Tuesday 31 August 2010

Carbon Neutral | Machs Grün

1 Blog, 1 Tree!!

Carbon Neutral Machs Grün:

“My blog is carbon neutral” is an initiative, originally started in Germany by the “Make it Green” programme, that has the goal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. We plant a tree for your blog and thereby neutralise your blog’s carbon footprint for the next 50 years! Everyone can make a small contribution to the environment. Every tree counts!"

More about: http://www.kaufda.de/umwelt/carbon-neutral/
As I promised where they are: 5 things couple's need to know about each other.

Follow the link: http://cynthiaoccelli.blogspot.com/2010/08/5-things-couples-need-to-know-about.html

Also, enjoy this beautiful blog, full of good ideas and thoughts! I'm fan of this woman/her blog!

Monday 30 August 2010

Wonders of Dancing to make me laugh!

Saturday night I had a show so I've decided to list what happened:

1. Everything was OK. I arrived on time, the place was quiet (people were arriving...) and my friends were there to support me somehow.

2. First dance: It was ok. The music was funny, I was in the mood and some people didn't want to know if I was dancing or not. NORMAL, too normal, unfortunately!

3. Second dance: uuuuhhhh now, this is going to be good! One member of the staff asked me if I was ready and ask me which song I was going to dance. I answered everything and "ups, need to put more gloss on my lips!"... Ohhhh forget the gloss! The music is starting (WOW, that day was quick, they usually take some minutes to put my music on, that day they just needed seconds... seconds!!). I'm going to open the door to enter the "stage" when my veil got stuck in my skirt. An agressive movement and everything is OK, veil and skirt as 2 pieces instaed of one.
Now, the best one, when I'm really opening the door... the doorhandle stays on my hand.... Great! I leave that object somewhere inside my little room/bathroom where I stay all night and I enter the stage after this funny situation as if nothing has happened.

4. After my second dance, time to organize things inside my "little room/bathroom". Doorhandle in its place, gloss and make up organized...

5. 3rd dance: funny, funny, funny. I danced a Khaleegi song and I delighted myself with this. Enjoyed every single movement but I'm not sure if people appreciated that much as I did! Brilliant! I think all that head/hair movements scared people... ahahahaha. Beautiful. Maybe they were thinking that I was doing some spell or something. Loved it!! Too much funny!

6. Last dance: tired! Oh, damn, I was so tired. I dance and stop from each dance for about 30 min and I always say "the worst is when I stop dancing" because it gives time to your body to remember that it's tired. Oh, yes, I prayed to dance well that last dance without noticing tiredness... And I asked my friends, afterwards, if I looked tired. "No, not at all!"
Very good.

7. Finally at home where I can sleep!

Friday 27 August 2010

Little things make all diference
Why I'm so happy and relaxed about being home at 4.30 pm?
After a hard training session today where I've started my day at 8am full of pain on my body (insomnias are awful!) and of course sleepy! being at home at 4.30pm is like a new toy to a kid. Ohh I'm in heaven, I can see the light, I can feel the sun touching my skin and I can breathe fresh air after long hours inside a room watching slides and listening...
Really good!
Another one to MEN and women too!!
I've read some days ago a wonderful site/blog where I could learn (more) about men and even about the woman myself! (Don't forget, we are always learning, always, always, always)
The title was: "5 things men should know about women" and "5 things women should know about men" and I found it very good because most of the time we are struggling to understand the opposite sex.
It was really really interesting! Furthermore I've spoke with my beautiful friend, Nadi, a fantastic woman who helps me to clarify my mind when I need and above all we love to talk about love because most of people can't express their feelings or don't want to speak about love (yes, sweetie, you. The friend who says "don't be afraid. Let it flow, let it flow" OR "ahahahah (she laughs!) don't think like that." OR "Nooooooooooooooooooo. Why do you think so much? Can't you see that... X, Y, Z?").
I realized that Love is becoming a tabu? I mean love in all sense of the word! Love, love, love that one that moves your heart completely. That one that say "impossible is nothing" because my love gives me the direction. Maybe I'm too romantic for this world. Maybe I'm too sensitive (also). Am I?
I will post afterwards the "5 things..." WE should know!
Yesterday! Good sights, good signs:
- "What are you listening? What's this? Romantic songs?!?!?!"
- "Oh, the singer? I like him too, M. Buble, brilliant... I think he's from Canada......"
- "Oh, no, no, I'm not talking about the guy! I'm talking about you!"
- "About me?"
"I know my girl"
This brilliant phrase beautifully represents how this woman sees me like her child, her baby. And somehow I feel that she knows me!
"I know my girl, I know my girl"
Another one that stuck my heart
Time to work now, as usual! Why I'm not surprised? Why I'm trying to get more and more work? Yeah, I'm like this. In fact in almost everything that I do I think it's not enough!
It's never enough... but my agenda is getting busy, busy. Thank GOD for that!

