Friday 16 July 2010

Ideas on Beauty

"It has been aptly said that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. It has to be seen, however, to which kind of beauty this saying applies.

It is observed that a person, having facial beauty, is not necessarily beautiful at heart. For example, a lady who has attractive looks, no longer looks beautiful if she acts like an enraged bull in china shop. So, it has been truly said that handsome is he that handsome does.

Again, beauty is subjective. For instance, anyone who is a lover of nature, cannot resist being drawn to a beautiful flower, but to a bird a flower is only a thing to be nibbled at. So, beauty does not necessarily lie in the colour or contours, rather it lies in the eye of the beholder."
Beauty in only skin-deep.
From Brahma K.

Just like a tree: what it's important, it's inside, not outside!

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