Sunday 2 June 2013

In times of darkness and reflection I concluded that something was missing...
Pure, Infinite and Divine Connection.

I realized exactly what once I read hours after from another blog ( * in portuguese).

Here are some conclusions, internally FELT - because knowing in the mind and feeling IT in your guts are two completely different concepts!

- Most of people know exactly what you should do with your life THOUGH if you analize the whole picture they are the first ones who don't even know how to manage their lives.
Everywhere you will hear "You know what? A, B and C and D about this subject!" but honestly... who is the captain of MY life? Yap, it's me. You will hear a bunch of stuff from your friends, family, acquaintances etc but the ONLY person who really knows what to do is just one, YOU! Follow your intuition above all and clean your environment of such toxic people (again, if you are a portuguese speaker please read the article above, it's beautiful and explains exactly what I'm talking about! When I read it I just laughed to myself - yes, that's exactly that I was willing to talk today, I thought to myself).

- Again, I listened to a magic, wonderful and divine seminar today - another Aha! moment of the today proving that I'm not alone and the Universe is guiding me all along. I've spoken already about these seminars I listen to. From different and AMAZING speakers who know (in their guts - once again, inside their hearts) what they are talking about. 
Today this particular seminar blowed my mind! While I was listening I just could say to myself "yes, yes, yes... exactly!!" - Finally, someone understands what I'm feeling and who I'm. Within so many pearls you shouldn't miss to listen those caught me:
* Why should I rely on others opinions and messages if I can connect to my Guides and the Universe to receive those messages which are really for me?
* Allow yourself  to relax at least 5 min a day and ask for Guidance, just ask, because the Universe is ALWAYS there for you. Just ask and allow yourself to relax, just relax, let go of everything, and without judgment just feel what is coming to you. 
Ask and it will be given - I read somewhere...
* Once again, you are the captain of your life. You and ONLY YOU knows what is best for you. 

I got so many insights from this seminar that I can't express all of them by words, so hurry up as the replay ends today. Catch this pearl of divine, pure love that YOU deserve! I couldn't wish more to ALL of YOU!
(Eva Gregory reply)

The simple exercise THEOS proposes, of asking what to do, asking for Guidance gave me such insights! It really blowed my mind and HEART!
Open your mind and heart and live your experience.

Much love

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