Thursday 26 August 2010

I realized that my english is getting worse lately in a way that almost hurts my heart, so I've decided to sit and try to write something in a properly English... (not today, not today!)

Today I'm damn too tired to write something, my brain can't work, I'm feeling dizzy and I desperately need to SLEEP!

So, wish you all a good night. zzzzzz :)

Friday 20 August 2010

Always seeking for more
I never say that I know everything because I really don't and I'm glad that. When we assume that we know everything we stop learning, we stop looking around for more and creation stops. So, YES, I don't know everything and I thank GOD for that because it keeps me going on, seeking for more knowledge and wisdom.
And we can always laugh with our own mistakes!

Thursday 19 August 2010

The way my friends make me feel
After I had dinner I decided to do some work. It was time to finish one of my choreographies.
Fortunately I decided some time ago to start to record my choreos to help me. Sometimes with all classes it's possible to forget something, some movement or detail and we (dancers/teachers) don't want to miss a thing!
So, to refresh my memory I saw a video filmed by my little and sweet neighbour and I've laughed with all comments that she did. Such a tenderness in all words and expressions!
My youngest friend and my biggest fan! Sometimes I don't realize how much she loves me. Everytime she doesn't see me for a long when we meet she always runs to my arms to hug me and say "I miss you" or give me her draws with our names, hearts and butterflies! Such a sweet sweet girl. And how can I feel after this tenderness?
I love her too.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Hold on

"So hold on to me tight

Hold on to me tonight

We are stronger here together

that we could ever be alone

So hold on to me

don't you ever let me go


Maybe all the plans we made might not work out

but I've no doubt, even though it's hard to see.

I've got faith in us, and I believe in you and me


Take a look at all we've got,

and with this kind of love,

and what we've got here is enough."

There aren't no more words.

I believe in God.

I believe in Love.

I believe in ME (even though sometimes it's hard to see!).

I believe in YOU. I believe in US.

I believe in LOVE
Love is the key

Love is everything.

I took some time to realize how LOVE is important in our lifes.

I mean, unconditional Love, Universal Love.

I took time to realize that Love heals everything and sometimes I tend to forget it and have to remember myself why I am here/we all are here.

We are Peaceful souls fulfilled of LOVE.
Love is God. God is Love.
Love is the way
Feeling NEW!!

Fulfilled with wise words, with God's LOVE after Brahma Kumari's lecture.

How can we switch off your mind? We can't! Our minds will always be busy with millions of thougths BUT tam tam tam good news we can control it! How?

Imagine a swimming pool with dust on the top. Your thoughts are the dust and the clean water underneath is your mind. If you clean the dust you get a clearly mind. Ok, good! How can I clean my pool from all the dust? - Let the dust be the dust and don't touch it!
Let your thoughts flow naturally (it's normal to have a lot of thoughts) but don't take them to sleep and to live with you. The dust will stop being dust if you don't give them attention/strength BUT be carefull it doesn't mean that you should ignore them or hurt yourself saying "stop, stop, stop useless thoughts!!!!".
You know the dust is there but you simply don't take it with you... one day the dust will disappear and you will just see pure and clean water!

- 4 types of thoughts: 1. positives 2. necessary 3. negatives 4. useless

- Most popular thoughts in our minds: 3 and 4

- Solution: Turn 3, 4 into 1, 2

- How: Don't live in the past and don't live in the future. Live in the PRESENT.

- Most important thing: YOU control YOUR thoughts.

You should never allow your thoughts to take control of yourself. It seems easy but check if your thoughts are really helpfull sometimes... look if you aren't in the future or in the past sometimes (thinking about things that happened or could happen but you never know so you keep the thought till someone wake you up or till you get a solution just in case)

Yeah it can be stressful and tiring but I know that you have strength to change today/now and take care of you (r) thoughts!

