Tuesday 31 May 2011

And without knowing... I got "Faith - You remove any doubt that blocks your path forward." 

And I received my book Sings from Above. 
It seems they are helping me!

Monday 30 May 2011

A beautiful music says it ALL.
You may not see my tiredness

You may not see my fears

You may not see my sadness

But I do see it all every time I look deep in my eyes in some last photo I took or in the mirror.

I do look within every aspect of me every time I look deep my eyes

But I'm sure behind all of these there is hope, faith, deep happiness and pure love...
Updates - should I go or should I stay (away)?

I heard pretty kind of hard stuff about my possible new job which made me wonder about the meaning of freedom. The question is should I stay or should I go (away to another place looking for another job)?
Is this just some fears or just the reality taking place?
Gosh... just God knows how I'm feeling right now.

Sunday 29 May 2011

They say nobody can complete you. You are already complete as you are. You are already divine. You are made by God and perfect. 

But I must admit I feel even more complete because you exist in this world. I'm even happier when I talk to you, when I hear your voice... because I feel your heart, somehow I know your soul - just don't ask me why and how.... and I will be more than happy the day I could touch your hand again, the day I could see your face again, the day I could sleep in your strong gentle arms, the day we could be together again. Yes, I guess I love you. Deeply and without reasons - don't ask me why and how. You are more important than any job in the world because there is no airline company, there is no special aircraft in the whole world that makes me fly high more than you do just because your existence.

Yes, I love you.

"Between your smile and all the light in the world I choose what is yours I don't hesitate one second"
Times of changing

Am I afraid of changing? I could lie to you but I have.

Am I afraid of my new life which is about to come? I could lie to you but I also have.

Do I feel afraid sometimes? I could lie... but I have.

We all can feel fears within sometimes or due a different direction which is on the way but the only solution is look within and have faith. Yes, my life is changing and I will take an airplane. Do I have afraid? YES! I'm scared to death. I will leave my comfortable zone, my friends and family (pets included!) in my country and head off to a new life but I'm going to do it anyway because if I don't I will ask myself how it would be if I had accepted the job... So, I'm officially leaving to another place, I guess, within some days...
These days I have been thinking in stuff I never had to think about, like "what I'm going to take with me?" and I'm sort of making a list to all things I consider I could miss in my new place.
Maybe some books
Maybe some photos
My laptop (of course, of course!)
Maybe a Budha
Maybe some candles
Maybe some incense
Maybe, maybe, maybe...

It's difficult to manage every emotion at once so I'm willing to think about this changing as a "let's see if it works".

I'm not going to give up dancing (of course, not!). Maybe I will get some benefit with my changing and take classes with other teachers and watch different styles of dancing.
I'm not going to forget my friends (thank GOD we have internet and I will manage to have it as soon as possible otherwise I'm going crazy) - GOD BLESS INTERNET CONNECTIONS!!
Maybe I will visit my sister more often than she visits me (or visited?!?!)
And I will, definitely, go with all my heart to see what I can receive from another culture and I will carry all of my beloved ones with me, in my heart and just God knows, maybe, one day, very soon, I will finally be with my man for good. I just hope so... As our song says "I couldn't believe I could meet you. God puts you on my way. God puts me on your way so we could meet. And we will be together one night, one beautiful night and we will live our love".

PS1: I'm feeling very emotional right now!
PS2: It's funny to see how my friends are reacting, something between "ok, good I'm so happy for you!" or "ok...... (silence) #$%&%/% I'll miss you" or "I can't believe you are going but I'm happy... but still I can't believe".
PS3: If they are reacting like that imagine how my brain is right now...
PS4: Asking for God's protection more than ever, strenght, faith and love.
PS5: Too much PS's here today...

