all a fantastic Christmas FULL of LOVE, PEACE, PROSPERITY and BLESSINGS.

Ps: I even gave a present to my flatmate who is trying to play a game with me called "Let's see who is the witch here". Because I do believe I shouldn't enter the game because I'm not a player anyway, instead, I'm trying to show her that I do not care about games in my life, just love. 
And by this I'm trying to not get affected by her energy.... I just give love and continue to treat her well and try to bring her to her heart...

Tuesday 13 December 2011

All human being is looking for the same.

It doesn't matter your background, social level, nationality, religion or color. 

We all seek for ourselves and for LOVE. Every second of our lives.

We are all the same, in every point/part of the world.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Listening Adele and feeling homesick can be a good combination in those moments when I deeply feel I need to open my heart...

Today, after having fun with my family through the webcam I ended my night wrapping the presents I bought from different parts of the world in these short and long 3 months and a half working as flight attendant in a middle eastern airline company. I was wrapping the presents and imagining their happy faces seeing the presents just because I remembered them... and I cried because I wanted their company with me this Christmas and I miss them so much!

More than wrapping presents I was wrapping pieces of my love to them, putting a lot of good thoughts in it. Just the Universe knows how much is difficult to manage sometimes and everytime I stop to think about my family, pets and friends I want to run to my country right away to hug and kiss the ones I love.
Not just the ones who live in my country but also the ones who live in other countries and that I secretly care  about in the same proportion I care about my family....

All my adventures, all the experiences and all the beautiful places that I've been during these short months make think about my family and those I love, about how much I want to share these beauties with them, to fill their hearts as I fill mine as an artist and person! The reason why I moved to the Middle East, although not the country I always thought about was very simple. I wanted to see the world and grow, as much as I could. I felt the need of growing so much that I decided to try! I must admit that it has been a difficult and joyful journey so far... more than seeing different places I've seen different people, with different way of thinking and habits. I met bad people and the most amazing people and I feel the most blessed person on earth for that!

I'm grateful for my beautiful family (pets included) and my adorable friends in PT and here. I just have to be grateful for everything because even in the darkest moments when I think for seconds that I'm alone, the Universe sends me a LIGHT. God and All the Angels are with me helping me in every battle I face, in every moment of sadness I feel, filling my heart with Love and Strenght, filling my soul with all the HAPPINESS I (we) deserve!

Thursday 1 December 2011

I should be used to this but the fact is that everything which is BIG happens when I'm not in my country. 
Life can not stop and all the BIG events happen when I'm outside.

Since I moved to Doha my life has been a mix between a rollercoaster and the extreme opposite boring, but there are events I can not forget as part of my life while living here:

The wedding of one of my best friends plus another wedding from a very dear friend
My sweet friend's pregnancy
My auntie goodbye to the physical world
The moving for good of a friend of mine, a beautiful dancer, to her country.

Sometimes it's just difficult to deal with every single situation... when I'm trying to reborn from one situation, other arrives to make me even more human while I'm struggling to open my heart more and more at the same time. Nothing has to be a drama but in fact I can feel that cycles are closing and opening, old charpters closing to open new ones.

I just wish I could just take a deep breath, relax and remind myself that I also deserve a break from time to time. And that's what I'm going to do.
For the love of my life: oriental dance!

I know I've going through a lot and I've been quite absence lately but today I died and reborn as NEW! Sometimes, we have to go deep in our dark corners and check what is happening. How can I forget you, oriental dance? How can I ignore part of me which is you? I can not. The answer is simples: I can not. If I ignore you I ignore myself, all my soul, essence, heart so today I decided that the journey starts again, always up, always brigther. I'm sorry for my absence. I came back for good :)

Suddenly when writing the last post I saw myself having babies and being amazingly happy!
I add this vision to the recurrent situation I've been found myself lately as touching my ring finger in my right hand looking for something (ring??). I guess the Universe wants to tell me something and I didn't get it yet! The most funny thing is that I really search for something on my finger without realizing it, just after some good seconds I look to my hand and find this happening! Hmmmm... everytime I see it I just remember what I read in one of my last books :)

Life is funny!

