Friday 13 August 2010

Flying high everyday... because of you.

Yesterday I read once again some articles from a wise person who speaks about LOVE in all meanings. It's so good to fill our hearts with wisdom that yesterday I read it again to clarify some thoughts in my mind, as well as, to keep my peaceful heart fullfilled.

Love has no reason to happen.
It just happen because you are fullfilled of love and someone reminded you that, so love starts to flow naturally between you two.

It always remind me that people are meant to be and there's something about energies that we can't control, we just can't. We just can feel.

Love isn't racional. Thank GOD for that... every time people start to say "I love X because Z, Y, W" I always stop, to think if there are reasons to "person A love B" (?!).

It's not suppose to love just because yes?

Some months ago someone asked "Why do you love A?", and the B deeply felt/answered"well, I can't explain to you. I just love A. It's impossible to explain... I just can feel it"

I hope this is love. True love. That one that we are all waiting for.

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