Tuesday 26 February 2013


For all oriental lovers, the best of oriental dance all-in-one place!
October, 11th - 13th, Lisbon is the place to be!!


Oriental Dance as a Spiritual path

Many of you should be wonder or ask themselves what do I see or feel when I dance. Good question and simple answer. I feel myself... simple as that. I feel blessed, loved and connected with the Universe. 
I´m not better than anyone else around me and I do not intend to be better than anyone than myself.
Oriental dance is for me the most profound connection and expression I have found along the years. Is my way of living, expressing, BEING... is my spiritual path!

To dance genuinely all dancer has to dance from her/his heart and soul deeply connected to WHO she/he is, accepting to be exposed and transparent to the audience. It´s like being vulnerable and strong on stage.

Many words could be written about the subject - why do I dance, how I feel and why I see it as my spiritual path but as real love one word could define it... FEELING. Once you feel it, you know it!

I declare here my profound and most deep love and respect for oriental dance!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

What I usually don´t confess...

I usually don´t speak much about how much blessed I am, but I am. I don´t speak often about my feelings with others, unless they are completely part of my heart and my soul, as few are!

A while ago, while reading a description on ebay of a book I laughed secretly to myself. 
There is definitely a difference between "I know" (because I can imagine) and "I know" (because I´ve been there or experienced X or Y). 
Just GOD knows how much grateful I am for being where I am right now, for all the ups and downs which make me grow so much and realize so many things in my life.
So, for this particular book was written that the story occurs in India, in Calcutta, and immediately I thought to myself that I´ve been there, I´ve experienced situations there, I spoke with the people and I could really feel myself in Calcutta right now. I´ve been there.

Curiously, the book is called "New Life" and I felt like reading it as I´m feeling my life will change sooner.
Everytime something will change in my life I feel a dark side coming up, where fears come from up, down and sides which I can´t recognize as mine. 
I realized it right now - my darkest phase is exactly predicting that - that something good will appear soon!

Saturday 2 February 2013

To make our hearts FULL of LOVE in this month of February and ahead.... 

Collapse day/night

There is something absolutely extraordinary about our bodies... They allow us to feel everything, yes, absolutely everything and make us stop when the cup is getting full of garbage!

In a normal day after coming out from dinner with my friend my body gave me a "wake up call" to stop my anxiety... I almost fainted, I went through 2 painful hours of dizziness, sweating, vomiting where nothing came out. It was like having a circuit breaker, my body said "enough - you have to stop". Everytime something like this happens I understand that something is not going well in my life. My body brings to my consciousness what I couldn´t see or was blocking in my heart. It´s like my soul and heart struggling to make me see something and I don´t allow.... till a point that they have to say to my body "can you wake her up?"

And my essence is a master in doing that, when I get into one point where my heart is exploding of not being heard then my body takes good care of waking me up! Always or almost without a reason I almost faint and I face a nightmare.... after that I feel relieved.... everything is ok....

I´m thankful and grateful for being who I am. Thank you.

PS. For those who are wondering if it was just or only food poisoning, I checked - it was not!
Written a couple of weeks ago...

At the end of the day what matters is where you return to.
At the end of the day what matters is a place where you can call home - a place where your heart feels like home.
At the end of the day what matters is a heart full of love.
At the end of the day what matters is only love... only love.
And so I finish my blessed day, sleepy like never, desperate to sleep in a comfy bed, today in Italy - where nothing makes me more happy than having a good night sleep...
I have been wondering how much time I´ve been absent from my lovely blog!
I do miss it a lot... writting, sharing information with all of you without wanting anything in return - oh yeah, I do believe part of you already got fed up of "trying" to follow my post´s as I´ve been so absent - sorry for that! Technological problems and lack of time have been the main issues I´ve faced here...

To make everything clear or everyone updated a LOT of things have happened, of course! As I mentioned I´ve attended a lot of on line seminars/lectures lately and shared some pearls with all of you.
Such food for the soul can not be hidden!

So many good stuff is out there that the biggest advice I can give is to Listen and take what suits you! Some authors may not suit you or you might not agree with them. It´s fine... just take what suits you! If you take at least one idea from each seminar, at least for me, I feel like I gained something already!

So far, some seminars which have some authors´name it has my vote already!
For example, Panache Desai... I can garantee you, if something contains his name, I´m there! I´ve registered already to listen to his words. His energy is absolutely amazing, it opens your heart with such wisdom and light that no other does! I do recommend him!!