Thursday 26 May 2011

Today I want to share this one with you. It's about religion and it makes sense to me to experience God within my heart regardless the name we have given to HIM along the years of history. 
I particularly like the last phrase: "You have God in your heart, no matter which name you say with your tongue"

Tools/exercises to work with your mind:

1. The powerfull period: sometimes we need to put a period (.) in certain aspects or thoughts which don't make us good. I think we can just realize we have certain thoughts which are not making good and let them go. Just that. Let it go...
I certainly add here all my fears, negative thoughts, ego, pressures I feel or felt in my daily life before...

2. Be a detached observer: watch everything and don't get involved with everything you see or hear.
I'm practicing this one very good lately and not so good as well...

3. Clean your heart: from all the sadness and hurts you may have suffered. Don't carry such burden, it's heavy and doesn't make you happier... or does?

(Fortunately) While I was reading an article today, in the morning, I realized how good can it be when we just let go things, such as, letting go friends who don't want to stay with us anymore. I learned this one very good some time ago when a friend decided to leave my life angry with me (apparently I didn't even know he was angry with me). It was written in the same article I read, that after some time apart and in my case after a good/careful communication tool as well, we don't feel more anger or sadness (at least I don't carry more sadness about our separation as I truely believe sometimes we just need to accept life as it is.
I made my part, we talked and we gave time to each other. I accepted that sometimes it is just surprisingly good to take the flow of life and let things happen. And they did. Everything is fine now and there is not negative energies involved about our friendship).

4. We are a tool: by thinking I am a love passage/lovely person/ soul of love and peace, I just fill my soul with love and my energy is also love.
By being love I attract love around and the world is a better place.

5. Keeping a good perspective about the world and letting/allowing ourselves to see how many blessings we have is a blessing in itself. I love this one! :) I guess we just need to let go (again!) old thoughts and open our eyes and heart to see how beautiful life is.

6. Take a minute to meditate: even for just 1 minute to recharge your batteries. Take a change to give a break to your body cells to relax a bit, to release your anxious thoughts and let them go....... don't hold anything, just love and your inner energy.

The Meditation "R's":

Relax, Retake, Remind, Relearn, Rediscover, Recover, Recharge

* All from my notes from one of BK lectures

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Who knows me know I don't accept some pre judgements about religions and cultures.
Fortunately, I'm very tolerant and I've been acquiring more tolerance with the years (hope so!). 
Fortunately the Universe gave me a mind to think and (my) heart to feel what makes sense and what doesn't. 
Today, I was reading something about religion and I felt I never wrote anything about it. Maybe because it's a particular subject but I decided to write something today to the world about some aspects that bothers me a lot in my daily life... but first let me say something a friend of mine once said (and makes so sense! Thanks Nadi!). I truely believe in this sentence: there are 2 kind of people in this world: Good and Bad. 
And with this I clarify everything about what I think about religion.

- I don't believe there is a better religion. I believe and I know by heart that all religions want the same: peace between brothers and sisters, respect and love. We are in the same boat, trying to do our best with our lives and religion A isn't better than religion B. All religions want the same and all religions are good. If it makes sense to you to follow religion A, good. If it makes sense to follow religion B or C... good. Just follow your heart because he knows what makes sense to you!
What I also believe is that we all adore the same GOD. Some like to call by Universe, others God. God is the same, the only thing that changes is the language you use to call Him (God in English, Deus in Portuguese, Allah in Arabic).

- Can't stand more opinions about how bad these people are (and how good we are). Enough please. 
We can see bad people in all countries, in all cultures, in all religions. I just don't accept pre judgments and I will give you my silence. We can see "modern" people thinking freely everywhere, regardless their country/culture/religion as we can see "not modern" people not thinking outside their box everywhere too!

- Everytime I explore more about religion or cultures the more I extract good things from it and I always end up asking myself this religion is so great, why are people using it for bad purposes or saying bad things about this religion? Well, as everything in life you can use it for bad or good purposes and it happens with religion too. What makes me sad is that are people using to bad purpose. May the Universe give you the light you need to clean your heart and see how beautiful life can be if we love and help each other.