I never fail, I always learn!

With mine, yours, our childish smile!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Love one another and you will be happy.  It’s as simple and as difficult as that.  ~Michael Leunig

Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.  ~Robert Heinlein

We loved with a love that was more than love.  ~Edgar Allan Poe

There is something that I really don't like and it is prejudice. The cheaper one and the most rich form of being prejudiced. I seriously don't like it from my heart. Everytime someone says something related to it I can't do more than be quiet and don't give a word about the subject. Of course people always realize that I don't like it because I stay quiet and don't feed their prejudice... how can I feed something which I don't agree with? It's impossible! If you plant good seeds you get good crops and I prefer to plant LOVE than prejudice in this world!

Is it so difficult to achieve/understand?! Or am I the only person in this world who doesn't like prejudice?

Sunday 27 November 2011

The days have been passing by so quickly and slowly at the same time...

I'm working a lot, learning everyday more and more about life and taking one step at a time to open my heart. If I look 2011 since the first month of the year I have to admit that today I'm more than yesterday and I'm sure tomorrow I'll be better and hopefully lighter than today.

In the first months of the year I was dealing with doubts and fears which I got over with. I also was dealing with my balance, I felt completely apart the first months of the year without knowing what to do about my life and my heart. I went to Barcelona and experienced a beautiful dance festival and in April I was having the best festival ever in my hometown with such beautiful people. Apart from all financial situation the second East Fest Lisbon, organized by me and a dearest friend was a huge sucess and spiritually beautiful! I met friends for a life, I huged people I love and are special and important for me!

In June I made more difficult decisions in my life. I was with my man and I moved to Doha, without knowing what expected me. I definitely changed the certain for the uncertain, without any doubt. I cried, I laughed and I still do the same every day because I'm human. I feel homesick many times and at home in Doha at the same time. I miss deeply my friends, my family, my pets, my love but in my heart I am exactly where I should be and none of these people is missed or forgotten by my and my heart. Everywhere I go I think about my loved ones, everything I see in a new country I think about how much they would like to see this or that and somehow this is what make me alive. It's never easy to change, but it's possible and most of the time I am very happy because I did it. I realized that, once in life, I seriously did something for me.... I faced all my fears! Despite all the dark moments I have been going through I have to be glad for being here and facing the dark corners of myself because it's the only way to became brighter and reborn!!

I'm boucing between the connection with the Universe (and myself) and the ego, taking one step at a time to the heart and happiness, between the signs I receive and are for me and the silly thinking of saying to myself that this is not happenning... I'm going everyday to the only place where I am total, perfect and unit, to my heart! 

And my heart lives also where everbody I love lives.

PS: Finally I have laptop... :)

Thursday 17 November 2011

The meaning of RESPECT

Lately I'm thinking a lot about the meaning of RESPECT. I can be taken as a dramatic person in these kind of matter but in fact life has showed me the meaning of respect in such different situations...

I've seen a LOT of life, a LOT about RESPECT and for me RESPECT is much more of being polite.
For me RESPECT means that you ACCEPT other's decisions and choices even if you don't agree with them. It's THEIR choice, If it hurts us it's OUR choice but we should RESPECT, above all, that in the same proportion we deserve respect regarding our choices, we should also respect other's.
Dear readers (I have no idea if with my ausence I still have readers??!!),

I have been ausent from my blogger because my laptop decide to retire from its tiring job of being MY laptop and working constantly. I tried to fix it, I must admit, according to my father's instructions, and even a woman-man like me couldn't repair my poor laptop so it decided to retire... and so I decided to send it to my country to someone who can really take care of it. Anyway, just to let you know I have a LOT of things to write, many feelings, many situations to express but till I buy a new laptop - hopefully in the end of the month - I'll be out of writing.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Isn't it beautiful? :)

Delicious cold, fantastic view and the will of sharing it with all my LOVE to you.