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Rules for Women to Cover Body, Head or even Face - 29 Mar 09

Another blessing from Jaisiyaram.com. The way he sees this particular issue.

Rules for Women to Cover Body, Head or even Face - 29 Mar 09:

"I do not feel good with some cultures in which there is the rule for women to cover from head from toe so that nobody can see any part of her body. I am not in favour of this. I do not like it and feel that this is a way of abusing your own body. You do not love and respect your own body if you feel that you need to cover it. Do not feel guilty or bad about your body, God made it and it is wonderful. Respect your body and love it."
According to astrology today wasn't a good day! Ok, it's explained!

My beloved friend Nadi confirmed through astrology my suddenly nerves break down. Oh boy, it almost scared me yesterday. Of course my eyes look bigger today but inside my heart I'm feeling free, I cleaned my heart and I'm feeling better from all the negative feelings that I was carrying.

My head was soooo stuffed... with useless thoughts ?!?!?!??!?!?

Feeling better, being me and finding a balance :)
God help me to find this balance! I'm completely sensitive today.
What I found out: http://www.easyhotel.com/

Easy Hotel! Good fares, like the EasyJet flights!

Choose one of the 14th hotels and enjoy your stay!

There's no excuse to don't travel now... it's a matter of choosing destination!

Monday 16 August 2010

What made me cry like a baby today?

It was the pain of someone's words?
A bad night sleeping?
Depressive humour?

Or it was because I realized that I'm not doing, I'm not concretizing, I'm not flying in my life?

Maybe I have forgotten that I'm a dancing soul, I can't cut my wings, my dreams.

Oh damn, sometimes it's hard to figure out what is happening inside.

Sunday 15 August 2010

Dreaming about books

I find myself dreaming about books almost everyday. I always liked to read but lately I think I'm addicted to books and it doesn't matter if I really have time to read them in a short time, I'm still buying books and looking/seeking for new releases and themes.

My new purchases will be:

- Invasive Species Management

- Serpent of the Nile

- I Loved you for Your Voice

- Travelling Magically

Books waiting for my eyes/mind/soul:
- To finish: The power within

- Wings of Soul

- A New Earth

- 5 books about Egypt

- Ego

- Create your inner peace

- Another one about emotional intelligence

- Another one about Benazir Butto

- How the Arabs transformed the Western Civilization (in English version)

- Religions

- Ramakrishna

- Gold Season

Even thought my 12 books, waiting for me, plus 2 books to help me with my thesis (not in the list!) and can't avoid the joy, hapiness and enthusiasm of buying more books!
Should I say that I like ebay or amazon? :)

Beauty Shines from within - not through Make-up - 7 Dec 08

Beauty Shines from within - not through Make-up - 7 Dec 08:

"When I see some women, I sometimes get the impression that they wear make-up like a mask on their face. It hides their originality and shows something else to the world. They do not want to show who they really are. Maybe they are trying to entertain others, who like it and then say it is beautiful in these colours. Or maybe they want to entertain themselves by being someone else for one day. But how long can you entertain yourself in this way?

A woman who was there for a healing session told me that she would not dare to go out of the house without make-up because she feels ugly when she doesn’t put it on. Maybe this outer appearance can strengthen your confidence for a few moments but you yourself know exactly who you are inside. You have to learn to face your originality. You have to accept yourself. And most importantly you have to see that you are beautiful just as you are. Real beauty comes from inside and beauty is always in the eyes of the one who sees.
I am not really against make-up. I do not really care and many women put only a little bit of make-up on their faces. It is just my opinion that naturalness is always most beautiful. Your beauty is shining from within."

Maybe that's why I don't like to put make up everyday... I feel beautiful without make up, in a very natural way. Usually I just put make up to dance on stage and everytime I clean my face I breathe again :)

Friday 13 August 2010

Flying high everyday... because of you.

Yesterday I read once again some articles from a wise person who speaks about LOVE in all meanings. It's so good to fill our hearts with wisdom that yesterday I read it again to clarify some thoughts in my mind, as well as, to keep my peaceful heart fullfilled.

Love has no reason to happen.
It just happen because you are fullfilled of love and someone reminded you that, so love starts to flow naturally between you two.