- Religion guides people to their spiritual truth but it doesn't mean you are not spiritual or more/less spiritual if you don't follow any particular religion. In my honest opinion, I don't see myself as a religious person but as a completely devoted person to the spiritual and to the Truth/Universe/God - and with this I also mean that I accept all religions as ONE and honestly I fell I should celebrate all religious ceremonies to be completely fair.
And YES, I also mean that I respect all my brothers and sisters with their believes because when we end up talking about our values we conclude they are the same and we are all looking for a better world to live.

And yes (again), sometimes I just don't have patience to hear people talking bad things about each other through religion.

Monday 23 May 2011

Life is made of changes and challenges. Some of us have the particular ability to change in a second while others need the normal period of adaptation. Generally, and in my modest opinion, we all need a period of adaptation,  as well as we all fear sometimes to change some area of our life. Change means growth and growing up it's not that simple as it looks like. We can say changing is good and it definitely is very good to change and to experience new situations although we all feel even a little bit afraid of changes because we are a used to some habits and when we change we don't know what are we facing in the future. Our mind is used to think and do things in the same way and when we have to think outside the box our mind trick us. This is the part which difficult the path of growth... but I can assure you that growing up worth! You will face all your ghosts, monsters, dark corners BUT you will also, impose your limits to the others, feel freedom within your mind cutting all the ties you have with the old patterns, have consciousness of who you truely are, and the BEST of all, you will love yourself for who you are, accept your inner qualities and limits and be happy. 
And the other best part is when you accept yourself you don't look for exhausting relationships with others, you don't seek desperately for being accepted because you already accept yourself. 
And today, who doesn't respect me the way I am or my way of thinking I just release them to go away, without being hurt or sad because that's the normal way of things. I accept different opinions but if people don't accept different ways of thinking and want to go away that's ok. Maybe, that's because they are not  ready to think outside the box. One day they will. Everything takes time and as I took mine to be honest with myself, others need time too.
Sometimes we receive unexpected reactions and gifts, I must say, from people. 2 days ago I met a student of mine who is getting married this Summer and she gave her invitation to the wedding. Because I'm not sure if I'm going to be in my country in that particular date I had to say to her "ok dear, I'm very happy for your invitation but I need to say to you that can't confirm anything right now or until this date (....)".
While I was explaining to her my situation I could see in her face how sad and emotional she became. I was very surprised by her reaction and I almost got emotional too. I felt inside my heart how much she likes me in that second and how sad and happy at the same time she was... it was nice to see such reaction from her.

I guess I have no idea what people think about me or feel about me most of the time....

Saturday 21 May 2011

Million of times said:

What hurts it is not LOVE. LOVE doesn't hurt at all. 
What hurts is being caught by fears and wondering if when your heart says it is.

Put aside your fears, feel your heart... and go ahead. Universe will be supporting you, helping you to reach what is yours :)
Flying in the amid of music...

" It happened
I was not expecting you
And you did not know who I was
I was there just because I needed to be
And you came because you needed to come
I looked at you and the world stopped
In that instance my life, my life changed
I never felt my heart beating till you touch my hand"

As I always felt/said, music has a particular way to fill my cells and soul!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Can I see Cairo Time over and over and over again and never get bored? GOD how I love the atmosphere of the movie, Cairo and its magic sounds and crazyness... and how much I love the feeling this movie gives me... I'm missing Cairo deeply.
Sent by a dearest friend of mine, a star on earth who supports me in all spiritual manners you can imagine. Thank you for your existence sweetie!

Listening to this beautiful song over and over again to cheer me up in the chaos my life has been lately...

Everytime I finish a book a part of me feels like realized and finished too. I completely feel I have closed one charpter to open a new one and I guess it can't be other way.

I just finished Committed - a love story by Elizabeth Gilbert. Her way of putting thoughts and information into words makes this book very easy to read while you navigate into the history of marriage... it was funny indeed to discover that actually marriage was made by people in the beggining and not the church who imposed it. It seems we all have a special need for privacy and matrimony makes us officially* earners of it!

