Monday 31 May 2010


Every day I receive messages from Brahma Kumaris. Messages for the day, messages for the soul!

For those who are thinking "What's the meaning of Brahma Kumaris?", please, follow the link:

This is one of the messages that I received and today I want to share IT with you!

"To be dictated to by external situations, which make us run around without stopping internally, brings about unnecessary stress on the mind, which keeps us tied to the strings of the external, like a puppet pulled, pressed and pushed by circumstances.

To break free from this force, to relieve the mind of the weight of stress and waste and routine, I need to step inside and reflect (think) on who I am and where I am going and reassess my value system.

Otherwise, life becomes like a wheel that keeps spinning faster and faster until we become dizzy - we want to get off but it is going so fast we do not know how.

Reflection and taking time to understand spiritual knowledge bring us to the essence of everything.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris"

Saturday 29 May 2010

Conclusions of my last days

- Sometimes close friends tend to forget how far they can go with their opinions about MY life and most of all they forget the real meaning of friendship.
Maybe I'm too stressed with some circumstances in my life or I'm seeing things but really... as my dearest friend Nadi says get a life!
I don't judge anyone and now everyone thinks they can judge or say everything they want?
Sometimes there's no patience at all!

- Sleeping with my kitty is the best thing I can ask for when I'm tired and want a good night sleep like yesterday! It's so peaceful :)

- Ordering my agenda: one of the first things that I did this morning!
I really needed to put some order in my professional life with all commitments, deadlines and so...

- Needs of creation: as a creative person, choreographer and dancer I'm always thinking about creations! New ways of expression, new musics, new steps, new fresh air! I can't stop thinking about it; how to get better, how to improve my dance and how to keep my girls motivated and happy with their learning too.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

I'm selling my headache and my insomnias today. Please if you want to buy it I'll give it to you for free.

I don't know what is happening today with me... or maybe I do. I'm too tired, I slept just a few hours (and as you know or may know I'm a bear and need at least 8 hours of good sleep...) and I still have lot of things to do! But I'm proud of myself despite all odds. I'm becoming a warrior!

I hope I'm right and I hope we (me and God) can go forward with our plans.

Once again, if you want a headache or insonmia let me know and I will give it to you ok? :p
Time to sleep... my dizzy time has arrived.
I look like an old woman today!

Sunday 23 May 2010

Deeply... in love

Communication is fundamental in love. Love needs communication, like a flower needs water to survive. Wish you all mountains of love, all kind of love.

Love is everywhere (or IT should be) and can move mountains...
Love is the reason why we are alive and should be the reason to gather all people, but usually we forget that, and some of us prefer to start ridiculous wars in name of everything/everyone.
Love is the Key.

Saturday 22 May 2010

Dancing with the girls
Dancing with my girls is one of the best things that closes my day. Our classes are more than a process of giving knowledge and technique but a giving process of myself, in little pieces, and anyone can't imagine how I receive from them! Creating, laughing and being happy with them is what keeps me going sometimes... in this field full of thorns and difficulties.
Today, we had the Gize piramids, 2 electric fans and lot of insects visiting us in our dance room! Huuummmm, totally in Summer! (It was really funny!)
Step by step I'm creating, I'm being, I'm living and I'm trying to do my best.
This beautiful weather is helping me too to turn my mood ON and helping me to raise my projects. I think that after all these years I'm becoming addicted to Summer! It is possible? Or, I'm really tired of Autumn/Winter and just want Summer!!! Who knows...

Tomorrow is another day of work and I'm receiving all the work that I can to create more, to do more and better. My mind is full of new ideas to make a new choreography to my little babies (most of them are older than me but I guess they will always be my babies because I really care for them and we have some kind of connection based in love and affection :))
Time to create, to love each human being and to dance!! And to prepare a classe for tomorrow, Saturday!! :)

Oh, I almost forgot to say that the books fair was amazing. Good company, good weather, good books and great prices! I'm ready to read what I bought. It's my new project: reading for at least 5 min before I go to sleep. It's therapeutic for your soul!
Love and respect (always!) for yourself and for you all.
Om Shanti Om

