Monday 26 September 2011

God is always giving us beautiful presents

This beautiful Universe is giving me the opportunity to start again and build a new life.
Is giving me the opportunity to grow up in a different place, with different cultures to make me more colourful and human. Is giving me the possibility to understand, see and feel different points of view.
Gave me the opportunity to go ahead with my dreams and leave behind all that people who was harming me and  somehow trying to control me and leading me to a nonmeaningful life.
And despite the pain your growth can goes with it... it always worth the fight because after the storm is always a rainbow leading you to a meaningful and happy life, full of love.

I'm GRATEFUL for that.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Growing doesn't mean you are going through a easy path but you're going through YOUR path!

Today, I'm missing one of my dearest friend's wedding in my country. I wished I could be with her sharing this important moment. I wish I could cry tears of happiness inside the church and laugh so much during the rest of the day with her and some mutual friends we have. I wish I could say to her how HAPPY I am for her, hug her and kiss her saying how beautiful she is, how beautiful her strenght and smile are and how sweet and romantic she always can be with words! Today I just want to say sweetie that I'm truely happy for you because you've always chosen LOVE and today you said YES.
Feel yourself embraced and loved for me on your special day. May GOD always give you both strenght, love, understanding, protection, patience, health and guidance. 

And while I'm writing about my friend's wedding I realize how many things I'm effectivelly missing in my country, in my friend's lives and maybe in a life that belonged to me as well. I'll miss the "official announcement" of one of my dearest friend's pregnancy too. She called me in a rush yesterday to give me the news and I couldn't be more happy. I know her and I know it will be a blast when giving the news to everybody, I mean, all of our friends, one of these nights.

I know I chose to come, I chose to change my life, it's a fact and I can not change it. It's done. I chose to grow up, I chose to learn more about myself and life. I chose to be more because I always want more about everything. I'm intense in everything I do and feel! But I also can see how many things I'm missing for being apart... and it hurts. It scares me... because one day I can feel that I don't belong to any place anymore.

And that's it.
But did someone say that growing up doesn't hurt or scares anyway? 


Sharing our skins and our souls. 

Friday 23 September 2011

"See. You have been learning something... and I think you have been learning much more but you don't realize it yet."

Told me a friend of mine today.
Maybe she's right.

I told before coming "I need to go, I need to go. If it's to hurt so it will hurt. If it's to grow let's do it for good"
Maybe I knew it in my heart but I didn't realized it... 
This may hurt but will make me a better person, more human, more pure, more connected. 
Says a saying that the King and the Princess always awaited for the Spring to see these flowers in an amazing show of colours and beauty.

Once upon a time, before Portugal become a country, there was a famous and known King who never had known a loss. One day he found between the prisioners one beautiful woman, a beautiful princess.
Very impressed by her he gave her freedom and conquered her trust and heart. He confessed his love for her and asked her to marry him.
They were very happy till the princess get sick. Very desperate the King looked for answers till a wise old man told the King that the Princess was just feeling homesick, missing the snow from her country.
The King ordered to plant trees which could remind the Princess about the snow in order to heal her. She was healed. Everytime the Princess saw the flowers she could feel better and stronger.

The King and the Princess lived happily their intense love for many years waiting anxious for every Spring to see the amazing show of flowers reminding snow...

I'm receiving sings as pearls. In a moment where I was thinking to myself where are the simple pleasures of life I always enjoyed and used to treat/heal my wounds deep in my soul when I see in a movie these beautiful flowers which come from beautiful trees. 
I simply love these flowers and it's really true the amazing show they can offer to your eyes and soul... reminding me about LOVE and BEAUTY!

... And suddenly I'm watching a egyptian movie and all the images are saying me that's Alexandria and I need to go THERE maddly! I have been wondering about this for some time but maybe just some weeks when these images caught me making my heart saying "Go to Alexandria". And I will.
I loved you since the first second I saw you and I didn't know.

I still love you more than I imagine and I try to don't realize that.

I miss your existence in my days as part of my soul.

I really miss you and even when I try to forget that I end up like thinking of you every second of my days

Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Universe is a GENIUS!

Today, when I look back I definitely need to smile! The Universe is a Genius in everything HE does...
Some months ago I was struggling to put an end about something I didn't want for me and was making me suffer.
I was trying to convince myself that maybe life it's just finishing studies, get a job, get marry and that's it. Maybe I was dreaming too much for me and for my life. Maybe life was just like that... without feeling my heart full of purpose in everything I do. In the end of the day I was always saying to myself "No, I know what I felt and I feel  this is not for me". As a intense person as I am everything needs to make sense to my heart even if it doesn't make sense at ALL to my mind or other's mind. Today, I definitely have to smile.
I moved country, I left everything behind (my family, my friends, my adorable pets, my projects...) to explore every inch of me, every possibility of life. I started from ZERO. I even left all (stupid) situations that at that time I thought it could be good for me... thank GOD I heard my heart and moved away from all negative energies that could lead me to a darker place.
Despite all the bad moments I can face here "alone" in my new life I'm sure I'm in the right place now.
I'm discovering friends I never expected to find. I'm enjoying moments of pure simplicity.
I'm discovering WHY I am here and I am learning SO MUCH just for being here. Sometimes hurts but sometimes the pain heals. I'm proud of myself because I did it despite all my fears. I'm proud because I did it alone and somehow I trusted GOD. And HE is giving me so many presents and sometimes I'm sleeping...
Today, I received messages from unknown people from my country that somehow know me, just to send me their love and support in my new experience and wishing me the best. How lovely people can be with you is something deeply beautiful.

