Monday 23 May 2011

Life is made of changes and challenges. Some of us have the particular ability to change in a second while others need the normal period of adaptation. Generally, and in my modest opinion, we all need a period of adaptation,  as well as we all fear sometimes to change some area of our life. Change means growth and growing up it's not that simple as it looks like. We can say changing is good and it definitely is very good to change and to experience new situations although we all feel even a little bit afraid of changes because we are a used to some habits and when we change we don't know what are we facing in the future. Our mind is used to think and do things in the same way and when we have to think outside the box our mind trick us. This is the part which difficult the path of growth... but I can assure you that growing up worth! You will face all your ghosts, monsters, dark corners BUT you will also, impose your limits to the others, feel freedom within your mind cutting all the ties you have with the old patterns, have consciousness of who you truely are, and the BEST of all, you will love yourself for who you are, accept your inner qualities and limits and be happy. 
And the other best part is when you accept yourself you don't look for exhausting relationships with others, you don't seek desperately for being accepted because you already accept yourself. 
And today, who doesn't respect me the way I am or my way of thinking I just release them to go away, without being hurt or sad because that's the normal way of things. I accept different opinions but if people don't accept different ways of thinking and want to go away that's ok. Maybe, that's because they are not  ready to think outside the box. One day they will. Everything takes time and as I took mine to be honest with myself, others need time too.

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