Wednesday 31 August 2011

My present joy:

Opening the cupboard in my kitchen and realizing that I'm actually living here!

I did it! I'm still doing it. I'm here :)
Once I read that a dancer just can be a real dancer if she/he doesn't forget to live their own life at the fullest!

Living within a different culture, immerse in different music and noises and in different scenarios just can make us grow up in a way we never ever imagine. Today when I dance I feel more unit, more total in my heart because I'm being honest with myself, drinking and taking all difficulties of the way and getting over them all.

Today I feel I am more WOMAN when I dance, because I'm living my life at the fullest and being honest with my heart. I'm grateful for all the power I still have within my heart to discover, I'm grateful for all the good situations I had and also for the best that is yet to come. I'm grateful for my health, my life, my heart, my family, my friends and for being loved. I'm also grateful for the men I loved and for the man I love even if he doesn't see it. I'm grateful for having a heart that cares, feels and breathes life...

My experience in Saigon (Ho Chin Min City)

As I always say, life is full of signs and wonders. While in the capital of Vietname due my job, I could enjoy 2 days off that tasted like heaven. 
One of the situations I hold in my heart from there was seeing one Buddhist walking on the street and smiling at me like if we know what each other was thinking yes life is beautiful. 
I almost forgot how many butterflies I saw! None of them touched me but their presence was enough to let me know that God and all the angels are everywhere and guiding me.
All this journey as been painful and joyful. As travelling around the world can be one of the most wonderful experiences of our lifes you can also cross the whole world and not feel happy about it. Plus, you can feel that this is completely wonderful but still something is missing or you can't enjoy at the fullest due some reason you can also ignore.

I'm trying to open my heart at the fullest to enjoy my new experiences because it's the only way to live our lives. If I don't live with my heart anything makes sense to me. As a intense person I am a situation, a person, a sign may make sense to my heart and not to my brain but I always remind myself I am a spirit and not a robot. Sometimes things don't make sense at all to our mind but all the sense to our hearts and that's the only thing I am looking forward. What makes sense to my heart...

Despite all the tears and how deeply I miss all of my beloved ones I still feel that I have something to learn from this experience and this new country and the lesson is not finish. It's just starting and I'm feeling it through my path.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

I miss posting to my blog but my days have been flying!

I crossed different countries in a short space of time. I crossed pains and disappointments but I also have experiencing beautiful moments. Experiencing a new life in a new country and a new career is making me facing all my inner ghosts or insecurities of the past. Dealing with people from different backgrounds has been challenging as well. I have been crying and laughing in the same proportion and as I said before leaving my country to one of my beloved friends "I feel I need to go. Maybe I will suffer, maybe I will cry. I know it's a huge step but if it's to grow up and hurt let's do it. If it's to hurt let it hurt at once". She called me bravous at that time and she told me that she wouldn't have the courage I had and have to face all of this, to leave the comfort zone. As I told her she has more courageous in other areas of life that maybe I don't have so there's no comparation to make.

All this process of growing is worthing for so many reasons. Despite crying so many times and feel depressed and desesperated, all this experience have been good for me to realize what is in front of my eyes - my love for my friends, family (pets included, of course) and love. I truely love humanity in the real sense of the word!

I have been enjoying meeting such special people connected to God/Universe and I realize how many things have been happening for my own good. They say that everything comes to you when you are ready to receive the lesson and the good! It's true. Despite my disappointments with some people and situations I hold in my heart the ones I love deeply, the ones who care about me for real. I appreciate even more the real friendship and the real love in the chaos of fake societies. I appreciate life in its own perfection and beauty.
And for those who made me cry lately at work and that I don't want to feel anger about I have to be grateful as well because they are my best teachers and they were there in that moment to teach me how to be patient with myself and to go through the process of accepting me more and more without paying attention to bad feelings and words born from arrongance and insensibility. God bless us ALL to be better and divine with our essence in every second we breathe because where is love there's no ego.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Life is full of surprises and blessings

After 1 more week waiting for my VISA finally I collected all my documentation. Now, more than my passport I should carry my Qatar ID plus tons of other cards (health cards, competence card, etc).
I'm oficially working in Doha as my base now. Who knew that? I never thought about this country till I receive a proposal to work here and as I mentioned tons of times I didn't know what to expect but I felt I should come here for some reason.

