Wednesday 30 December 2009

Huumm... I was watching a documentary on TV that reminds me the best coffee I have ever tasted in the world... I'm not a big fan of coffee and I really miss that one! The best one!

Next projects or plans for 2010:

- Keep updating news for the 1st bellydance festival in Lisbon, Portugal - East Fest 2010!

- January: a chaotic month in university with exams! Material to study and exams to do...

- February: more exams and... visit friends and my dearest cousin who's living abroad?!

- April: East Fest 2010 in Lisbon, Portugal!!

2010 wishes: wisdow, love, protection, a full ocean of internal peace, mental and physical health. I will meditate with my books in a great beginning of 2010!
I just can conclude that it doesn't matter if you will have a huge or terrific new Year's Eve night. Don't forget the most important thing: make your new year a new challenge to make your life better, not just for one night but for all 2010 =)

Peace. Love.

Tuesday 29 December 2009

My soul is being colored with hope, love and strengh.

I know that I'm not alone (God is with me, with all of us, brothers) and I'm able to go forward with my life. I'm drawing my hopes, throwing away my fears and breathing my dreams. My journey, our journey starts now.
Be yourself, be a person of unconditional love and peace. Always.

Monday 28 December 2009

I'm trying to clarify some situations in my mind and heart these days...

2010 is coming and the best way to receive this beautiful present from universe is surrender to my destiny and all good things that are expecting for me in the new year. I'm trying to breath all good energies and a good quantity of hope. I'm filling my soul with good books full of wisdom in order to get a balance in my life/heart.

It's certain that I have lot of work to be done and my disposal in this moment is zero but I think that I will achieve my moment goals soon (choreographies and classes to prepare).

Today, my brain is tired, my soul is tired, I'm tired and fade up. Tomorrow is a new day.

For 2010 I'm preparing/planning some trips, with friends and alone.

My last new idea was something like "I'm thinking about going to India to a spiritual venue. I would like to know that people, I'm sure that I lived there in other lifes..."

well, it seems that I always have great ideas to shock my family eheheh. I don't do it for purpose. Perhaps I'm just different from my family... or crazy.

I'm not planning going to India soon, it was just an idea... but I would like to go there one day!

Once I told my sister that I would like to work in a country (outside EU) and she answered me, with a serious face, that she won't support me if I do that. Humm... it's always good to know. I started laughing for 2 seconds and then explained her why I want to go.

I feel that I need to go there (to many places, actually), I have love inside my heart and something tells me to go, so, I'm sure that Universe will give me the tools that I need to follow my destiny. It always reminds me what one woman told me once "2009 will be the year (...)". It has been the year, indeed, in terms of development and Love...?!

Good news: I'm leaving my darkest side slowly...

the begining of 2009 was a huge dark whole but fornutely I'm leaving my darkest side to be a new me. I met a huge light in my life, a present from the Universe, the most beautiful one and because of that I'm more bright now (or trying to be) and I'm looking forward to be more peaceful, honest and truthful with myself. Always. After 24 years I realize that I forgot to be me, just me. I forgot to fill my soul... I was looking outside instaed of turning within and coming to know the Self. Me.

June was a bright month for me for many reasons (many, many, many!). It was an awakening for me! Thank you, Universe, for your present.

About my troubled path: I just want to say I'm sorry for those people I hurt in some way in this difficult journey and "many many" thank you to my friends for being there for me!

I'm recovering from my deep exhaustion and finding my place. Finally. Thank you, God.

Besides my trips, one of my 2010 main wishes is to find myself. ME.

I hope you all find yourselves in your unique path. Light, peace and Love. Be patient with yourself and you will find your richness.

Filling my heart with a special song:

"Take me to the airport
And put me on a plane
I got no expectations
To pass through here again"

Tolerance is based on going beyond the superficial things that divide us.

It's result of turning within and coming to know the Self. If I can deal with my own ego, then my own anger can be resolved. This goes a long way in resolving external issues too. With my own ego out of the way, I will able to handle anything! Otherwise, it's just the same old thing - you versus me, yours versus mine etc - intolerance. If I'm unselfish and honest in my heart, I am concerned about other's needs, and am full enough to give. When you know the self in this way, then you can know others. "I should be understood" changes to "I should understand". Not, "they should change", but "I will give what's needed". Patience, peace and maturity develop. Spiritual tolerance cultivates innate wisdow, the kind you can't get from books.

