Wednesday 3 August 2011

Why we should NEVER underestimate the Divine signs in our lives and follow our heart...

Whilst reading my book "Walk around Heaven" about a espiritual journey I was feeling myself diving into a deep  journey too. The writter always defined herself as not that espiritual to have espiritual experiences till she started to have. It is amazing the way she received tons of messages of love, hope and guidance during her path.
Love is definitely interesting and wonderful. I admit that other day, while reading the same book in the bus a thought pop out my mind literally: Oh... now I know why I'm here in this country. I needed to experience this. Yes, before coming to Doha I felt that I should come to experience something. I was completely afraid and sometimes still have fear. After all, I left everything behind and gave a chance to myself to discover what life has to me in a new country and a new career. It was almost giving a step in the dark but I realize you never know if you don't try, The experience has been particularly good. I have proven to myself, without realizing it, that I'm capable when I want. And if I want I can do it.
Of course I cried and I cry sometimes but tears and smiles are part of life.
The adaptation hasn't been so much difficult as I thought making me realize that I really need to be here now, even when someone or something harm me in my heart.

So, I received a sign while reading the book and I realized what I have to face here and need to experience. There's no more anxiety about what am I doing here?
And everytime when something goes wrong I ask myself within my soul "do you want to go away?" and the answer is "no. not yet". I also have the profounds believe that everything will be ok and the happiness is wanting for me, right around the corner... I just need to open completely my heart and let go my ego that is, because it's its "job", always trying to convince me that something wrong or bad is going to happen.
Once I started a book (still waiting for me to finish) that says that everything is "normal" about this because the mind is too used to be in the dark side and when you give positive thoughts the first reaction is to refuse them. But that's ok. I just need to take care of my thoughts as a baby, with tender love and affection. I have strenght to face the deserts and the storms but sometimes I forget it.

So, living in a Muslim Country (I used to say months before coming here "one day I'll live in a Muslim Country"... when I didn't know that Qatar was destinated for me. My thought was and still is as well as my heart in another country), working in a Muslim Company and having Muslim Friends I wish to you ALL (regardless your religion) a Happy Ramadan full of positive energy, Love and Courage to face our dark sides. I wish you strenght to go deep within ourselves and cross all the deserts we could need and conect to the Higher Energy made of Love: God/Universe so we can born again, stronger, happier and sensitive than ever and pratice everyday the generosity, courage, kindness, love for the others.

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