Because I truely believe in signs, other day, while I was reading a book I realize my mission here like a flash which ran through my mind. Even after having some disappointments here with some people I feel that I'm strong than ever. I decided to be happy and take the best of this experience. Fortunatelly I'm finding good and real friends here that support me and I'm starting to enjoy life! 
I don't feel alone anymore even when I'm alone. I feel that GOD is with me and ALL the Angels and they sent me brilliant friends whom I share my heart with. I'm feeling so blessed and happy. Finally I'm feeling that I definitelly belong here for at least some time till I reach my goal of personal growth that this experience/country/culture can give to me!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Life is full of surprises, while I'm settling in my flatmate is coming back to her country after 1 year and some months here.

It made me think about life. Since yesterday my heart decided to be happy again and take the most positive experience I can have from my "new" life in a different country. I know I will not be the same after this, it's impossible to be the same after living in a new country actually, but I'm sure within my heart that my transformation just can be good! I'm still afraid as other people but I'm facing it and transforming it into a positive thing! Love was always and will always be sacred to me. Love is the only power that moves me and makes me fly so high that words can't express. Love is what makes my heart beat...
And with love I wish to my flatmate all the best to her new life about to come, in her country, here she is going to study again. All the best for you dear!

Friday 12 August 2011

Another charpter finished.

Turning the page is often strange, scary and challenger. Lately I can realize how many pages I need to turn. Remove old habits, remove old paterns of thinking and open new doors, windows or other exists!
Whilst one charpter finished, another is about to come in order to pursuit my connection with the Universe with a brighter light.

And how GOOD was today my day. Just spent the day with a friend from my country, just because we wanted to be together. 
We went out, then cooked, ate and had a typical portuguese time: talked while we were appreciating the food! The lunch lasted till late and after that I came home and simply enjoyed life in such small things, just listening music, letting myself go and opening my heart to LIVE FULLY!
Dreaming and living between music.....

How I love music! It fills my heart, my soul... my essence! I'm since this evening going happily crazy with such amazing songs! Oh God.... life is definitely GOOD!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

There is a place called happiness, it is just an arms' length away from your fears and a few steps beyond your misgivings. To get there, sometimes you need to take the path of courage, down to the street of never-give-up, until you reach the field of dreams. - by Dodinsky (

Why we should NEVER underestimate the Divine signs in our lives and follow our heart...

Whilst reading my book "Walk around Heaven" about a espiritual journey I was feeling myself diving into a deep  journey too. The writter always defined herself as not that espiritual to have espiritual experiences till she started to have. It is amazing the way she received tons of messages of love, hope and guidance during her path.
Love is definitely interesting and wonderful. I admit that other day, while reading the same book in the bus a thought pop out my mind literally: Oh... now I know why I'm here in this country. I needed to experience this. Yes, before coming to Doha I felt that I should come to experience something. I was completely afraid and sometimes still have fear. After all, I left everything behind and gave a chance to myself to discover what life has to me in a new country and a new career. It was almost giving a step in the dark but I realize you never know if you don't try, The experience has been particularly good. I have proven to myself, without realizing it, that I'm capable when I want. And if I want I can do it.
Of course I cried and I cry sometimes but tears and smiles are part of life.
The adaptation hasn't been so much difficult as I thought making me realize that I really need to be here now, even when someone or something harm me in my heart.

So, I received a sign while reading the book and I realized what I have to face here and need to experience. There's no more anxiety about what am I doing here?
And everytime when something goes wrong I ask myself within my soul "do you want to go away?" and the answer is "no. not yet". I also have the profounds believe that everything will be ok and the happiness is wanting for me, right around the corner... I just need to open completely my heart and let go my ego that is, because it's its "job", always trying to convince me that something wrong or bad is going to happen.
Once I started a book (still waiting for me to finish) that says that everything is "normal" about this because the mind is too used to be in the dark side and when you give positive thoughts the first reaction is to refuse them. But that's ok. I just need to take care of my thoughts as a baby, with tender love and affection. I have strenght to face the deserts and the storms but sometimes I forget it.

So, living in a Muslim Country (I used to say months before coming here "one day I'll live in a Muslim Country"... when I didn't know that Qatar was destinated for me. My thought was and still is as well as my heart in another country), working in a Muslim Company and having Muslim Friends I wish to you ALL (regardless your religion) a Happy Ramadan full of positive energy, Love and Courage to face our dark sides. I wish you strenght to go deep within ourselves and cross all the deserts we could need and conect to the Higher Energy made of Love: God/Universe so we can born again, stronger, happier and sensitive than ever and pratice everyday the generosity, courage, kindness, love for the others.