Thursday 4 February 2010

We all need some peace to go forward with our lifes.

Some find peace in a silence night, others in the midle of a noisy place but everyone needs to find their own peace. I believe that peace is a state of mind, no matter where you are, your peace is inside you, in your heart and soul. I know that I can't turn on some button to reach the point but I'm certain that this is a path and you are always constructing it.

Other thing that I realized is that you start to find God when you start to have patience with yourself. I had times where I was desperately looking for God, I needed to found Him, I just didn't know where or when, I just knew that I needed to find Him...

when I stopped to blame myself for things and looked within, when I stopped to look outside and looked inside with calm and patience I found Him.
When I stopped and looked that I also need to be cared and happy I said "Ok, it's my turn now"... I always did everything for others, I always did the right things and I deeply forgot me, about what I want, about my feelings, my truth, my soul...

Everything needs to be balanced. You just can give love, universal love, when you are filled. So, first fill yourself with God's Love, find yourself and be good with you. Then give love to humanity. This is the truthful way to give and BE Love in all essence.

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