Thursday 17 May 2012

Flying can bring interesting, emotional, sad and happy situations into our daily routine

Receiving a kiss from an old lady full of love where I could feel an autentic way of gratitude, honesty, humanity filled my heart another day, as well as, an emotional life story who someone shared with me.
Sometimes we don't know the impact we have in other's lives doing something so small and so big at the same time. These two situations made me realized that I really do things for the others without expecting nothing in return. I just do it with an open heart because, fortunatelly, my parents and life taught me how to be human in the chaos and to put myself in other's shoes. My heart was immerse in love when the lady thank me with a gentle kiss and my heart felt emotional (and the tears almost rolled in my face) when someone shared his story with me and appreciated what I did.

Flying is a tiring life that most of us don't even realize it. The most positive part is to touch other's hearts and feel the human kind in such small things of life. More than destinations, funny or horrible situations, rudeness and kindness, what I keep for myself are the values, the humanity and the simple treasures of life. Like LOVE. True Love.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

This a public announcement:

If you want to test your nerves with sexual harassment you must come to Doha!

There are days that is almost impossible. It is too much that you end up like me saying a lot of bad words in your language or just like today looking directly to the hunter and say "seriously?" (translation: are you really trying to hunt me instead of driving?????)
The importance of being... in the present!

Every time I get sick I always analize my life to see where I was making any mistake. I believe that when we get sick is because we were running too fast or paying less attention to ourselves.
So, it was with me. Of course eating a salad that it turns out to be spoiled was one of the reasons to get sick but everytime this happens I allow my body, mind and soul to relax to recover fully... and I analize how much attention I was paying to myself or not. The brightest part of being sick is to re-connect with yourself. There's no way to escape it. You may not even recognize it but you re-connect with yourself automatically because you have to give attention to yourself. You feel the pain, all the umconfortable symptoms etc and you have to slow down and say to yourself "ok, let's heal, let's stop and recover. I give myself all the time to recover. I'm here for you (body)". When you say so, or when I say so, I release part of my anxiety of being good within 2 minutes. When I stop and say "ok, I admit I was rushing too much lately, I'm sorry. Let's take time to heal and recover" actually I'm saying "you (body) worth all the time of the world. You are the physical part of me who supports me and gives me everything I need to experience the physical world. You are a temple and so I give you the attention because I love you, you are perfect because you are Universe's Creation".

So, yes, I was sick yesterday and one of my friends came to help me. The pain on my body was too much to even stand up. So, we spoke, she made me company and cooked for me something light and plain to eat. Today I'm much much better. I believe I surrounded myself by love and because I rested a lot it made me recover faster. Though, I'm still introducing food slowly into my body. Everything is plain and light for now. And some minutes ago I was listening music and feeling grateful for everything in my life. For a healthy body recovering from food poisoning, for the will of reconnecting with myself more than ever and for the beautiful and blessed moments to come!

Saturday 12 May 2012

What Doha taugh me so far:

- To grow up! To do, to be, to laugh with myself;

- Things won't be like you want but how they have to be.
- To organize my time, my agenda and prioritize what is important.

- To recognize what really makes sense to my heart.

- To be with myself and enjoy it so badly!

- To (really) select my friends and feel blessed for it.

- To be stronger in my values and feel them so strong within my guts! (I never knew they were so strong till I face all the bullshits I did).

- To see clearly what I want and how living intensely everyday and every feeling can change the way you dance and express yourself truely!

- Things are always different when you live in a different country, when you immerse in a new culture and ways of thinking but this is what makes you lift up! and understand we are all one. We all seek for love and peace and try to do our best in everything. Just forgive and let it go.

- To be more human with others.

- Opening the heart to our energy will attract what is for us, people, situations, etc.

- Listening to the heart is the best way to live your OWN life and not with others expect from you.

- To see how much I simply LOVE my family, pets, true friends - miss them a LOT everyday!

- Real LOVE... how it moves our life completely, beautifully, deeply. The only way to live within our hearts.

Today I was speaking with a friend about detachment. I had the opportunity to analize my life lately and I realized I am detaching myself from some friends. I was feeling really bad about it. I like them, they are nice people but somehow it makes me bad to stay in their company. I feel like I have to be another person or just half of the person I am... and I am so intense and rich! After the most amazing experience of awakening in Egypt some weeks ago I naturally started to detach myself from some people and I didn't realize it till someone asked me why I was so quiet lately.
I realized then, besides enjoying these people as nice persons they are, somehow they don't make me good. I really like these friends but I can not accept to be less than I am. I have to respect myself and ignore the social meetings which will afect my essence.
I struggled with this feeling for some weeks but I decided to let go. I have to think about myself first and without hurting anybody I naturally detached myself from bad energies I was dealing with. I like these people and I will always send them good energies but I should not go out with them just because they expect me to go. I will go out with them only when my heart is saying "go" and now my heart is saying "stay with yourself".

I do not intend to hurt anybody and specially myself.
I am just detaching from what/who doesn't make me good. It took a lot of time to see it. I felt really bad but I respect my feelings and I choose myself and my heart.