Friday, 10 April 2015

Yesterday the sky got richer. 
My grandpa's will was heard and he joined the sky to rest in peace.
As he always said, nobody stays on earth forever and one day he would celebrate the passage of life along with Saint Peter by having some drinks in heaven - he would say this laughing out loud, accepting the natural order of things.
Even though I'm absolutely sure he is in a better place now I would like to honor him today.

* In this moment I choose the silence. I wanted everybody to comfort me, the ones near and the ones far away that I don't even remember, to repeat all over again "he is ok, he is fine, everything will be alright", but the truth is, I already know it. So, I simply decided to be in silence to grief, to accept and to ask God to nurture me and ease my pain and my family and let it go.
My grandpa was known for his good mood despite all odds. And like that he will stay.
Thank you grandpa.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

People usually tell us that the one meant for you will always approve everything you do. 

So we keep on falling down and getting up expecting someone who will absolutely agree in everything we say, think and do. What people don't know is that such sentence is a limiting belief which sets us to fail.
I believe that everything is possible in Love (based on real love and not ego - where someone has to correspond to your own expectations). I also believe that in a relationship both parts have to surrender somehow and get a balance. Probably it annoys you something your love one does and most probably you do something that makes him/her uncomfortable too! 
Getting a balance is more than essential, is vital for the relationship. 
Believe that you two can enter a safety zone without compromising your own identity! 
Maybe you can avoid doing something if it is not important to you and maybe the other part can do the same. 

I have been trying to understand this dynamic in relationships and particularly till which line you can actually drop something for the relationship's health. Some will say: you should not drop anything for anyone whilst others will offer you a caring and loving approach with which I agree: nothing is black and white. If you are committed to make it work with your soulmate/partner there will always be something you two disagree and don't like about each other's habits. As long as you are not letting go of something that is important to you, as long as the thing you are giving up is something which won't compromise your own soul then maybe you should give it a try, with love!

Above all, your heart will always know the answers. We just need to silent the mind/ego.

Friday, 3 April 2015

My mind has been assaulted too often like a boiling pot of soup...

So I gave myself permission to make this soup a warm and caring one, full of ideas/conclusions... and I recommend you to grab a tea :)

People will tell you how a MAN should be. They will, actually, sell you the idea that they know how men are or should be, because they have experienced X, Y and Z, so they are credited to say such and that's the universal truth.

The truth is: everything is relative. I believe men are human beings above all and like us, women, they have their flaws, insecurities, and perhaps dramas...
I refused to buy "ideas, projects, plans" based on other's experiences (even though it gets difficult sometimes). It would be easier to simply categorize men or women, explaining that if he/she does A, B or C therefore it means X, Y or Z.

I choose to see people, men or women, as human beings. We all carry our limiting believes, backgrounds, traumas, energies, culture, religion, past, etc so all of us are different. 
If I do not compare myself with anyone in terms of experience and soul why should I, then, compare others?

Like that, it makes me go beyond what society has been telling to all of us for the past years, centuries, etc. It's by giving space to go within our hearts that we understand that each one of us is singular. It cannot be compared. It cannot be replaced. It cannot be reproduced.
Every experience, every situation is singular (with few similarities sometimes, I admit) and it contains the unique lessons that those people need to assimilate/understand in a heart-level and therefore cannot be the same.