It always remind me that people are meant to be and there's something about energies that we can't control, we just can't. We just can feel.

Love isn't racional. Thank GOD for that... every time people start to say "I love X because Z, Y, W" I always stop, to think if there are reasons to "person A love B" (?!).

It's not suppose to love just because yes?

Some months ago someone asked "Why do you love A?", and the B deeply felt/answered"well, I can't explain to you. I just love A. It's impossible to explain... I just can feel it"

I hope this is love. True love. That one that we are all waiting for.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Lev Tolstoi

The film "The Last Station" tells us the life of Lev Tolstoi. I particularly didn't know much about him and it gave me more curiosity about the writer's life and all his ideas and thoughts.

I always wanted to read his books that I'll definitely try to get Anna Karenina to read.

What surprised me was his conection with Ghandi that described him as the main apostle of non violence. A name, a person who sought for a spiritual path, a brilliant mind, a soul that I will try to read about the next days...

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself - L. Tolstoi

...I always find these beauties everywhere I walk, live, visit.

How can someone dislike cats? ;)

Beautiful, lovely, divine.

Listening fado... feeding my soul when I most need it.

We all have those days where we need to find ourselves and look within. In this beautiful journey where I try to find myself every single day I find fado the most pure and genuine part of me. Some Fado has the fabulous capacity to touch my heart and it's impossible to not surrender to it!
As you can't avoid LOVE you can't avoid being touched by Fado. Beautiful. Divine. Another communion with God.

I'm feeling entire, totally entire. Where and now.
I'm working hard to achieve my goals. Once was said that anything is made without effort specially if we are talking about university exams and thesis.
Between job interviews, planning the next East Fest 2011, meeting friends and family, reading articles and working all day I've been feeling a litlle bit dizzy in terms of emotions. I think it's time to reflect about life.

Today I had a show. I can't say it was terrific because I'm always wanting more and demanding more about myself but I can say it was ok.... apart from the situation where something hurt my foot. While I was dancing I felt something under my right foot hurting me. I guess something was on the floor and now, my dear right foot we need to go on.
After a show what I always really really want is to drink water, eat something, clean my face, take a good shower and sleep! Always. It definitely makes me feel good.

Why am I working so much? Good question! Maybe because I'm sleeping to much too so to balance my life I must work hard too.

- Waiting for answers, waiting for signs.

Thursday 5 August 2010

Can I sleep?

Can I really sleep? I thought that my agenda was going to be calm this Summer or at least a little bit calm but guess what! It's not going to be that calm. I'm having meetings, work and lot of things to do! Let's see if I can get everything done and get time to breathe. Oh I definitely need to manage my agenda, there isn't another way to solve this problem. Time to sleep, now, now, now, now! with my sweetest kitty - the best company ever!
Another aspects of sweating:

- It can be tremendously good!

- It's good for your body (bye bye toxins!)

- It's not smelly (or at least mine isn't, ok?)

- If I got my hair to be straight, in the first sign of sweat, without doubts my hair will be curly again! I love when it happens. It's like saying "yeah, right, straight...I'm curly! Who are you trying to fake?!"

- another aspects that I can't remember right now.

Wednesday 4 August 2010


Today I found myself sweating... usually I don't sweat but today, while dancing I sweat so much that I didn't recognize myself. I should say that this sweat wasn't disgusting as I'm used to think about. Actually was kind of good because I was dancing!

I danced for 3h on high heels what is a really new thing to me! Pratice is always a good thing! Although I must say that I need to buy a good pair of shoes to do it!

My sweet sweet feet... !!!!!


More than everything, friends are our second family. We can't live without them even when you say the opposite. We really can't. The way they fill our hearts, the way they open their homes and nests for us, the way they care about us... friends!!

God bless them for being my/our support when I/we need them and also when we don't need because we need anyway :p

God bless the word friends with all its meanings.

Thank you Lu, for helping me today!
Equation of life

A = represents what I am within

B = represents what I need

C = represents what I want for me

All are virtues and it represents your equation of life. I did it and it works for me!

I will write it bigger to promote some effect in my brain as we shouldn't forget our goals!

