Tuesday 15 January 2013

Pearls of wisdom are food for my soul...

As I dive more and more in myself, feeling a greater peace within me for giving myself time to be just ME I listen to pearls of wisdom.
The meaning of resistance beautifully explained:
Your left hand is your resistance to negative emotions and energy you might be feeling
Your right hand is exactly what you want to feel or to do or to be
If you hold each hand against the other what it happens? Your left hand doesn't go further because your right hand doesn't allow it, right? So, what it happens is that your left hand will try to push the right hand more and more (because you really don't want to feel those negative emotions) and apply more energy into it and the right hand will always stand there saying "You can't". And then you realize, what am I feeding anyway? If  the left hand has to apply more strenght - you don't want negative emotions in your life - then, you are not directing your energy to what it matters! You are just resisting with your left hand the things you don't want to feel, giving it more and more energy! Instead, we should apply the energy to the right hand, giving energy to be who we truly are and stop resisting the negative emotions. It's ok if they exist from time to time, don't try to resist them! Feed your right hand instead with this powerful energy of who you are! Stop resisting and start being YOU!

Everytime a negative thought comes, pull off the car, park it and don't let it define you! If something comes, STOP, don't entertain the negative thought, don't enter the negative dialogue.  Drop the thought which wants to carry you. Wake up, become fully present and release it!

Whatever is in our way, is part of the Way. Do not give up, miracles do exist!

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