Turn within and in silence fill yourself with your Godly inheritance. Always remember, you don't have to prove anything. Whatever is true is going to be revealed, anyway. Working to win the hearts of others is what will bring happiness to your life.

Dadi Janki, Wisdow of Tolerance in "Companion of God"

Sunday 27 December 2009

Just arrived from my show and I'm wondering where is my soul...
I deeply love to dance, I feel the music inside me and my soul connects with divine energies but, I don't know why, lately, I don't feel unicity and surrender as I wished...
I forgot that I also need to breath sometimes and have time for me. I'll do that, for sure, through The wisdom and words of Dadi Janki. My new acquisition. A beautiful one that will change my soul for better :)

Saturday 26 December 2009

My best Christmas present: my family's company and lots of love from dearest friends.

I also received a special present by e-mail from my friend Nadi, a beautiful and sweet woman.

I want to share this special text with all of you. I ended up smiling and crying about this one... so pure and beautiful message! I will try to translate it for you all when I have some extra free time... I'm going to work and I deeply wish to do a better performance today. As I wish to reconnect with all good and divine energies.

A ti

Desejo-te tempo!

Não te desejo um presente qualquer,

Desejo-te somente aquilo que a maioria não tem.

Tempo, para te divertires e sorrires;

Tempo para que os obstáculos sejam superados

E muitos sucessos comemorados.

Desejo-te tempo, para planeares e realizares,

Não só para ti mesmo, mas também para doá-lo aos outros.

Desejo-te tempo, não para teres pressa e correr,

Mas tempo para te encontrares a ti mesmo,

Desejo-te tempo, não só para passar ou para vê-lo no relógio,

Desejo-te tempo, para que fiques;

Tempo para te encantares e tempo para confiares em alguém.

Desejo-te tempo para tocares as Estrelas

E tempo para cresceres, e para amadureceres.

Desejo-te tempo para aprenderes e acertares,

Tempo para recomeçares, se fracassares.

Desejo-te tempo também para poderes voltar atrás e perdoar.

Para teres novas esperanças e para amar.

Não faz mais sentido protelar.

Desejo-te tempo para seres feliz.

Para viveres cada dia, cada hora como um presente.

Desejo-te tempo, tempo para a Vida.

Desejo-te tempo.Tempo. Muito tempo!

Oferece em qualquer altura do ano, a mais pura das energias àqueles que guardas no teu Coração - Amor...

Saturday 19 December 2009

It seemed that Friday was my birthday! Last week a great friend of mine was saying "your birthday is next week Filipa...!", "really? I didn't notice that!"... And I really didn't.

Days have been passing by and we are already counting down to Christmas...

I like Christmas to stay at home with my family next to the fire just talking, laughing and enjoying the true meaning of Christmas: Family and Love.
Another reason to love Christmas is my dog... ehehhe. My baby become so hysterical about her present that she stays next to the Christmas tree looking after "the" present that she knows that's for her... smart baby! :)

I'm trying to feed my soul with a lot of books (and good feelings) that I bought from a good book fair (good feelings aren't available yet in book fairs)... I'm losing my mind and some euros too but for a excellent reason! Books.
I'm still reading A new earth but I confess that I need time to calm down and continue my reading. These last days have been too busy and sometimes when I got home I just want to listen to a special music and sleep sleep sleep.

Another day happened an interesting situation with me. I was just enjoying some friends at a caffe with an anniversary in the middle when a guy (that was in the group) started to talk with me in a kind of monologue. I tryed to keep a conversation but I gave up quickly and left him doing his monologue. I just needed to say "hum, hum" or "yes, yes" and he continues... boring (and drunk!) person! I tryed to show him that I wasn't interested in his conversation but he wasn't listening at all. While he was talking (alone) I realize that I'm reaching, finally, my internal ocean of peace. I was thinking... you can continue talking and I can keep my interested face but I know that inside of me I have peace to deal with it. I know who I am and in the end of this night I'll go home and stay with me, just with my internal peace.

I met my true me and my GOD. My peace. Indescribable. Like many things in life.

In Christmas I always become more affective and sweet, don't ask me why, it's just a true fact from my life and heart.
I've been thinking about my truely friends and how I feel blessed to have them in my life, coloring my days but I also have been thinking in one person in particular. So distant from me and so close to my heart. I have so much to say but I prefer to keep it for me or who knows for us.