And another song I adore:

Feeling so much woman lately... stronger and growing up so much in my life. Having sure that some situations are NOT for us at all and let them go is one of the wisest decisions we can take.
Make you feel my LOVE, beautifully sang by Adele:

Feeling good...

Lately I'm feeling good about my past decision of moving country. Today, 4 months after my moving I look back and I realized how much I gained coming here. I'm loosing a LOT of good things in my country too. One of my dearest friends just got married and another is pregnant and despite feeling sad everytime I think I didn't share these beautiful moments of happiness (wedding and official annoucement of the pregnancy), I'm proud of myself for my decision.

I left my country without any kind of expectation. I left everything behind indeed. My family, friends and my beautiful babies (pets). I headed off to a uncertain future and there's nothing that scares us more than not knowing the future. Despite everything I did it. I did it alone and I'm so proud of myself!
This was one of my biggest adventures, my BIG challenge and I did it. 
I felt so much fear and I overcame it... facing it!

Looking back, today, I can see, that I'm a new person. More simple, more human and who really appreciate more than EVER true love. If I was in my country right now, I would be frustrated, unsatisfied, probably without a job and complaining to myself everyday why many things were happening or happened in my life.

I'm really proud of myself for all I achieved till now and for the best that is yet to come!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Missing those GOOD moments that taste like HEAVEN...

Dancing oriental dance under the rain...

Sleeping with the MAN of my heart

Laughing with friends

Kissing my dogs and cats

Being with my family

Smelling my mum's food

Listening to the rain falling outside and having my cat next to me

Missing... everything GOOD that life contains...

Friday 28 October 2011

Me and books - a love affair!

... and what do I buy in India?! Books! Books and a sari. But above all books, my eternal love affair!

(Even if I'm running out of space for all the books and music I'm buying around the world... I can not say NO to a book, I can not say NO to my heart!)
Being in different places in a short period of time can be quite exciting and challenger as well as tiring.

If I look deep to my October agenda I can see a lot of different places which gave me beautiful experiences in my journey. Amazing collegues, some very sweet, others crazy whom made you laugh like crazy. All part of the experience, for sure. All these experiences are like lessons which makes me realize what my heart feels right now. You can not be happy without love. Just IT. Without LOVE nothing has meaning. And this love can be seen in so many different ways and expressions daily.

My last days and experiences made me realize what is in front of my eyes.
Another day I went with a friend to have dinner in one of our favourite restaurants near our house. We love the food, very well cooked, we love the people there who know us and always spoil us giving us more bread and attention! We love to go there.
As always we ate too much till our belly become a autentic ballon and we end up our dinner with a tea and a turkish coffee... I felt like taking a turkish coffee that day and for fun I asked if they could read my future through the coffee. They manage to find someone there, turkish man, who read my future in the little cup where I drank my coffee.
The most amazing thing was turning the cup down and when I removed it for the reading I saw the coffee in the plate drawing a simple heart. The best was yet to come when the gentleman read my future. I must say he doesn't know anything about me, my personal life, my feelings, absolutely nothing and yet what he said made all the sense. I felt it like another sign from above!

After this episode, I headed off to India for work where I went to buy a beautiful sari. I went with some collegues and when I was trying my future-sari-to-be, one of them said "you know, you just reminded me about the movie Eat, Pray, Love". You look like the woman from the movie. What she just doesn't know is that, as the woman from the movie, even I I'm looking for my inner peace. We all are, after all.

After these episodes I realized how blessed I am, how much I'm loved by the Universe and how many signals I'm receiving from all the places, from all the people around me and how, sometimes, I try to not see it. Sometimes it drives me crazy the way I'm sleeping and don't see it!!

