Tuesday 30 August 2011

I miss posting to my blog but my days have been flying!

I crossed different countries in a short space of time. I crossed pains and disappointments but I also have experiencing beautiful moments. Experiencing a new life in a new country and a new career is making me facing all my inner ghosts or insecurities of the past. Dealing with people from different backgrounds has been challenging as well. I have been crying and laughing in the same proportion and as I said before leaving my country to one of my beloved friends "I feel I need to go. Maybe I will suffer, maybe I will cry. I know it's a huge step but if it's to grow up and hurt let's do it. If it's to hurt let it hurt at once". She called me bravous at that time and she told me that she wouldn't have the courage I had and have to face all of this, to leave the comfort zone. As I told her she has more courageous in other areas of life that maybe I don't have so there's no comparation to make.

All this process of growing is worthing for so many reasons. Despite crying so many times and feel depressed and desesperated, all this experience have been good for me to realize what is in front of my eyes - my love for my friends, family (pets included, of course) and love. I truely love humanity in the real sense of the word!

I have been enjoying meeting such special people connected to God/Universe and I realize how many things have been happening for my own good. They say that everything comes to you when you are ready to receive the lesson and the good! It's true. Despite my disappointments with some people and situations I hold in my heart the ones I love deeply, the ones who care about me for real. I appreciate even more the real friendship and the real love in the chaos of fake societies. I appreciate life in its own perfection and beauty.
And for those who made me cry lately at work and that I don't want to feel anger about I have to be grateful as well because they are my best teachers and they were there in that moment to teach me how to be patient with myself and to go through the process of accepting me more and more without paying attention to bad feelings and words born from arrongance and insensibility. God bless us ALL to be better and divine with our essence in every second we breathe because where is love there's no ego.

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