Friday, 30 March 2012

The turning point

Today I experienced the turning point. After talking with a girl I know from my building yesterday she left me an invitation "Come to church with me tomorrow, everything will be ok". 
I was struggling trying to find an excuse to not go till I felt inside my heart and said "why shouldn't I try? Maybe there is a reason why she said that to me even without knowing me well and anyway she is so kind. Maybe something good can happen and it can be a turning point".

It was. Without any kind of expectation from my side. I took the best of it. This different church I found with these 2 wonderful future friends made me feel why I'm in Doha today. I felt emotional a couple of times in the church, I cried a bit and more when I reached my house. I felt like cleaning my soul. It was the turning point. The day I felt so cared by two people I barely know, the day I saw a different church where there is no images, just energy and where I heard "God does not seek a religion, God seeks a relationship". I was amazed (in positive way!) when I heard this! I always believed that GOD is present in all religions and Is ONE, no matter which name you call HIM. God is LOVE and all religions teach you LOVE. 
That's what I believe! but during my youth the way they taugh me religion wasn't according to this and that's why I was so surprised and happy when I heard someone saying today that God does not seek a religion but a connection with all of us. I heard this from a church and I'm very happy that the message of universal love is passing by like this.
I truly believe you it doesn't matter if you follow any kind of religion, if you are spiritual, follow your heart then God is within you because HE IS. I believe we have a precious ocean of divine love within us waiting to flow.

So, today, it was my turning point. After crying a lot when I reached home I understood a lot of things happening in my life and I'm feeling very blessed! I understood:
- Why I'm living in this country and facing my darkest fears
- Why I needed to experience some problems in my life right now
- I have met the right persons here who believe in the same I do.

I'm very grateful for today's blessings because TODAY it was the turning point. Today, I realized so many things! and today, after so long time, I could see auras again. Step by step I'm re-connecting with myself, I am cleaning my soul from all the fears, darkness and storms, I am reaching my heart, I am connecting with the Inner Source/Universe/God more than ever and today I decided there is no more tomorrows to do something for me. Today is the day to start caring more for me and my dreams and I am very happy I started to open my heart for good, once again.

And something helped me a lot and came to my mind like a flash today... everytime we clean the dust from the furniture, the dust comes up so we can clean deeper and deeper. So, in order to remove all my fears I have to go deep, I have to touch them like we do with the dust in the furniture, I have to recognize these fears so I clean them. So, there's nothing wrong about recognizing the fears, it just means you/I are/am commited to clean them! I'm cleaning the house, my Sanctuary within.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

About books and stories

I have forgotten to write about the last book I read "My jouney with the angels".
This book can be an inspiration for those who suffered/suffer rejection or that strange look from people who don't understand what are we talking about when we speak about the angels.
Patricia, the author, suffered a lot since her youth because she was blessed with the gift of seeing angels. In the book you can feel amazed by the signs and things she sees/saw but you also can feel how hard her life was specially till her 20s. Sometimes you can even think "how did she managed to survive to all of this? To all this suffering?" and I guess the answer is easy, she just holded on to an enormous faith she has in their angels who never left her even when she tried to don't see them and ignore them.
It's a beautiful and strong story that will hold you till the end. The book/Her story is full of signs, beautiful moments and moments of real life which can be sometimes painful and joyful.
After I read books I always feel like one charpter has ended and another one is coming - maybe in a form of another book! and now I can think about what happened after reading this book. Some time later when with a friend of mine she said something like the spiritual people who really want to connect with the Source/Universe always go through moments of darkness and survive to emotional states that nobody can imagine. If I think about Patricia's story, I have to agree with my friend!
Despite all the darkness you/we can face we can always hold into our faith to go through. Sometimes it takes time to heal, to recover but we always get there.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Writen on 15th March:

I could say that days have been passing by but you all know about it. The truth is that I've been managing emotions for a while till I headed off to my country for another 5days of holidays, this time, more prepared in my mind for it and emotional seeking too much for reach my destination. This time it was imperative to go. I really wanted to stay with my family and recharge my energies as my grandma turned into an angel few days before. Since that day I really felt down and I tried to heal myself being quiet... within, I must confess, I was crying. Going to my country (a long journey of at least 12h and 24h awake) made me feel better, as well as having good friends who supported me on my pain.
These days in my country were absolutely amazing. I really felt that I slept, I huged from my heart my beloved ones without fears, I ran after my pets and I visited my sweet grandpa. Tought it was just 5 days in my country I felt like it were 15. The time seemed longer than the previous time in January and I felt good to be/see/hug/love my family and friends. I don't have to say how much good it was, I guess you can feel by my words.
It was also very special because I had some answers that I was seeking for. Without expecting anything, for real, I received beautiful pearls of wisdom through a card reading.
Despite all I'm facing since I moved to Doha and despite all dificulties I still have and face in my daily life and in my personal life, with all the ups and downs, I feel recharged!
Hopefully my energy is not going to fade away once I land in Doha and this beautiful energy of love will last! For now, I just want to think about how much love I have inside myself and how much of this love I don't express or allow myself to feel.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

In a world of chaos I discovered I still can feel my heart.

I allowed myself to have a break from all the chaotic life I've been through. I met my friends and we went to another country nearby where we live. What I discovered was more than I expected, it was more than just sightseeing. It was like breathing, enjoying simple details of life. The most beautiful experience was being in a beautiful and absolutely peaceful mosque and listening the call for prayer and seeing with my heart people praying all together like real brothers. It was absolutely beautiful and I felt so in peace like I don't feel for some time. It touched my heart and I got emotional a couple of times, with tears in my eyes. I felt God there. I felt Love.

The proof that God is everywhere.