Anyway, these ones were particularly clear for me. I really felt they were there for me because I needed to see, to feel, to know the meaning of my life. I needed to FEEL that hope and faith and love once again just to remind my cells of who I am! (I think my being just falls asleep sometimes)

Everything is going to be alright, my love is coming and I'm unit just the way I am.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Diving into music every second of my life

I spend my day listening to music while at home. I listen music, I taste the music, I feel the music and I'm the music. I do not just listen but I dive into it, I taste it and I show it with my heart to the world whilst I dance.
I love music and sometimes I don't even know how to separate the music and me. We are one together. 
A love affair happening at the present moment.
And then, sometimes, my music is silence.
Just silence. And it feels so much good and feeds my heart and soul fully.
The music is also my friend's and family's voice caring for me. Embracing me.

Music is also the voice of the man I love and miss.
Healing my heart with... music!

Once I read, when you become more human you become a real dancer! If you live your life at the fullest, enjoying every minute of happiness and sadness then you are fully rich within yourself and you have more to give to others. You have more to dance.

Life is made of little details and little moments 

While living and working in a Middle Eastern conservative country I found myself thinking about a lot of concepts of life.
Facing the crude/nude reality, I found myself paying attention to details I may never thought about it. I see a lot of rude but also nice and very polite people who respect you (thank God!).
I found myself appreciating things I took as normal in my daily life and I definitely see love and life in another perspective. I found myself being more simple in some aspects, I see myself being more human and patient as I never thought I was. And the more I give/receive more humble I become.
It's not because I sleep in a 5 stars hotel that I'm going to be rude. It's because I sleep in a 5 stars hotel that I should be more human... because I see the world, I see humanity, I see it with my heart what may be hidden from the other's eyes/souls. I do not sell my soul to a 5 stars hotel. Stars we see in the sky.

Enjoying the best and the worst of my experience, I cry and laugh and try to dissolve my ego in love when it makes me think that I´m fine when my heart is bleeding...
So, today, I cried to start to dissolve my fears and ghosts so I can feel my heart. Tomorrow a new day arises and I thank God for surrounding me by good people, who cares for me deeply and are with me with all their hearts and their souls.

Tomorrow I'll start to dissolve what doesn't belong to me anymore and be happy. Tomorrow. Thank you Universe. I Love YOU! I feel I'm not alone anymore, the clouds are going away and YOU are supporting me in every up and down I have! Now, I can feel it despite knowing you were always here for me/my heart/my soul.

Friday 7 October 2011

Monday 26 September 2011

God is always giving us beautiful presents

This beautiful Universe is giving me the opportunity to start again and build a new life.
Is giving me the opportunity to grow up in a different place, with different cultures to make me more colourful and human. Is giving me the possibility to understand, see and feel different points of view.
Gave me the opportunity to go ahead with my dreams and leave behind all that people who was harming me and  somehow trying to control me and leading me to a nonmeaningful life.
And despite the pain your growth can goes with it... it always worth the fight because after the storm is always a rainbow leading you to a meaningful and happy life, full of love.

I'm GRATEFUL for that.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Growing doesn't mean you are going through a easy path but you're going through YOUR path!

Today, I'm missing one of my dearest friend's wedding in my country. I wished I could be with her sharing this important moment. I wish I could cry tears of happiness inside the church and laugh so much during the rest of the day with her and some mutual friends we have. I wish I could say to her how HAPPY I am for her, hug her and kiss her saying how beautiful she is, how beautiful her strenght and smile are and how sweet and romantic she always can be with words! Today I just want to say sweetie that I'm truely happy for you because you've always chosen LOVE and today you said YES.
Feel yourself embraced and loved for me on your special day. May GOD always give you both strenght, love, understanding, protection, patience, health and guidance. 

And while I'm writing about my friend's wedding I realize how many things I'm effectivelly missing in my country, in my friend's lives and maybe in a life that belonged to me as well. I'll miss the "official announcement" of one of my dearest friend's pregnancy too. She called me in a rush yesterday to give me the news and I couldn't be more happy. I know her and I know it will be a blast when giving the news to everybody, I mean, all of our friends, one of these nights.

