Tuesday 4 June 2013

Have I said how much I love pearls brought by words?
Full of generosity, without fancy status or whatsoever and only brought by heart?

Here are some pearls brought by Don Miguel Ruiz seminar:
* Loving conditionally and unconditionally.
"I love you if... A, B, C" - if you change your behavior, if you change this aspect, if you change... determines that you are loving conditionally someone whilst on the other hand when you love unconditionally, regardless any aspect you may not like, you accept the other person as he/she is.
* By having faith in ourselves we can listen others, perhaps agree or not, but without any judgement we accept the others as they REALLY are with their own truth! because we have our own truth as well. See, truth is relative, what is truth for me may not be for another person because truth is based in what we perceive from the world.
* Truth will set you free! Jesus said.
*Love yourself like God & love each other. Take the poison out of your emotional wounds, it may hurt a bit at the beginning but the truth will set you free. Forgive. Add Love.

* Prayer of love:
"Thank you Creator of the Universe for the gift of life you have given me
Thank you for giving me everything I ever need
Thank you for the opportunity of experience this beautiful body and this wonderful mind
Thank you for living inside me with all your love and your pure and boundless spirit with ur warm and radiante light
Thank you for using my words, for using my eyes, for using my heart to share your love wherever  I go
I love you just the way you are
And because I'm your creation
I love myself as I am (...)"

And I just felt in my heart how much we are an extension of God.

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