Sunday 13 December 2009

One of the best things that I really enjoy after a show is to take time for me to clean all my make up. It's like a ritual, when, in silence, I can reflect about my day and about my performance. In silence. And how I love that silence... and that peace.

I found myself.

Today, after a show I was with a great friend of mine (also a dancer. I just danced because of her, 'cause she told me "Filipa you will dance!", "Do I have a choice?", "Hmmm... not really").

We were discussing about dance (what else?!) and we laugh a lot...

Can you imagine two crazy women discussing in a car about dance for about 2hours? It's not a surprise but we were tired (well, at least she was because she spent all day dancing!).

When I got home I cooked, ate, took a shower and voilá I'm ready to sleep now although my mind is still working on new ideas... and singing Ana Moura's song.

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