So, I just have to be grateful for ALL. The dark moments and the bright moments are BOTH part of my growth. And I barerly can wait to hug my beloved ones!
Letting go...

I have read too many times about letting go something in our lives... sometimes we really need to let go something even if it's good. We need to let go so it can return to us.
Yes, I have read many times about letting go but it doesn't really mean I could do it after 3 seconds of readings. Letting go takes times and somehow effort and not effort at all.
Everytime I let go something I felt more conected with my divine source, happy, caring, full of inconditional love. If somethings goes without my control I accept I did my part and the best I could and I let it go with the river. My wounds heal and I feel better because I know the Universe will do the rest for me... I definitely trusted and it was the best I did. Everything fell in the right place, but lately this is not happening. I'm finding myself so anxious and stressed about how should I let go that I forget that there's no recipe for that and most of the time we just need to relax and let ourselves go with the wind...

Yes, I have forgotten how divine it is to let go... but I decided to live in peace with myself and be patient and caring. Everything takes time.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Is the smell of your skin, is the colour of your skin, is the way your heart used to sang to me, is the way we used to touch our legs like lovers. For all that we missed, for all we had afraid to live, for all we still can live... one day, as ONE.
There's something about real LOVE that you can't explain but just feel. In dark moments I believe and keep my faith somehow alive. I hold on to what I call my bible from Dadi Janki.

Friday 16 September 2011

GRATEFUL for all the friends who support me and care for me along the way. It doesn't matter where physically you are in the world. 
The most important is that you are inside my heart.

Grateful for all the friends I have... and how amazing friends I truely have! 
Thanks Universe for THAT blessing!

In the chaos of life, in all superficiality of situations I hold on to what the Universe has to give me.

Somehow in a place where I'm receiving lessons, sometimes very hard ones, I realize that the Universe never ever sleeps. When I receive a deception, a reason to give up and doubt about all my choices I see the Universe manifesting to me in my new friends, my new family here. I really feel support and love. I'm loved by my friends and we are willing to help each other with our open hearts. That's the most beautiful thing I'm seeing here, where everybody wants to put you down and take advantage of every single step you take.
They say a family always loves, cares and supports you in difficult times and I conclude that my friends here are my family now and I truely love them for being present physically when sometimes it hurts so much being away from our own family, friends and country! How blessed I am for having 2 families, friends and places to stay. 
My home is the whole world and inside my heart I'm rich.

Thursday 15 September 2011

The last weeks have been intense in all the meaning of the word!

Working in an airline company gives you, most of all, experience of life. You deal with the good and the bad, for sure, like in other jobs but here I can distinguish 2 worlds: passengers and crew.

The most wonderful experiences I had were with passengers and it gave me the real meaning of being here working even for a short period of time (I guess...).

The most touching experiences I had was helping a gentleman filling the arrival card because he's hand was shaking too much. I took care of him during all flight because he wasn't feeling good and when he seeked for me he asked me if I could do a big favour to him to fill the card. Of course I helped him, with all my pleasure, but I must admit I felt very emotional. For me it's a simple thing to do and for him made such a HUGE difference. It proved me how simple our acts can be and how much they can turn other's lives better. So, now  I never ever doubt about a simple gesture.

Other day a lady hugged me in the end of the flight thanking me for everything I did. I was really surprised because I just helped her answering one question or maybe it was because I smiled at her everytime she smiled at me. Maybe she felt my energy and somehow we understood each other despite our so different cultures just for smiling to each other and making our day brighter!
How can a smile change our days and our world? I learnt about it THAT day too!

And when someone recognizes your hard working and affection is something that makes all the effort you put into. How love can bring love is something amazing. How can a smile brings you smiles and sunshines is also something curious!
Wish you ALL a fantastic day full of light and love!

I will come back later to post all my thoughts and experiences from the last days...

Sunday 4 September 2011

Today I just want to share this beautiful thought that I found on fb:

There’s no need to rush. If something is meant to be, it will happen. In the right time, with the right person, for the best reason.♥ 

From the page We are here to inspire.

This one melted my heart deeply. In a moment where I'm crossing deserts within, holding into my faith and restoring my strenght once again, this one was more than music to my ears - it was/is music to my soul.

Sometimes it's too hard to have patient but the Universe always give us signs to go forward to keep the faith... and the heart!