Sunday 2 May 2010

Reformulating plans... once again.

Sometimes I get tired of doing that: reformulating things all over again when I can't see the light!

I was on holidays (that's why my silence...) and during one week I could throw out some useless thougths about everything. My life changed so much in these last weeks or months that I'm happy to say that I'm surviving... There is some wind blowing and besides some troubles from (few) friends (or supposed friends) I'm reaching my peace and dealing with this better than I expected. Of course that I cried and I felt really really sad about some things (I'm not insensitive... Who knows me knows it for sure!) but I'm accepting that's life.

We will always find someone who likes to be mad with us without reason or someone who will figure out some stupid reason to be mad. Well...

I'm reformulating plans once again. The wind is blowing and I deeply feel that it's (definitely) time to change! So, I'm looking for all oportunities to live my dream!

Om Shanti Om and let's breathe!

1 comment:

  1. "D.: Will you keep out all the sadness?

    M.: I have a sadness shield that keeps out all the sadness, and it's big enough for all of us."

    Julio Cortázar
