Monday 28 June 2010

"The sparkle of a true diamond reveals itself.

Whenever we make a positive contribution, we expect those around us
to recognize and appreciate it. But there are occasions where we do
not receive such recognition and we then feel disheartened which in
turn doesn't let us give our best in all we do.

Whenever we find ourselves expecting people to appreciate us, we
need to remind ourselves that the diamond doesn't need to speak
about it's own sparkle but is recognized because of its speciality.
We, too, need to discover our own speciality and work with it. We
will, then, be satisfied whether we get recognition from others or

From Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Acunpucture session

What can I say? I had my acunpucture session today, after a long time apart. Finally and fortunately I managed my agenda to do it today! I'm totally ZEN like it's supposed to feel after a session like this :)

Monday 21 June 2010

Everytime I need to breathe and look within to find out why I'm still doing X, Y or Z

Everytime I need to be with me and just with me

Everytime I need strenght to go forward

Everytime I need to feed my soul and be understood...

I listen to Ana Moura's fado.
It goes deep to my soul to bring just pure feelings to the world, just feelings. WOW... I love when I'm totally in this state of soul. Just feeling, feeling, feeling... less thinking. Just being me.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Lately I have been thinking about the way I feed my soul with my thoughts.

I'm always thinking about how much Brahma Kumaris changed my life and the way I perspective things. I'm still struggling to avoid negative thoughts and to keep a litle piece of inner peace. But I'm doing my part and have already achieved some battles.

My week was terrible busy! And I realized that's almost July! Arrrrgggg so much to do! Days have been passing by sooooo FAST! Sometimes I would like to have an assistant to help me with my things... really! One day I hope to get one ah ah ah!
I'm creating a new choreography to my students, it's very energetic and full of new movements in a modern style. 2 minutes are almost done and I'm thrilled. It can sound nothing but believe me, it's wonderful to have 2 minutes of full choreography.

Furthermore, this choreo is giving me a real pleasure to create ART!

I wanted to continue this process today but I have to surrender to my body pain. My back and lumbar are totally ruined. I helped my family to repair the pavement today and can't believe how much my body is in pain!! In the end of the day I just could laugh and say jokes, we laughed sooooo much, it was funny despite all the tiredness...

Oh I will sleep, I'm soooooooo tired!

Sunday 13 June 2010

My heart is surrendered. I love this photo and this place.


When you end up crying and feeling totally fed up on the floor of a bathroom, then, something is wrong.

When you feel you don't have energy at all and all you can feel is tiredness, then, I suggest you resting for the rest of the day.

When you feel that you are falling apart, then, stop! Something is really wrong.

Yesterday, I felt that something was really wrong. I needed to sit down on a floor and cry a little to realize that I need to reorganize what it's not organized. And I need to STOP.

For a while I definitely need to stop and I need to take decisions.

Firstly, my decision is healing myself from my rigorous way of looking within and take care of my beloved friends, family (and me!).

That's my decision for today. Tomorrow I will find out other decisions to make...

Monday 7 June 2010

Updating my readings
Finished one book that a friend gave me and already reading/devouring another one: "The Power is within you" from Louise L. Hay. This one assumes to be very interesting, it speaks about the ego, how to change our standard negative thoughts into positive ones. She speaks about her own process of healing, how to understand and love ourselves before loving others.
Very good to read and to grow up whilst I listen to some relaxing music from Brahma Kumaris.

Sunday 6 June 2010


Filling my body cells with love, with meditation

Meditation is really helpful and we all could benefit more if we do it.

When I meditate I don't need to think. Instaed I let my soul be completely free without useless thoughts. I can experience my essence, my soul, my real me.

My acupuncturist always said to me: pray is talking to God. Meditate is listening to Him.

Everytime I need to find myself I dive into my essence, I meditate and pay attention to what my heart says and listen to my God.

I really can find myself in meditation and sometimes I think I should do it more. I should do it every morning to start my day with good energies and send good energies to the others, as well. I always remember that I'm not alone, we all are in the same boat, we all are brothers and sisters and every time I meditate I send my Love and God's Love to all countries in the world.

Love is the only thing in this world that becomes bigger everytime you give it to humanity. Everytime you give your universal love to someone or something instaed of feeling weak, with your donation of Love, you feel stronger. Love is the only thing that never decreases, it can only increase! But, you should care about your own essence and for the others'. That's the first step.

Then meditate. Feel your essence, feel your soul, feel God's Love within and then Give Love to the others. Be complete. Be free. Be yourself. And be happy. Always :)

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Looking for changes, being the change that I want to see
I'm struggling for too long about the changes that I want to see/experience.
I want to move and that's not new for those who know me... YES I want to change, I want to be the change and I want to do everything and be everything! It's kind of a impossible or a mad dream! I don't know what it is. I believe that nothing is impossible if you trust yourself and if you deeply feel that's your way. When you profoundly feel that, then go ahead, leave all your fears behind, don't let them to interfere because that's your path and God is watching you.
I'm trying to do my best to be the change and I'm looking for everything, everywhere and for NOW. I'm always asking for more, more and more and sometimes I ask myself why I'm like that. Maybe I'm different, maybe I'm strange, maybe something is wrong with me. Why do I think that I should go away from my homeland and try to be who I want to be or who I really am?!
I think that I just want to be free to be ME and do what I really feel from the bottom of my heart... and my heart says so many things at a time that sometimes it's hard to manage... or it's just my mind interfering once again with all its fears.
This can be a complete madness! Believe me. (Oh, I deeply want this, my heart asks for it, yes, I want, I want, I want but... no, wait, maybe it's not good to want this. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe, maybe, maybe... oh no but my hearts says he wants and feels this is the way, ok, then go ahead... but wait, maybe, maybe, maybe... aaaaaahhhhhhh madness! I need to switch off my mind sometimes, seriously, sometimes it just makes me crazy)
I need to look within and listen to God. HE will give me HIS wisdom that I need to make the right choice.