Friday 31 December 2010

I'm so HAPPY that I cried, Have you ever experienced it?




What I wish for you all is what I wish for myself.

What I truely wish for the upcoming year is WISDOM, HEALTH, LOVE, JOY and PEACE.
I wish to feel my strenght within, my courage and see/feel love everywhere!

May the Universe give us the strength we need to break all barriers and fears (I'm reading now: Feel the Fear and do it anyway).

In some kind of prayer please Universe give us the courage we all need to face our fears so we can move forward.

Give us LOVE to fill our lives and other's lives because where's love there's peace and everything is DIVINE.

Listening to a song or mantra: "You are invincible, You are infinite (...) you are everywhere forever more..."



In the last day of the year (today), I decided to:

- change my wallet (which was a little bit dirty I must admit!) to a new one that my uncles gave me this Christmas. My new wallet is beautiful, white (is going to get dirty within just few days...)!

- buy new stuff to my curly hair: new hair clips and so.

- liquid for my contact lenses.

- food/ingredients for our delicious dinner...

-clean my messy room: still got to clean one of my main drawers

- call or text message my friends just to say how much I love them!

- listen to yoga kundalini cd - listening to mantras to fill my heart/soul and give me strength to the new challenger new new new year, where I will be a new skin, new and truely MYSELF where my heart is the leader.

- transfering files to computer - finally!

Monday 27 December 2010

I learnt some years ago the real meaning of Love...

Love means freedom for me and sometimes we need to set someone free in order to see HIM/HER happy.

So, I'm letting go and trying to relax into "no-thingness"... because something sacred is about to be born.

Trying to remind my heart the best advice I've ever received: Give time to yourself. Not to the other but to yourself to heal and to breathe...
Sometimes, we really forget ourselves...
Reading treasures of life, treasures from and of love to fill my heart in this cold cold day...
Love is the key and finally I found people that think like me:
celebrates all religions because all religions are one and mean LOVE.
I hope all of you had a fantastic Christmas! :)

Tic Tac Toc... and our hearts are beating.

What makes your heart beat, what makes sense to you in your life, what really fills your life? It's a simple day, your cat waiting for you in the end of the day or a simple and delicious coffee?

The most simplest thing can be the deepest one. What is simple is unique.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

The way my heart sees you

I love you because I don't have reason for it

I love you because GOD made us to fall in love

I love you because you are part of me and I didn't know

I love you because I feel I know you from other lives

I love you just because Yes, because God knows what HE does, because everything is Divine on earth because you exist and my heart will always fly high everytime I think of you and you may not know this but it doesn't matter because all it matters is what we have inside ours hearts... and I hold your heart inside me and you hold my heart inside you.

... because I want to fly through life

... because I want to fly through my dreams

... because Love makes you fly high

... because we all should fly in our lives

... and I really really really want to FLY!

The days have been passing by... so fasssst!

So, we are counting down to Christmas once again. It seems it was yesterday that I was writing the same "counting down to Christmas" post but it turns out it passed a year...

Today, someone asked me how I was feeling now that I turned 25 and my answer was: I hope, my 25 bring me the maturity and serenity I need. I'm living one day at a time and we can't change things in 1 day so I just wish maturity. Surprisingly that person found my face light despite all my tiredness.

I'm working so much lately, due my temporary job that I found myself wishing to sleep, eat and sleep again! My schedule changed completely as well as my daily routine... and I'm definitely different, I'm feeling different somehow. Maybe are my 25, maybe it is work, maybe it's my black moon phase... just GOD knows.

Sunday 12 December 2010

"Love and do whatever you want"

St. Agostinho

I'm finding what I need to transform

Last Friday I had a fantastic appointment with a my beautiful spiritual counselour. We spoke about some things but I listened to her, essencially.

So, I never heard about the "black moon" (according to astrology) but now I know what it means - finally!
My black moon phase started some time ago and I'm more calm than ever because now things have meaning for me. All my state of mind and soul have a meaning to be like it has been lately and despite not feeling connected to GOD sometimes I know and I believe HE's with me all the time helping me in this path. So, what I curiously found about the black moon was very interesting and it speaks about the emptiness. In this phase the emptiness is essencial to surrender and connect to The Divine. It takes a form of a White Unicorn which symbolizes the integrity setting away everything that is impure.

The big opportunity in this phase which may seem difficult for who is crossing it is:

surrender to what doesn't matter anymore, give it away and trust.

It drops the ego and fears to not disturb anymore. It doesn't mean passivity, but the will of changing and trust and it allows to feel the Divine within us.