* by the eyes of the law, society and maybe by your family and friends too

The WOMAN I am

Once I read somewhere that men are afraid of connecting with independent women. Just God knows why, it seems they feel intimidated by these women for doing everything by their own.
Well, I never thought to much about this subject but at the same time I spent few time thinking about it from time to time. I can't see a particular reason for this happening but I clearly assume that I clean, I cook and I take care of myself as we all should do, either we are woman or a man (it is suppose to be a difference here?).
Why are these men afraid of independent women? Shouldn't we all be a little bit independent somehow? Being independent it's not necessary bad in my opinion, it just means you can take care of yourself instead of putting yourself in other's hands and probably having exhausting and depent relationships which consume the self, leading to an unhealthy emotional lives.

Take your decisions, your actions and take your life. It's yours.
They call this responsability.

So, I cook, I think, I do, I plan, I seek, I clean, I care... for me!

Monday 16 May 2011

The sagittarius in me is about to RISE...
Why is the human being so anxious? I'm wondering about this...

We all have seen people freaking out in the traffic, we all have seen people losing its temper in some situation and it makes me think how anxious we are becoming and how anxious we are actually. Why are we like that nowadays? I guess it's because we are pressed every single day to be better, best and so...
We are pressed to become machines, which thank God we aren't but in general society press us to much to be something, sometimes, we are not and it leaves a footprint called anxiety...
maybe because society just know how to work under pressure ignoring all human signs and spiritual qualities we all have that we are suffering from it.
It makes me sad, really, to see how society is being built but I'm confident that a new world is rising, less cold, less machinery factory!

Sunday 15 May 2011

Can we wake up and start to cry like crazy?

Today, I'm sure we do as it happened to me! Maybe it was just tiredness (?), maybe it was just a fear that is dying (thanks GOD!) and letting myself breathe which explains why I was sobbing.

I'm feeling better now. Stronger and optimistic.

My friend's wedding was absolutely beautiful just like their love IS!

How I end up crying a bit in the church? I don't know... but the words I heard were too beautiful and divine to make me cry.

How could I stand inside a church when I usually feel completely uncomfortable? Just GOD knows why.

How I manage to dance with a heavy candelabrum on my head? I'm happy I did it and I'm happy I asked for protection before dancing because I could see some wax from the candles falling to the floor (and not to my arms or hands - Thanks GOD, I'm enough of burns indeed).

I danced for my friend as a wedding's present and she absolutely loved every second - WOW and I'm surprised too because I saw my videos and I can't say I hated because I didn't. I saw passion, feeling and devotion to art while I was dancing and it was good to see it!

Growing up as a person means that I'm going to grow up as a dancer (ALWAYS) too.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Letting go old thoughts, negative thoughts and my ego... there is no other way to find LOVE within yourself if you don't listen to your heart... so, I'm letting go my negative thoughts, I'm letting myself go... I'm relaxing my body cells, relaxing my soul, relaxing my brain in order to FEEL LIFE and GOD's LOVE and PROTECTION.

Don't let your mind control you. You control your mind. Be STRONG, be WISE, PRAY and TRUST that the UNIVERSE has beautiful presents for you. UNIVERSE always has beautiful presents for us. We just need to let go old patterns of thinking, old patterns that don't belong to our souls and hearts anymore. Letting go doesn't mean you are giving up or dying. It just means you are re-born and ALIVE and receiving all blessings that the UNIVERSE has for you.
Don't be afraid. You are not alone. Go for it, and LIVE!
2 days ago I wrote a very special post about crying while dancing.

