Wednesday 17 August 2011

Life is full of surprises and blessings

After 1 more week waiting for my VISA finally I collected all my documentation. Now, more than my passport I should carry my Qatar ID plus tons of other cards (health cards, competence card, etc).
I'm oficially working in Doha as my base now. Who knew that? I never thought about this country till I receive a proposal to work here and as I mentioned tons of times I didn't know what to expect but I felt I should come here for some reason.

Because I truely believe in signs, other day, while I was reading a book I realize my mission here like a flash which ran through my mind. Even after having some disappointments here with some people I feel that I'm strong than ever. I decided to be happy and take the best of this experience. Fortunatelly I'm finding good and real friends here that support me and I'm starting to enjoy life! 
I don't feel alone anymore even when I'm alone. I feel that GOD is with me and ALL the Angels and they sent me brilliant friends whom I share my heart with. I'm feeling so blessed and happy. Finally I'm feeling that I definitelly belong here for at least some time till I reach my goal of personal growth that this experience/country/culture can give to me!

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