Today I'm addicted to Ana Moura's songs... again!
Photo: Lisbon at night

Wednesday 16 December 2009


I'm feeling with more energy lately. My days have been full of meetings, studies and work (preparing classes, replying messages and so on...). At the end of the day I go down and rescue my soul to continue this journey, this flow seems good to me as I'm finding myself to go forward.

Tomorrow I'm going to a place wich I enjoy: the airport! Ohh how I love airports!
I always liked it but since last year I suddenly became scared about that idea. Well, I just needed a couple of flights to feel more comfortable about it. I'm addicted to flights now or by another words I love to travel!

Tomorrow I'll have my French friend and my sis with me and I'm very happy about it! I miss my french/portuguese lessons with Marie and of course I miss my sis! After 2 or 3 years she is going to spend Christmas time with us and this year I really want to enjoy the silence (or peace?) and all that we can get on Christmas time (well, or it's supposed to): Love.

Perhaps I can forget all the work that has to be done and just enjoy the magic of Christmas.
It sounds good :)

Sunday 13 December 2009

Food feeds your body. Thoughts feed your soul.

Some things that I love and feed my soul:

- My cup of tea during my readings

- Music playing when I need strenght or when I need peace. Sometimes a specific music can reach our heart and give us more than just a simple message...

- Kissing my beautiful cats as well as my sweetest dog (I don't care about diseases, the worst disease is being a bad person and I'm totally sure about this one: I'm not a bad person)

- Dance. Ohh what can I say about this one. Dance is the air that I breath. I deeply love dancing. I love to create art. I fell all my cells smiling when I dance and my soul become entirely complete when I do it. Love.

- Silence. So important and forgotten by so many people.

- Love and always Love, in their different ways...

Today, I'm more calm. A lot of good spiritual lectures always help to find our path.

I'm counting down the end of useless "pre-occupations".

Peace and Love. Always.

One of the best things that I really enjoy after a show is to take time for me to clean all my make up. It's like a ritual, when, in silence, I can reflect about my day and about my performance. In silence. And how I love that silence... and that peace.

I found myself.

Today, after a show I was with a great friend of mine (also a dancer. I just danced because of her, 'cause she told me "Filipa you will dance!", "Do I have a choice?", "Hmmm... not really").

We were discussing about dance (what else?!) and we laugh a lot...

Can you imagine two crazy women discussing in a car about dance for about 2hours? It's not a surprise but we were tired (well, at least she was because she spent all day dancing!).

When I got home I cooked, ate, took a shower and voilá I'm ready to sleep now although my mind is still working on new ideas... and singing Ana Moura's song.

Saturday 12 December 2009

Today, I'm deeply in love with some portuguese songs from Ana Moura.

Pure, truthful, powerful.

I need to mention "O que foi que aconteceu" and "Não hesitava um segundo".

Beautiful... 'cause everything in life contains love. Just some songs to fill my/our heart(s) in this Winter...

Fado. Our traditional roots.

Friday 11 December 2009

Reconhecer a força interior

- Reconhecer: reconheço aquilo que experimento.
Para me reconhecer tenho que sentir quem sou, da mesma forma que só sei o sabor de um gelado provando-o.

- Doar: só posso doar de mim, dos meus sentimentos puros, se cá dentro, no meu interior, experimento esse mesmo sentimento.

- Abrindo a gaveta esquecida resgato a minha essência, quem eu realmente sou e experimento a minha paz, a minha força que é imensa e cheia de luz.

Om Shanti

Thursday 10 December 2009

I was never addicted to blogs but suddenly I found it very helpful to express my feelings and thoughts about everything... or almost everything!

Why I'm writing in english instaed of portuguese? Well... because I need to improve my english (feel free to correct me please!) and also because I can reach more people writing in English.

I have been very busy lately with a dance event that I'm organizing with a friend of mine. I'm deeply excited but it also takes too much work! Sometimes I feel that I need to slow down and breathe (I'm sure she feels the same sometimes). next day I wake up as a new person and we start all over again with more energy. This is what keeps me going... dance!

Book that I'm reading in order to find myself: "A new earth" by Eckhart Tolle. I believe that I'll get there...
Photo: my beautiful cat sleeping :)

Wednesday 9 December 2009

These last years I forgot to pay attention on me and consequently I lost myself in the dark.

Today, I decided that's enough.

Today, I decided to be a warrior.

I decided to be me.