Thursday 10 December 2009

I was never addicted to blogs but suddenly I found it very helpful to express my feelings and thoughts about everything... or almost everything!

Why I'm writing in english instaed of portuguese? Well... because I need to improve my english (feel free to correct me please!) and also because I can reach more people writing in English.

I have been very busy lately with a dance event that I'm organizing with a friend of mine. I'm deeply excited but it also takes too much work! Sometimes I feel that I need to slow down and breathe (I'm sure she feels the same sometimes). next day I wake up as a new person and we start all over again with more energy. This is what keeps me going... dance!

Book that I'm reading in order to find myself: "A new earth" by Eckhart Tolle. I believe that I'll get there...
Photo: my beautiful cat sleeping :)

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