Sunday 15 August 2010

Beauty Shines from within - not through Make-up - 7 Dec 08

Beauty Shines from within - not through Make-up - 7 Dec 08:

"When I see some women, I sometimes get the impression that they wear make-up like a mask on their face. It hides their originality and shows something else to the world. They do not want to show who they really are. Maybe they are trying to entertain others, who like it and then say it is beautiful in these colours. Or maybe they want to entertain themselves by being someone else for one day. But how long can you entertain yourself in this way?

A woman who was there for a healing session told me that she would not dare to go out of the house without make-up because she feels ugly when she doesn’t put it on. Maybe this outer appearance can strengthen your confidence for a few moments but you yourself know exactly who you are inside. You have to learn to face your originality. You have to accept yourself. And most importantly you have to see that you are beautiful just as you are. Real beauty comes from inside and beauty is always in the eyes of the one who sees.
I am not really against make-up. I do not really care and many women put only a little bit of make-up on their faces. It is just my opinion that naturalness is always most beautiful. Your beauty is shining from within."

Maybe that's why I don't like to put make up everyday... I feel beautiful without make up, in a very natural way. Usually I just put make up to dance on stage and everytime I clean my face I breathe again :)

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