In fact, it never happened to me till one day I decided to practice the song that I actually will perform tomorrow to my friend on her wedding. This beautiful song is Enta Omri and it means You are my Life. Don't know why but I ended up crying while dancing. I got so emotional and I felt so deeply within my soul amazing LOVE that I just expressed myself crying (little tears).
Seriously, I never felt so human and emotional at this point but my cells knew exactly what they were doing! They were expressing my emotions and I couldn't stop thinking about LOVE.
I also could find inside my heart, with all my guts, how deep this song means to my soul.
It is not just a song, it is not just a beautiful song, it is not just a song from an amazing voice of Egypt, it is a deeply song about LOVE, about the real and true LOVE, that we just can experience within ourselves, without "but's" and "why's". It is simple as LOVE. DIVINE as LOVE.

And NOW I realize why it's so important to a dancer to grow also as a person... because if we dance from the heart, just after feeling such LOVE we can express equal LOVE.

And I danced with my heart full of joy, smiling and getting emotional remembering how beautiful LOVE is and how my heart belongs to ONLY ONE MAN.

Let's see if I don't get completely emotional tomorrow and cry again...

Friday 13 May 2011

Why is this beautiful blog not helping me at all?

I published such a beautiful post yesterday and now nothing appears here... Oh GOD... technology sometimes makes me crazy!
Ok, I admit: I cried like crazy today and to add to my super day I also burned my left hand!

I woke up crying and feeling anxious, trying to see within my heart what was happening.
I went to the street to solve problems and issues.
Cooked and had a delicious meal (fresh mushrooms huuummmm!) and in the beginning of this afternoon I burned my left hand!!

I have pain on my hand (for sure) and my neighbour took care of my hand making a curative. Thank GOD she's a nurse!

About the other pain, that one deep inside my soul, I guess she couldn't make a curative but I'm making mine :)

Thursday 12 May 2011

Crying while dancing...

It never happened to me but while practicing for one special performance to a very new special friend's wedding I ended up crying today...

I was dancing Enta Omri (You are my Life) and I went very emotional and deep of my heart feeling what you just can feel within - True Love. I was feeling so much love for the only MAN that holds my heart that I ended up crying due such emotion and blessing.
I just hope I'm not going to fall apart crying this Saturday while dancing for my friend! As a celebration of their love I selected Enta Omri to perform, which I feel it's completely appropriate to the wedding. I had the opportunity to meet my new special friend maybe 1 year ago and besides not being with her so often as we would like to I feel a special caring and love for her. There is something about energies and conections that you just can't explain, just feel it and sometimes life gives you the most fantastic opportunities to meet special people.
So, enjoy the ride... because ALL in LIFE is about LOVE and I'm very happy to share that happiness with them this Saturday :)

PS: GOD bless your LOVE as an extension of the UNIVERSE.

My blog is working again! After millions of attempts to put everything working (my posts were not being published at all) I finally decided I should try a different browser and voilá it's working again!

You have no idea how many times I thought about this and how many forums I read to solve this problem. I tried everything but it seems the only thing that was missing here was trying another browser... simple as that! Gosh, I'm really bad with technology sometimes!

Saturday 7 May 2011

It's done! The most fantastic event happened in Lisbon and it gave me more than just the feeling of a well done job! It brought me much more than this actually.

It was a very special event, full of great profissionals but above all I could find beautiful people.
I never felt in a festival what I felt in this festival... an absolutely devotion to art, love and human kind. I felt all hearts were open and giving afection to each other. I honestly saw people caring for each other, giving support, love, kisses and hugs! I, personally, received from friends and invited artists so much love either that I was not expecting.
We helped each other, we absolutely took care of each other like brothers and sisters and it was simply what touched my heart (not to mention the amaziiiing artists who were sharing their art with me). I ended up crying (of course) everytime I went to the airport to leave some teachers because more than an organizer, I am a person, a spiritual person who recognizes how beautiful these people are and were in the festival.

Apart all complicated financial moments (that went not good) what I kept inside my heart was the sweetness of the festival. Love in all kind of forms.

I also got emotional with the performances I saw, which were full of SOUL!

Love, art and Soul. Three words to keep.