Sunday 31 July 2011

Sometimes we tend to forget how it is restarting all over again some process in our lives

After being hurt by a friend I'm trying to find within my heart the best way to heal my wounds, the best way to deal with all and the best lesson I can learn from that. We can hurt others with our words or behaviors without noticing it and for me it's good when someone tells me if something hurt them or they didn't like to hear. Sometimes we don't realize our tone of voice and sometimes we don't even know the other person well to understand that the tone of voice she/he is using it's their normal tone and they are not angry with us.

We are all different and we all need to communicate and try to understand each other. We need to open our heart and listen carefully to the other's point of view to deal with the problem.

Once was said that we can define how good our relationship is by the way we communicate and it couldn't be more true! We all need to communicate and show what we like or not because no one can guess how you are.

I had myself some discussions or misunderstandings with my best friends in my country and we solved our problems and I can even say that these friendrelationships are stronger than ever.
Sometimes it's a bad day and we end up like being agressive with people we love the most - it happens more than we can ever imagine; Sometimes it's just a misunderstanding or wrong interpretation of our body language. I seriously don't believe that two people are together in a friendship or relationship for the happiness of suffering! If you are not getting along with each other for the purpose of suffering then you solve your problems to continue to get along. Nothing is perfect but perfection can be achieved if both are committed to do it, to face the differences, to accept, to be willing to understand and apologize when need to.

It really takes a champion to say I'm sorry for some people. Fortunatelly I don't have problems with this phrase because I recognize that sometimes I can be misunderstood and make others feeling uncomfortable with something without my intention. Above all I do not intent to make others suffer. It's completely the opposite.

Communicate! It's the only way to solve problems but always remember that in a relationship we have 2 persons and we need both to deal and solve the problem. There's no more responsability for one person than for another. They have 50/50 responsability in this relationship.

Saturday 23 July 2011

As a romantic person I am I couldn't agree more with this song (brazilian portuguese):

I like to see how words can describe LOVE.

Once a friend told me that if you suffer from love then it's not love.

I believe we need to be careful when checking what it is happening to make us suffer. Love really doesn't hurt, it just doesn't hurt at all... Sometimes what hurts is being apart from the ones you love.
I love my friends and my family and my love for them doesn't hurt me. What hurts inside sometimes is not being phisically present with them to hug and kiss them and share funny moments.

If you live in Love, everything is Love!
1 month and 5 days have passed since I arrived in my new "home". I remember how scared and anxious I was for changing my life. I felt that I needed to come here, to experience something, maybe to find myself in all the experiences this new life could bring me, in all darkness I could feel. Above all I needed to prove myself that I could do it and I can. Moving completely alone to a new country and start from the zero point is never easy.

Lot of doubts rise up, moments of sadness also come up from time to time and believe me, if I think about my family, pets and friends I get very emotional and I cry. If my friends say to me how much they miss me, of course, I get emotional but it gives me also a support that in the other part of the world, they are thinking about me and sending me their love! And it recomfortes me too. They are my support to keep going despite all odds, reminding me that everything belongs to the path that I chose to follow in order to grow!

My adaptation hasn't been so difficult as I thought, though it's hard sometimes. Being apart from the ones I love is what hurts the most. Every single day I think about my friends, my family, my beautiful pets and if I stop for a while and really look within my heart I still know that I have to do something here... I just didn't find what!

Sometimes I want to go home quickly to hug my beloved ones but I also feel that it's not time to do it now.

I still have to hold some more months before I do it and in the meanwhile I'm trying to focus in my meditation to be schedule. The thing is I have been struggling with time since I arrived due my training. Every day I feel more and more exhausted and I have realized my days as: wake up, classes, cook, eat, sleep, eat, study, cook, eat, study, clean, sleep, wake up, classes, cook, eat, sleep, study...... in 6days work and 1 off.

Don't get me wrong, I also have had fun with my colleagues as they are somehow my family here (till I decide that I need to move again). We have laughed and made fun of things here and it keeps us going on with a smile on our face - and this is the best part!

Monday 18 July 2011

Because a simple small gesture counts... and means so much!

Yesterday I woke up sick and my flatmate made my day without knowing it... :) ♥ Thank YOU!

And by this I see where GOD is when we most need HIM... in daily little gestures of caring.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

We all have been in this situation at least once in our life and it applies to every kind of relationship:

What to do if the other person doesn't see/feel how much you love her/him?

I have been struggling with this thought for a long time and of course, as human, I still feel it from time to time whether is a new friendship or just a member of my family who doesn't understand that I like him/her.

I seriously don't have a solution and I don't even know what to do about it but I'm letting it go and realizing that maybe the solution is actually to don't do anything about it. I understand that each one of us in this world have a different perspection about life and we all feel or/and see things in different ways but instead of trying to prove to others how much I love them I will just stop trying to do that. Because LOVE cannot be explained, it just can be felt and maybe it's time to all of us to JUST open our hearts and allow ourselves to experience true love instead of looking for proves of love... it's just exhausting!!
So, keep giving love because one day they will feel HOW much you LOVE them!
Finally I had some time to write in my blog :)

Ahhh finally I could relax a bit from almost one month living in a new country, dealing with all the challenges and fears it can bring... and studying a lot I must admit!! So, today, I decided to read some others blogs which I have been following and do what I had to be done like cleaning stuff, organizing others and guess what, it felt good! For a month I barerly could breathe and today I did it... I really did IT. There's no better way to connect with your divinity than actually breathing from the inside out!

Thursday 7 July 2011

Once a dancer, always a dancer.

While I was dancing one of the most beautiful classics of egyptian music in my "new" room, I end up, once again, crying. It's not because I'm very emotional (and my day wasn't that good so far) but because this piece of music is absolutely divine in every second! 
Tears also don't mean you are sad, they can also mean you are happy.
Actually I was very emotional dancing to this song feeling it inside my body, my soul and letting myself go to just feel GOD within me, blessing me and giving me messages that just you can feel inside your heart.
Feeling that my man still owns my precious heart and feel that love in all matters is Universal moves me completely. I truely believe in LOVE. Loving my family, my friends and even strangers can be the most extraodinary experience we can have. But now try to extend that love to all the strangers and all beings you know or even don't know in this world and you get how BIG love IS and how CONNECT we all are in this Universe. Love is Love. The most powerful energy in the Universe. Open your heart and just feel...
You are a peaceful soul, you are love.

Friday 1 July 2011

You receive signs not just when you ask for it but when you open your heart to receive them and feel. 

Just feel.
I look for signs everywhere I go.
I look to feel my heart in everything I do.
That's my only way to feel the Universe within my soul, within my heart.

Yesterday I headed off to the Souq in the afternoon to meet my colleagues. While I was inside the taxi (stuck in the traffic jam) I could hear something in the radio when suddenly I felt like the world stopped. That music was for ME! I heard the silence where wasn't silence and just could feel in such a very special way that... that song was for me! It felt like a movie but it was funny how I felt it.
It was for me.
Once a dancer, ALWAYS a dancer.

No doubts. Just absolutely sure within my heart. 
This beautiful post reminded me how much I miss my sweet cat who has spent all nights (or almost...) sleeping next to me in my country! Somehow I miss my bedroom full of colours and incense, every corner that I decorated with my heart... every person that I left and didn't leave actually in my homeland.