Saturday, 30 January 2010
Tears and Laughs, Sorrow and Hope and by my beloved God
Thank you, Susana, for helping me to stand up for my battles, for giving me your hug when my heart was crying. Thank you, Susana and Pedro for opening your house and your hearts for me when I was falling into pieces. I loved the caloric dinner you made Sue. I needed that. I needed to be spoiled and I needed my friends.
It was wonderful to feel like home.
It was wonderful to dance yesterday. Despite all my rush to take the place of my friend Cris in a show (she was stake in Lisbon due the traffic jam), everything went so good that I just can say that God exists. All messy things that happened till I get the venue were absolutely brilliant.
I ended up laughing alone, not alone but with God, all night. It was good to see that when I'm more vulnerable things can be more brilliant... I didn't know what I was going to dance yesterday, I did not try to control everything around me. I forgot all my earrings, bracelets, and all that stuff that we usually use in a performance etc. I wasn't comfortable about my makeup (hmmm, makeup... I danced almost without makeup! I didn't have time for that!)
And yesterday, I don't know why, I reached the audience... People stopped to see me and they were really enjoying my art!! Wow! It really happened? YES! It cleaned my heart, my soul and my body cells.
In the end I was driving home, just with God by my side, and filled by His hope and His Love. Everything will be ok. Everything will be ok.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
I lay down on the cold ground
I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms
Snow Patrol
Yes, I love music. And I feel sick today. Too much coffee made some damage in my body for sure. And I don't like coffee. It was just a desperate way to be awake.
And I'm terribly tired... from everything. Everyone has their ups and downs and today I'm tired, that's all. I'm really tired.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Tired it's not the word

Sunday, 24 January 2010
Shower, Shower, Shower
I always feel blessed when I know that they do everything to be present to see my performances :)
I was surprised by my neighbours. They went to see me as well...
My group of friends (including one ex-student and a student!) were always happy to see more and more dances and they really enjoyed to be present 3 hours just to see 4 dances... Love you all for the patience.
I think my performances were ok but I still have so much to improve... always, always and always! For this performance I prepared new material to dance but I'm always thinking further as I like to innovate and give a new fresh air to my dance.
My back pain is still here but I could dance without any problem. I had my muscle pain gel in case I feel worst.
When I got home and lay down on bed exhausted I fell asleep for seconds and woke up again to take my divine and obligatory shower. Then, I could sleep like an angel until morning.
It's almost finishing my study period, after that, I'm free like a bird and I'll have wings...
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
No more news: just studying and working all the time...
I can wait for the end of February to be officially out... it will taste sooooo good!
Friday, 15 January 2010
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Here they are, some extracts from my daily readings to fill our hearts and souls:
The results of pure, true love are always positive. Those with pure love are never influenced by anyone. Their ability to discern never diminishes. When your love is pure, others will feel that your intentations are pure.
There will be love in your vision. And there will be kindness in that love. In pure love there is always kindness.
People don't know how to give love, nor do they know how to receive. Thus the heart is empty. This is why they don't know what love is. Actually, just to take the time and effort to understand what love is, is in itself an act of love.
The world is a supermarket of sorrow. Don't buy any! A good spiritual
education teaches you how to be discerning in your shopping. Refuse to
accept anything but hapiness from others as well as the world.The Wisdom and Words of Dadi Janki
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
From many presents that we all receive from Universe during the day I received one, just now...
I was reading a book which I'm considering to name as a Bible for me when my sweet kitten wrapped her tail in my arm in a pure gesture of affection. It had so much sweetness in... ohh my heart melted and I couldn't avoid giving a kiss to my petite chat. God is everywhere. Absolutely.
Friday, 1 January 2010
I'm in a happy mood... the last day of 2009 was so great! I spoke with special friends, laughed a lot and I tremendous felt how lucky I am for having such good friends!
In the beginning of 2010 I went to the airport, oh yeah...
I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year! ... 365 days of happy and warrior mode.
Love love love and peace, the internal one :)
Now, it's time to manage our agendas and set what's important for us! Besides other important things I'll begin with my exams calendar for January but I'm so so happy that I'm enjoying everything!