So, besides not feeling connected lately I believe that GOD is within me, taking care of me, helping me and that's why I speak with HIM all day asking for HIS light and LOVE.

I'm accepting this new phase as a BIG OPPORTUNITY to cry all the sadness that I don't know sometimes from where it comes and give my fears a chance to go away.

I'm accepting my new phase with an open heart so GOD heals all my scars and give me JOY.
I'm accepting my new phase with an open heart but also with a smile on my face because this is the time to heal and solve what needs to be solved. This is the time for stop giving excuses to not be happy today... today is the day! And today I decided that I'm going for it, I don't know what to think because I don't need to think, I need to feel and I just know that GOD is with me and HE is cleaning all of my energy from useless thoughts, I just know HE's helping me to open my heart and surrender to a blessed energy that I am. I'm healing myself from my fears that I'm realizing that are huge.
And today, I deeply decided that I don't need more excuses to or not to.

Today I decided to be happy and it doesn't matter if I'm scared, if I look within I can see that my strength comes from GOD and this black moon phase it's an (my) amazing opportunity to learn, heal and love. It's my individual path.

Once I read: after emptiness something Divine is about to come. I'm sure of IT. I'm willing to be ME and vibrate just LOVE.

Thursday 9 December 2010

The way my ears are

Through oriental dance my ears become different and open to a different yet simple yet complex yet delicate music!

Today, I listen to a million of sounds that maybe I couldn't hear before. I hear/I feel everything within... and it makes me fly, fly, fly away... into the deepest emotions, where I can see myself who I am, where I can see GOD within me. I spread such a good energy of love and joy impossible to describe. Oh, dance and music - the eternal couple I am and turning to.

Monday 6 December 2010

Feeling alive

Feeling my sweetness

Feeling my essence

Listening to my heart

He knows what it's best for me, always.
Seeking for life, seeking for love, seeking for God, seeking for beauty within me.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Changing Emotions with the Course of Time - 3 Apr 10

"Life has shadow and light and you will see both, you cannot avoid it. But if you are in the shadow, always turn to the light and start walking there, you will reach soon."

Today I just want to say...
"Can't you see that when I find you, I find me...

I need you to know, today, I wait for you always
(...) "

Dadi Janki
The most stable mind on earth.
Her words of wisdom are Universal and God's pearls.
I love You, Dadi.
I love You, Supreme Soul.
Day off -YES!

I started to work last week and 17 days of work (hard work) are waiting for me till Christmas.

Today, it's my day off and it never tasted so good! We usually tend to forget that little things that turn our life better and good when we enter in a roller coaster... that special coffee, apple with condensed milk... these special pleasures of life! So, today, on my day off I decided to enjoy these little treasures that makes life sweeter.

Living one day at a time, trying to meditate everyday and building my faith! As I said to my co-worker once everything is about faith. If you believe you can do it. I'm trying to believe because we all can do whatever we want if we have faith, love, courage and values within us.

I'm trying to find why I can't listen to my heart lately... oh, definitely I need my spiritual counselor and myself to find out what's happening. Till then I'm enjoying the emptiness and feeding it with my prayers...

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Today it's a beautiful day to be truely HAPPY

Tomorrow doesn't exist
yesterday it's past
today means happiness

So, clean your mind from useless thoughts, go outside, see the sun shining and fight for your dreams!
Don't be scared, God will always take care of you, giving you love and strenght.
You can make it through the rain! ♥

I believe that Love never ends and Love is something you can't kill


I believe that Love heals and you healed me somehow


I believe that GOD change the course of my life so we could meet that day when I wasn't suppose to be there

And I thank everyday for the plans that GOD had for me

that day

I know what I felt, specially when I left you

I trust GOD and I trust my HEART - completely. Because it's the only way I know how to live, it's the only way to live


I still believe in us, that we can be one and breathe as one


I believe/feel my heart is within you and your heart is within me and our hearts beat as one


I just don't know if we should wait longer when one of us is starting to aching


I just don't know if I can go forward now... I'm too scared. Our love is too good that makes me scare (?) - What am I saying? I'm prepared more than ever! What I'm waiting for?
Oh yes, waiting for my fears to dissolve into courage... where is my sagittarius side?!?!
Explanation: Too much thoughts, to much time waiting, killing time and trying to be happy... Conclusion: I realized we can't try, we must be happy everyday, individually and together.
And I know you are not going to read this post but I needed to say how much I care today.
* Suddenly I remembered what a woman told me once "I prefer a bigger love far away than a little love close by". It made me smile.