Monday 28 March 2011

:) ♥ Wishing you all a fantastic day!

Sunday 27 March 2011

Eric Clapton - Diamonds from the rain

To fill our hearts, to give them LIGHT, LOVE, TRUTH.

To remember us that we are all diamonds inside and we all can make diamonds from the rain, and through the rain!

" (...) Every storm that I have turned Each forgiveness I have earned Every shame that's taught me grace From you I have learned... No love is lost No love is lost... That everything is shown to me I let it wash over me Like diamonds made of rain You can find joy inside the pain... Everything that I've endured For the wisdom of a pearl I wouldn't change a thing You can make diamonds from the rain... Every mile of this road... Every chord that's struck my soul You are the melody That will soothe me 'til I'm old... If the promises are kept I'll waive all of my regrets I can say I've overcome With you, my heart is open... No love was lost No love was lost... That everything is shown to me I let it wash over me Like diamonds made of rain You can find joy inside the pain... Everything that I've endured For the wisdom of a pearl I wouldn't change a thing You can make diamonds from the rain..." Eric Clapton - Diamonds made from rain

From the deepest sadness I know there is the most beautiful light waiting to come out. After the storm the rainbow.

Learning to make diamonds from the rain... and through the rain.
After the storm you find the rainbow

In times of despair, in times of darkness I seek for beauty from inside out

I seek for GOD's LOVE, courage and protection, indeed!

... and whilst I pray for my protection and for the ones I love from my heart I ask for signs to guide me.

Guess what? I was just asking so desperately for signs when a song on the radio was saying "I know your life is going to change and everything will be ok"!

Through the rain, through the darkness I decided to be the captain of my boat, of my life, and so, I'm looking definitely for those opportunities to change and do what I really want.

I think it's enough of trying to don't see what I truely desire/what my heart desires.

So, I invite you all to see me dancing on 28th April and 30th April on East Fest shows because, who knows, just GOD knows, maybe after that dates I will take all HIS COURAGE AND STRENGHT to take a plane and experience what means changing.

Till then, lots of things should be done!

Friday 25 March 2011

If you are in Portugal next month you shouldn't miss this festival, organized by Cris Aysel and ME!

If you don't dance you have the amazing opportunity to learn from the BEST teachers in the world and the WONDERFULL opportunity to see the BEST dancing on stage on 28th April and 30th April - yap, we have 2 shows this year!

Hurry up because the tickets are always SOLD OUT!

Monday 21 March 2011

Prophecies and butterflies

Sunday 20 March 2011

Some time ago I had searched for butterflies' meaning and basically what I found is that butterflies mean changes. Another day, while I was being blessed with another butterfly, my friend who was with me said "it means luck!" and lately I feel butterflies in a very concrete way. I have been feeling that these butterflies are the answers to my prayers. They are little angels guiding me in my life, in my decisions and they usually get so close to me that I almost hear them!

Butterflies are absolutely beautiful and I've seen so much lately that I'm always asking everybody "Have you seen butterflies lately?" and curiously the answer is "no, not really".

Is it just me or the angels are really here to guide me and fullfill my heart with love and courage?

Oh, life is beautiful and the Universe is powerfull. HE always send you signs to answer your questions and doubts.

Just open your heart, let HIM speak, listen to the butterflies/little angels and allow yourself to feel their love and joy!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Stop listening to others!!

Listen to your heart instaed. Others can have a good goal giving you advices but ONLY YOU can feel your heart and ONLY YOUR HEART knows what is best for YOU. Others are trying their best to help you but just your heart knows what is best. Forget the others, forget the ego, respect your heart and yourself in the seek of your OWN DREAMS.
Live your life, not the life other's want to see you living in...

Keep meditating. Never forget you heart's will and go for your dreams.

Keep praying, for you and for others who are suffering in the world sending Love and Light!
I should have known this by far but sometimes when we feel disconnected and try to seek other's help we end up listening too much sounds from the outside and less from inside. What a terrible mistake we do so often...!
Today I woke up wishing for a better change, for courage, for my heart to speak loud till it hurts my ears. Today I want to change, I deeply want my ego and other's affirmations to go away.
I definitely want to follow my heart but above all I want to feel my heart - free, lovely and pure!
Yes, I really don't want to listen to other's! I appreciate all your kindness but there is a person who lives inside my heart and that person is ME and just this person knows what's best for her! So, thank you for opening my eyes and make me feel nervous because this completely express how much tired I am of listening too much and doing less.

My life is my life and just my heart/GOD know what is best for ME! I'm not going to do what you all think I should do because it looks better. Know what? It's not, at least for ME. I'm different from you and I take my choices. The next one is being happy, listening and open my heart to the divine signs I am receiving.

So, in these times of despair, anxiety, darkness I ask for GOD's LOVE, COURAGE, STRENGHT.
HE/The Universe is giving me all the answers, all the signs and I just need to listen to them without too much noise. Silence heals and our inner nature is silent and sweet.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

For all that we were
For all that we had
For all that we still can be
maybe, one day...
because you are my caramel

Monday 14 March 2011

In times of sorrow, despair, darkness I pray for a better day, for a light.