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Celebrating life
Yesterday was a full day of happiness and hot weather (finally, finally!!!).
I did a lot of stuff yesterday in the capital of my country. I don't live that far from there but usually I don't go to Lx every day unless I have things to do there. Well, in the end of the day I met a friend and we went for our indian/italian dinner (oh, we laughed a lot!) - hum, let me say that this is a new kind style of restaurants: indian and italian at the same time! Continuing...
we always end up with brilliant conclusions... after that we enjoyed the hot breeze of Spring/Summer at night. We were delighted! We went to the books fair and aaahhhh I love books!! There's so much to see there... and to buy also!! From 10.30 pm to 11.30pm they have a happy hour where the books get 50% of discount! Ehehehhe... Oh, now it's time to buy!!
The best part of the day/night was that breeze that I can't explain to you... the breeze of a good night, a nice weather and a good company to explore the world of books! I'm becoming addicted to books, really... I have a lot of books to read which are expecting me for a long due my lack of time, but I can't avoid buying more because, I love love love to read and it always transport me to another place and always give something to my soul. Books are like food to your soul.
Tomorrow will be another night... of books! Yes, yes yes! I'm expanding my range of books.
Today it was another day of goooooooooooood weather! You can't imagine how happy I am! We were all so sick of rain and cold... this weather tastes good... I know that was a litle bit faster this suddenly change of temperature but when the night comes it tastes even better having this sweet temperature and sleeping with the window open! (open or opened? Can anyone tell me which one it's correct? Thank you in advance!).
Yeah, I'm feeling good and happy about this weather :)
After some problems that I had with some friends I'm starting to realize where my friends really are and the universe is giving me reasons to smile. My friends are wonderful and suddenly they started to spoil me more than ever just because yes and just because it seems that I'm a good friend :) I never had doubts about it (I am really there for my friends, my second family) but when too much things happen you really should consider what's wrong...
Maybe nothing is wrong... maybe things are changed, that's all and maybe, who knows, this is the way things should go. I accepted that this is life and I do not feel angry about anything or anyone. I still continue sending love in my meditations to each one that, in a specific time in my life decided to give their back to me. I continue wishing the best to them because I don't know how to do it in other way.

Sunday 16 May 2010

I was writing a post this evening but stopped for a while because I needed to put my sweet litle angel (my neighbour) to sleep. Well, between that period of time something happened here (maybe my cats found out how to disconnect something!) and I lost what I had already wrote snif snif snif. I can't remember all things but maybe tomorrow everything will work properly!
I have a full day of working tomorrow and I counted that I will sleep (just) 6 hours! Aaaaahhhhhh

Tuesday 11 May 2010

The best advice that I received some days ago...

"Give time to yourself to be calm. Give time to your mind and your heart to be calm and to not get tired of everything. You are exhausted. Give time to yourself!"
Hmmmmm I'm totally in peace today, organizing everything that just can be organized by me, being myself and planning good stuff. We just need good energies, motivation and Love! :)
Yalla! Let's go and do something for you and for others today!
Hmmmmmmmm I'm in a warrior mode with sweet seasoning...

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Sometimes we find a true friend in places we never thought...
Yesterday, I ended up talking with a (suddenly) friend asking for his opinion about one particular subject. I never thought about talking with him about that subject but it was surprisingly good. He gave me wise advices that put me in a peaceful mood about that particular subject.
Oh, how I need time for me to not get tired.
I need my silence and my meditation.
I need my books.
And I need me.
I need my strengh and I need to talk with my God :)

Sunday 2 May 2010

Reformulating plans... once again.

Sometimes I get tired of doing that: reformulating things all over again when I can't see the light!

I was on holidays (that's why my silence...) and during one week I could throw out some useless thougths about everything. My life changed so much in these last weeks or months that I'm happy to say that I'm surviving... There is some wind blowing and besides some troubles from (few) friends (or supposed friends) I'm reaching my peace and dealing with this better than I expected. Of course that I cried and I felt really really sad about some things (I'm not insensitive... Who knows me knows it for sure!) but I'm accepting that's life.

We will always find someone who likes to be mad with us without reason or someone who will figure out some stupid reason to be mad. Well...

I'm reformulating plans once again. The wind is blowing and I deeply feel that it's (definitely) time to change! So, I'm looking for all oportunities to live my dream!

Om Shanti Om and let's breathe!