I know I chose to come, I chose to change my life, it's a fact and I can not change it. It's done. I chose to grow up, I chose to learn more about myself and life. I chose to be more because I always want more about everything. I'm intense in everything I do and feel! But I also can see how many things I'm missing for being apart... and it hurts. It scares me... because one day I can feel that I don't belong to any place anymore.

And that's it.
But did someone say that growing up doesn't hurt or scares anyway? 


Sharing our skins and our souls. 

Friday 23 September 2011

"See. You have been learning something... and I think you have been learning much more but you don't realize it yet."

Told me a friend of mine today.
Maybe she's right.

I told before coming "I need to go, I need to go. If it's to hurt so it will hurt. If it's to grow let's do it for good"
Maybe I knew it in my heart but I didn't realized it... 
This may hurt but will make me a better person, more human, more pure, more connected. 
Says a saying that the King and the Princess always awaited for the Spring to see these flowers in an amazing show of colours and beauty.

Once upon a time, before Portugal become a country, there was a famous and known King who never had known a loss. One day he found between the prisioners one beautiful woman, a beautiful princess.
Very impressed by her he gave her freedom and conquered her trust and heart. He confessed his love for her and asked her to marry him.
They were very happy till the princess get sick. Very desperate the King looked for answers till a wise old man told the King that the Princess was just feeling homesick, missing the snow from her country.
The King ordered to plant trees which could remind the Princess about the snow in order to heal her. She was healed. Everytime the Princess saw the flowers she could feel better and stronger.

The King and the Princess lived happily their intense love for many years waiting anxious for every Spring to see the amazing show of flowers reminding snow...

I'm receiving sings as pearls. In a moment where I was thinking to myself where are the simple pleasures of life I always enjoyed and used to treat/heal my wounds deep in my soul when I see in a movie these beautiful flowers which come from beautiful trees. 
I simply love these flowers and it's really true the amazing show they can offer to your eyes and soul... reminding me about LOVE and BEAUTY!

... And suddenly I'm watching a egyptian movie and all the images are saying me that's Alexandria and I need to go THERE maddly! I have been wondering about this for some time but maybe just some weeks when these images caught me making my heart saying "Go to Alexandria". And I will.
I loved you since the first second I saw you and I didn't know.

I still love you more than I imagine and I try to don't realize that.

I miss your existence in my days as part of my soul.

I really miss you and even when I try to forget that I end up like thinking of you every second of my days

Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Universe is a GENIUS!

Today, when I look back I definitely need to smile! The Universe is a Genius in everything HE does...
Some months ago I was struggling to put an end about something I didn't want for me and was making me suffer.
I was trying to convince myself that maybe life it's just finishing studies, get a job, get marry and that's it. Maybe I was dreaming too much for me and for my life. Maybe life was just like that... without feeling my heart full of purpose in everything I do. In the end of the day I was always saying to myself "No, I know what I felt and I feel  this is not for me". As a intense person as I am everything needs to make sense to my heart even if it doesn't make sense at ALL to my mind or other's mind. Today, I definitely have to smile.
I moved country, I left everything behind (my family, my friends, my adorable pets, my projects...) to explore every inch of me, every possibility of life. I started from ZERO. I even left all (stupid) situations that at that time I thought it could be good for me... thank GOD I heard my heart and moved away from all negative energies that could lead me to a darker place.
Despite all the bad moments I can face here "alone" in my new life I'm sure I'm in the right place now.
I'm discovering friends I never expected to find. I'm enjoying moments of pure simplicity.
I'm discovering WHY I am here and I am learning SO MUCH just for being here. Sometimes hurts but sometimes the pain heals. I'm proud of myself because I did it despite all my fears. I'm proud because I did it alone and somehow I trusted GOD. And HE is giving me so many presents and sometimes I'm sleeping...
Today, I received messages from unknown people from my country that somehow know me, just to send me their love and support in my new experience and wishing me the best. How lovely people can be with you is something deeply beautiful.

