Wednesday 25 May 2011

Who knows me know I don't accept some pre judgements about religions and cultures.
Fortunately, I'm very tolerant and I've been acquiring more tolerance with the years (hope so!). 
Fortunately the Universe gave me a mind to think and (my) heart to feel what makes sense and what doesn't. 
Today, I was reading something about religion and I felt I never wrote anything about it. Maybe because it's a particular subject but I decided to write something today to the world about some aspects that bothers me a lot in my daily life... but first let me say something a friend of mine once said (and makes so sense! Thanks Nadi!). I truely believe in this sentence: there are 2 kind of people in this world: Good and Bad. 
And with this I clarify everything about what I think about religion.

- I don't believe there is a better religion. I believe and I know by heart that all religions want the same: peace between brothers and sisters, respect and love. We are in the same boat, trying to do our best with our lives and religion A isn't better than religion B. All religions want the same and all religions are good. If it makes sense to you to follow religion A, good. If it makes sense to follow religion B or C... good. Just follow your heart because he knows what makes sense to you!
What I also believe is that we all adore the same GOD. Some like to call by Universe, others God. God is the same, the only thing that changes is the language you use to call Him (God in English, Deus in Portuguese, Allah in Arabic).

- Can't stand more opinions about how bad these people are (and how good we are). Enough please. 
We can see bad people in all countries, in all cultures, in all religions. I just don't accept pre judgments and I will give you my silence. We can see "modern" people thinking freely everywhere, regardless their country/culture/religion as we can see "not modern" people not thinking outside their box everywhere too!

- Everytime I explore more about religion or cultures the more I extract good things from it and I always end up asking myself this religion is so great, why are people using it for bad purposes or saying bad things about this religion? Well, as everything in life you can use it for bad or good purposes and it happens with religion too. What makes me sad is that are people using to bad purpose. May the Universe give you the light you need to clean your heart and see how beautiful life can be if we love and help each other.

- Religion guides people to their spiritual truth but it doesn't mean you are not spiritual or more/less spiritual if you don't follow any particular religion. In my honest opinion, I don't see myself as a religious person but as a completely devoted person to the spiritual and to the Truth/Universe/God - and with this I also mean that I accept all religions as ONE and honestly I fell I should celebrate all religious ceremonies to be completely fair.
And YES, I also mean that I respect all my brothers and sisters with their believes because when we end up talking about our values we conclude they are the same and we are all looking for a better world to live.

And yes (again), sometimes I just don't have patience to hear people talking bad things about each other through religion.

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