I pray for hope, happiness and FAITH.
Within my heart there is a light that shines trusting that everything will be fine soon because there is no darkness in love, there is no darkness in faith, there is no darkness in GOD.
And I truely believe, with all my guts, in the Universe and all the signs I am receiving...
So, my wish to the world is "keep praying, keep meditating for each others" and things will get better soon. When we are united for the same purpose everything is easier and we all want to be happy within! Keep the faith and move forward while you pray.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

In search for a song, for a million songs!

Other day I was writing how much intense I am as a person.
I am intense and I feel intense... in everything I do, actually.

I don't see things in a superficial way. I don't see myself as superficial person either.

Everything I seek is deep, is profound, is intense, just like my soul and I can't change it, I don't want to change it because this is my inner and true nature.

I'm so glad I'm intense in all my body cells, in all breaths I take and every spoken word.

* Looking for a song which describes my soul and some moments of life, looking and seeking tremendously for a song or a million of songs to describe LOVE, deeply love, intense love and the only way love can be! It never crossed my mind LOVE could be superficial, in my heart I hope it will never be.

* Looking for Oum Kalthoum' songs to explore the details, the magic, the divine and the inner nature we all are as GOD's soons/dauthers... the most powerfull force in the whole WORLD: LOVE.

A very special and unique post

This post is very private and special today to one of my dear friends who is getting married soon.

To you my friend with whom I have been sharing years of loyal friendship since I was teenager:

I wish you, all the best that the Universe can give to you

I wish you ALL the LOVE you can take from your life

I wish you happiness, health, love, sucess and light

I wish you will always be surrounded by true friends

I wish you (always and forever!) bring your bright eyes fulfilled by love (and how beautiful your eyes become when you speak about LOVE!)

I wish your heart will always be singing in joy

I wish you heart will always be fulfilled of deep love

I wish you always remember and FEEL how special you are, how beautiful you are and how WOMAN you are!

I just wanted you to know how much you MEAN to me and how HAPPY I'm for you!
You will always be one of my baby friends (oh, how much we shared along? How many laughs, how many tears, how many confessions... since we were teenagers!?!??!)

I can not express how much happiness you fill my heart when you are happy.

And I can see clearly in your eyes how happy you are :)

So, I wish you the most beautiful presents Universe can give to you - Love in all kind of forms, Love is all kind of gestures, Love above all. Because LOVE is ALL and the minimium I can wish to you is ALL.

And don't ever have doubts about your heart... you followed HIM and how much your heart was/is right! I admire you. And I love you. May GOD bless you with a long long everlasting LOVE with your soul mate. GOD bless YOUR LOVE, the only one, the true one, the ONE one which grows everyday more and more, stronger and divine as only real LOVE can!

Love you sweetie Lu.

(And I will definitely cry tears of joy on your wedding day!)

Sunday 6 March 2011

Why should we waste time doing something we just don't want?

Why should we hold on our lives in some aspect?

Why should we try to forget what our heart is screaming?

Why should we try to don't see what is in front of our eyes?

Why are we holding the fear instaed of the courage?

Why are we always delaying our best choice and our best life?

Why are we always trying to see something that it isn't true?

Be WHO you really ARE... and live the best of YOUR life, according to YOUR OWN HEART.

GO FOR IT. DO IT. This is the time. Change everything! NOW.

Don't be afraid. The Universe always HELPS who tries their own path...

Saturday 5 March 2011

Once was said...

Don't be with someone that doesn't make you grow.

We can be separate, we can feel distant after all this time, we can feel our hearts even a litle bit frozen but we have things that we keep just for us. We keep our pure feeling, we keep the said phrases, we keep our way of saying goodnight... and we say it like whispering into each other ears, because our hearts are still close, because maybe our hearts aren't frozen at all. They are just sleepy waiting for our right time.

I never thought about the meaning of being sexy. I didn't even realized what it means till today.

Being sexy doesn't mean having a certain type of body neither having a certain type of dressing.

Being sexy just MEANS you feel good with yourself, you feel comfortable about your body, you feel yourself as you really are and you are a temple. Never doubt about your divinity. For me this is the only way to define "being sexy" which has nothing about sexual intentions.

Pearls of Wisdom brought by a friend from her facebook:
“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs (101 Most Inspiring Quotes of All Time)"

Lets take time to read it? It worth it!

Tuesday 1 March 2011

I have been absent from my blog, I must confess, but too many things have been happening in my life, my heart, my brain...
Today, after almost fainted by the morning I realized that my body is tired as well as my heart so it's time to recover my strenght and my energies. It's time to heal my wounds, it's time to return my heart and listen to HIM.
I can't live in the coldness of a life.
If GOD is not cold, If GOD is LOVE, LOVE is warm and DIVINE and LIFE means LOVE why should I stay in a cold life that doesn't belong to me/it's not mine?
So, first of all I'm taking time to rest and take care of me. I'm taking care of my body and soul... step by step. Once again.
Asking for GOD's strenght and LOVE. ALWAYS.