So, I just have to be grateful for ALL. The dark moments and the bright moments are BOTH part of my growth. And I barerly can wait to hug my beloved ones!
Letting go...

I have read too many times about letting go something in our lives... sometimes we really need to let go something even if it's good. We need to let go so it can return to us.
Yes, I have read many times about letting go but it doesn't really mean I could do it after 3 seconds of readings. Letting go takes times and somehow effort and not effort at all.
Everytime I let go something I felt more conected with my divine source, happy, caring, full of inconditional love. If somethings goes without my control I accept I did my part and the best I could and I let it go with the river. My wounds heal and I feel better because I know the Universe will do the rest for me... I definitely trusted and it was the best I did. Everything fell in the right place, but lately this is not happening. I'm finding myself so anxious and stressed about how should I let go that I forget that there's no recipe for that and most of the time we just need to relax and let ourselves go with the wind...

Yes, I have forgotten how divine it is to let go... but I decided to live in peace with myself and be patient and caring. Everything takes time.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Is the smell of your skin, is the colour of your skin, is the way your heart used to sang to me, is the way we used to touch our legs like lovers. For all that we missed, for all we had afraid to live, for all we still can live... one day, as ONE.
There's something about real LOVE that you can't explain but just feel. In dark moments I believe and keep my faith somehow alive. I hold on to what I call my bible from Dadi Janki.

Friday 16 September 2011

GRATEFUL for all the friends who support me and care for me along the way. It doesn't matter where physically you are in the world. 
The most important is that you are inside my heart.

Grateful for all the friends I have... and how amazing friends I truely have! 
Thanks Universe for THAT blessing!

In the chaos of life, in all superficiality of situations I hold on to what the Universe has to give me.

Somehow in a place where I'm receiving lessons, sometimes very hard ones, I realize that the Universe never ever sleeps. When I receive a deception, a reason to give up and doubt about all my choices I see the Universe manifesting to me in my new friends, my new family here. I really feel support and love. I'm loved by my friends and we are willing to help each other with our open hearts. That's the most beautiful thing I'm seeing here, where everybody wants to put you down and take advantage of every single step you take.
They say a family always loves, cares and supports you in difficult times and I conclude that my friends here are my family now and I truely love them for being present physically when sometimes it hurts so much being away from our own family, friends and country! How blessed I am for having 2 families, friends and places to stay. 
My home is the whole world and inside my heart I'm rich.

Thursday 15 September 2011

The last weeks have been intense in all the meaning of the word!

Working in an airline company gives you, most of all, experience of life. You deal with the good and the bad, for sure, like in other jobs but here I can distinguish 2 worlds: passengers and crew.

The most wonderful experiences I had were with passengers and it gave me the real meaning of being here working even for a short period of time (I guess...).

The most touching experiences I had was helping a gentleman filling the arrival card because he's hand was shaking too much. I took care of him during all flight because he wasn't feeling good and when he seeked for me he asked me if I could do a big favour to him to fill the card. Of course I helped him, with all my pleasure, but I must admit I felt very emotional. For me it's a simple thing to do and for him made such a HUGE difference. It proved me how simple our acts can be and how much they can turn other's lives better. So, now  I never ever doubt about a simple gesture.

Other day a lady hugged me in the end of the flight thanking me for everything I did. I was really surprised because I just helped her answering one question or maybe it was because I smiled at her everytime she smiled at me. Maybe she felt my energy and somehow we understood each other despite our so different cultures just for smiling to each other and making our day brighter!
How can a smile change our days and our world? I learnt about it THAT day too!

And when someone recognizes your hard working and affection is something that makes all the effort you put into. How love can bring love is something amazing. How can a smile brings you smiles and sunshines is also something curious!