Saturday 28 April 2012

A beautiful text that we all should read:
(in portuguese)
Some time ago I felt a strong need to go to Egypt. I didn't know why or what should I do there but I felt a very strong need to go. It was stronger than me that feeling!

I asked my best friend for guidance and she read the cards for me. Yes, I had to go. Something would change for me and that trip was the turning point.

Some days before travelling everything was booked and prepared but I was so tired that I was asking myself "ok, I'm going there because......?". Well, I didn't have an asnwer in my mind but my heart knew it somehow.

So, I went to Cairo first before getting another flight to my destination. At the airport I met one of my colleagues from work and it made me feel so happy to see a familiar face next to me! We exchanged our numbers and keep in touch as we think the same way about living/working and enjoying life here.

Full of excitement and tiredness I waited for the next flight... and I arrived to my destination!

The last day I decided to walk a bit and photograph one mosque that was being built, I remembered passing by bus and saying to myself "I have to come to photograph this mosque".
So, I went and I meet someone next to the mosque that I thought to be another seller trying to convince me that his shop was different from the others. I went, don't know why, maybe because I can't say NO.
What happened inside that shop was, far from my imagination, where I would receive something magic for my soul. I found the reason why I went to Sharm el Sheik and why I was in that shop talking about perfumes, oils and papyrus.
The person I met is an angel with human body. We talked, he read my soul and the palm of my hand, I cried and he healed me. I gained a guru from an expected place in my life. I felt a light coming into me saying "this is why you came here". At that time I understood. I went to Egypt to be healed. Now, I'm light, I feel and I live in the present moment.

Thank you Universe for this present. I thank myself for allowing me to follow my heart which has ALWAYS the answers! If I hadn't follow my heart I wouldn't be so happy and who I am today.
Thank you LIFE.
Thank you Universe.
Thank you Walid.

Sunday 22 April 2012

There is one place on earth I truely admire, LOVE and RESPECT: EGYPT!

Where everything begins....

Where, actually, my life began and made/makes sense!
Establishing limits

I confess, I have a problem establishing limits. I seriously don't like that. For me, everybody should understand my limits naturally and respect my space before my mouth saying something. This is what I would like to have but unfortunatelly/fortunatelly is not like that. I understand that we are all diferent and due our differences people can not guess exactly my limits and I understand that.

Though, this has been a struggle for me since I'm sharing the house with someone I did not choose to live with.

After struggling about whys and hows I thought to myself that imposing limits is also about choosing either with who I speak and share my thoughts and with who I do not.

After my discovery I felt a little bit better about the situation as I said to myself it was enough. I allowed someone to try to destroy my kindness and it was almost impossible to believe I have allowed so. When I said enough I was actually saying to myself I deserve happiness and good people surrounding me. Why shoud I put myself in a place where someone can hurt me or be rude with me? I have done it again but now I know.

Saturday 21 April 2012

The most positive aspect of travelling non-stop is the opportunity you have to meet special friends of your life who live in another part of the world.

Here I share with you, my introduction to Japonese food in... Brazil!!

Thank you, Marina, for this wonderful lunch and afternoon with you! Crossing fingers for the next time! :)

I was planning to write here before but I've been suffering from lack of time, jet lag and having problems with internet connection all over the world!

As usual, I've been super busy. Till here, there's no news about myself. Who knows me, knows I'm always doing something or planning something to do. The good news is I've started to plan the next East Fest Lisbon - Portugal 2013 with my dearest friend and dancer Cris Aysel. We both feel so much joy in planning everything from our hearts! Despite the crisis we both believe everything will work out better than ever!

 At the beginning of the month I also gained an amazing friend in my life who supports me in everything I do and help me to have faith and move forward with my dreams. The best part, I must admit, is that he is not trying to buy me either my soul to get something in return (as I've seen so many times in this country or... in these men!). In a short period of time we feel like pure brothers and I'm sure God sent him to be my friend. It wasn't just a coincidence. It was meant to be. For the first time I can truly trust a MAN to be my friend in this country. Finally!

In the another hand someone I thought to be my friend showed me his interests about me. There is nothing wrong about being interested about a person but I confess I cried once I got home. I felt like, showing his interest towards me was like forcing myself to change into someone I am not! It was completely weird and the situation made me feel really bad. Once again, trusting someone (MALE gender) to be your friend here is a challenge!

To add, another friend, is showing everytime to be very stressed and not supportive about me. I do believe she cares for me a lot as I also care about her, but sometimes, you want to help someone and you do not help at all when you try to assert something as the "right thing to do".
And about this I just need to say "there is no right or wrong in life". I learned with life.
You are you and no one can change you! You are the master of your life, as I am the master of my life & I declare I live by the heart and no one as the power to change me as I did not give permission for it!

Apart from some normal stresses of life I've been also planning some journeys to do, have been looking for books like crazy (I can't control myself when I see a bookshop) and I also have enjoying the wonderful presence of my real friends just to relax/chill out and speak things from the heart.
Oh yes, I'm very blessed about the people who sorrounds me with whom I can speak about God and LOVE!

The rest that doesn't suit me anymore, I'll deal with... asking for God's guidance every day and night.
I release all the things that don't make me good/are useless in the present moment.

Sunday 8 April 2012

How everything started...

Yesterday and today I'm thinking about how everything started for me, some months before coming do Doha. I remember the girls I met in my interview, 2 of them I had the privilege to met in Doha again and are the best portuguese friends I could have here.

I remember being seated with one girl in a hotel in the North of the country waiting for the final interview when she said "I think we all will pass this interview". In her words I could feel somehow that she was right, that we really would pass this final test and the probability of coming to Qatar was huge! I felt excited and nervous at the same time. I knew this would change my life forever. All my habits, routines, mind, ideas... but I guess, never my heart and those I love.

So, she was right. And so I came do Doha. During the 3 months since I got the call and I got into the airplane I had to manage a lot of emotions. It was hard to say bye and dive into a new world alone.
I came without knowing anybody, and today, after 10 months here I feel I can move easily. Of course I still struggle with some daily things but we will always struggle with something in our daily life.
Tough I feel my experience here is not going to last many years I feel this is my place now to grow and learn about myself deeply. I feel I'm preparing myself to the BIG step of my life: decide where to live, what to do and fight for my love.
I truely believe Doha was/is meant for me now. Its strong and heavy energy is helping me (in some kind of painful way sometimes) to break the ties I had with the past so I can be free from within and smile whitin my soul!

This journey has been a wonderful experience, full of lessons... and thank God, I got to know real friends!

Thursday 5 April 2012

Have I mentioned lately how WONDERFUL & BEAUTIFUL life is?

Life is ALL of that!
Maybe is the Spring coming, maybe is the re-connection I am doing with myself & the Divine Source. 
If you want the Universe to help you, you have to help yourself first! That's what I am doing :)