Monday 28 December 2009

I'm trying to clarify some situations in my mind and heart these days...

2010 is coming and the best way to receive this beautiful present from universe is surrender to my destiny and all good things that are expecting for me in the new year. I'm trying to breath all good energies and a good quantity of hope. I'm filling my soul with good books full of wisdom in order to get a balance in my life/heart.

It's certain that I have lot of work to be done and my disposal in this moment is zero but I think that I will achieve my moment goals soon (choreographies and classes to prepare).

Today, my brain is tired, my soul is tired, I'm tired and fade up. Tomorrow is a new day.

For 2010 I'm preparing/planning some trips, with friends and alone.

My last new idea was something like "I'm thinking about going to India to a spiritual venue. I would like to know that people, I'm sure that I lived there in other lifes..."

well, it seems that I always have great ideas to shock my family eheheh. I don't do it for purpose. Perhaps I'm just different from my family... or crazy.

I'm not planning going to India soon, it was just an idea... but I would like to go there one day!

Once I told my sister that I would like to work in a country (outside EU) and she answered me, with a serious face, that she won't support me if I do that. Humm... it's always good to know. I started laughing for 2 seconds and then explained her why I want to go.

I feel that I need to go there (to many places, actually), I have love inside my heart and something tells me to go, so, I'm sure that Universe will give me the tools that I need to follow my destiny. It always reminds me what one woman told me once "2009 will be the year (...)". It has been the year, indeed, in terms of development and Love...?!

Good news: I'm leaving my darkest side slowly...

the begining of 2009 was a huge dark whole but fornutely I'm leaving my darkest side to be a new me. I met a huge light in my life, a present from the Universe, the most beautiful one and because of that I'm more bright now (or trying to be) and I'm looking forward to be more peaceful, honest and truthful with myself. Always. After 24 years I realize that I forgot to be me, just me. I forgot to fill my soul... I was looking outside instaed of turning within and coming to know the Self. Me.

June was a bright month for me for many reasons (many, many, many!). It was an awakening for me! Thank you, Universe, for your present.

About my troubled path: I just want to say I'm sorry for those people I hurt in some way in this difficult journey and "many many" thank you to my friends for being there for me!

I'm recovering from my deep exhaustion and finding my place. Finally. Thank you, God.

Besides my trips, one of my 2010 main wishes is to find myself. ME.

I hope you all find yourselves in your unique path. Light, peace and Love. Be patient with yourself and you will find your richness.

Filling my heart with a special song:

"Take me to the airport
And put me on a plane
I got no expectations
To pass through here again"

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