Thursday 26 May 2011

Tools/exercises to work with your mind:

1. The powerfull period: sometimes we need to put a period (.) in certain aspects or thoughts which don't make us good. I think we can just realize we have certain thoughts which are not making good and let them go. Just that. Let it go...
I certainly add here all my fears, negative thoughts, ego, pressures I feel or felt in my daily life before...

2. Be a detached observer: watch everything and don't get involved with everything you see or hear.
I'm practicing this one very good lately and not so good as well...

3. Clean your heart: from all the sadness and hurts you may have suffered. Don't carry such burden, it's heavy and doesn't make you happier... or does?

(Fortunately) While I was reading an article today, in the morning, I realized how good can it be when we just let go things, such as, letting go friends who don't want to stay with us anymore. I learned this one very good some time ago when a friend decided to leave my life angry with me (apparently I didn't even know he was angry with me). It was written in the same article I read, that after some time apart and in my case after a good/careful communication tool as well, we don't feel more anger or sadness (at least I don't carry more sadness about our separation as I truely believe sometimes we just need to accept life as it is.
I made my part, we talked and we gave time to each other. I accepted that sometimes it is just surprisingly good to take the flow of life and let things happen. And they did. Everything is fine now and there is not negative energies involved about our friendship).

4. We are a tool: by thinking I am a love passage/lovely person/ soul of love and peace, I just fill my soul with love and my energy is also love.
By being love I attract love around and the world is a better place.

5. Keeping a good perspective about the world and letting/allowing ourselves to see how many blessings we have is a blessing in itself. I love this one! :) I guess we just need to let go (again!) old thoughts and open our eyes and heart to see how beautiful life is.

6. Take a minute to meditate: even for just 1 minute to recharge your batteries. Take a change to give a break to your body cells to relax a bit, to release your anxious thoughts and let them go....... don't hold anything, just love and your inner energy.

The Meditation "R's":

Relax, Retake, Remind, Relearn, Rediscover, Recover, Recharge

* All from my notes from one of BK lectures

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