Equation of Life by BK

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Having dinner at 11pm

Working at midnight

Hopefully sleeping at 1.30 am

I had a session at Brahma Kumaris today. The way it made me feel was absolutely wonderful. I guess I was missing that lectures.
I'm feeling calm and happy. Full of energy! Full of love!
I was definitely missing these lectures.

Some notes to remind (always, always, always):

- Who said that changes are bad?
- Why are we always afraid of changing?
- Go, go, go, go! Yalla!
Transform yourself and be the change! Stop being afraid. Everything will be ok. Changes can be good. They mean that you are not stuck. you are growing and spreading yourself into the world.

Monday 2 August 2010

Today I realized that I'm being dyslexic for some long and because I don't have time to edit all my past messages with my english mistakes where you see the best word of the world: Wisdom!!! I changed sometimes M for W. Huge mistake! I always wanted to mean wisdom! M M M M M M M M M! Apart from that, another mistakes have been made (for sure) but we all learn from mistakes :p

Time to work now!
"Freedom means that no one can stop you from doing what is right, or persuade you to what is wrong."

Pearls of Wisdom
Dadi Janki
Just as you should never seek to control anyone, never allow anyone to control you.
As important as not giving sorrow to anyone is not taking sorrow from anyone.

When one will not quarrel, two cannot.

Gentleness is not lack of strenght but a quality which doesn't disturb, doesn't push, yet knows its own power.

If you always understand that people in your life are there for a reason, you will never be angry.

Courage is taking a step forward into a area of difficulty without a solution in mind, trusting that whatever help you need will become available.

All human beings have a place inside which is filled with treasures. For some, the space is small. For others, it is a hidden palace.


Pearls of Wisdom
Dadi Janki

Sunday 1 August 2010

It seems that egyptian food is really good to get weight so maybe one day it will be the end of my problems because I want to get weight although till now I can't and nothing happens! Well, with acupunture I could get some but it's still not enough for me!

I'm still in love with Michael Bublé's song Hold on! It reached my heart, what can I do!?

Today I felt so tired all day that I had to take a coffee to wake up! I'm better now... sometimes it's necessary but I'm feeling so tired and lazy.... oh, I know... I need to dance till my body hurts! I always feel sick when I stop dancing for a while. My soul, my body, me, my essence need to dance to express what's within...

Feeling like a bird that needs to fly! Feeling that I need to take my wings. I'm feeling brave. I'm feeling strong. I'm trying to feed my mind and soul with good thoughts...
You know... what matters is what's inside :)
In a warrior mode. God conserve this part of me. Of Him. Always. Here. Everywhere.
As a fan of Michael Bublé I'm surrendered to this one:


Oh, beautiful!

It's because I'm kind of in love, because I'm an eternal romantic or is this really really good?
Things that I'm enjoying the most:

- Music, more than ever I'm paying attention/listening more carefully music and seeking for all details that I can get from it;

- Dance, exploring new ways of dancing, studying new styles, looking for fresh air and feeling more than ready to grow up as an artist/performer.

- Seeking for changes (I think I'm always looking for it!)

- Reading and watching movies; Although I'm not reading as much as I would like to.

- Lisbon at night!
Oh, these last nights in Lisbon, where I worked in the theater along my friend Ana were great.
I could feel the cosmopolitan Lisbon when coming from work.
Lisbon is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Try to visit it during the Summer, at night with all the lights, enjoy the fantastic and stunning view to the river and tell me if you don't agree with me!?!

I love Lisbon, it's definitely a romantic city.
The city where I was born!
Working till late

I'm working till late these last days to get everything in order. As I expected my new next semester is not going to be that slow and calm as I initially thought but I think I need to thank God for that. More work is coming and new goals have been achieved.

As far as I know a lot of dancing work is expecting me from September on and I can't thank enough. Get another job is a possibility to conciliate whilst I do my thesis. Do I have time to do everything I would like to ? I'm not sure but I think I can handle it (patiently I hope).

I started today reading articles! Wow, I'm impressed! Reading articles and taking notes of important things... well, it's a start. Even a big journey starts with a simple step.
Meanwhile I'm enjoying music and I'm completely delighted with Mohamed Mounir songs.
"Peace has the meaning of harmony, balance, order and freedom: when we are free from waste and negativity, then we exist fully serene, fully at peace with everything.

Peace is my original energy and treasure and with the practice of meditation I step inside and experience it.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris"