Sunday 15 August 2010

Dreaming about books

I find myself dreaming about books almost everyday. I always liked to read but lately I think I'm addicted to books and it doesn't matter if I really have time to read them in a short time, I'm still buying books and looking/seeking for new releases and themes.

My new purchases will be:

- Invasive Species Management

- Serpent of the Nile

- I Loved you for Your Voice

- Travelling Magically

Books waiting for my eyes/mind/soul:
- To finish: The power within

- Wings of Soul

- A New Earth

- 5 books about Egypt

- Ego

- Create your inner peace

- Another one about emotional intelligence

- Another one about Benazir Butto

- How the Arabs transformed the Western Civilization (in English version)

- Religions

- Ramakrishna

- Gold Season

Even thought my 12 books, waiting for me, plus 2 books to help me with my thesis (not in the list!) and can't avoid the joy, hapiness and enthusiasm of buying more books!
Should I say that I like ebay or amazon? :)

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