Sunday 16 September 2012

What is happening with the world?

In a very rare and relaxing moment I found myself watching TV tonight. For those who know me they will tell you that this didn't happen... but it did! While eating tonight I felt like watching TV and try to catch up the lastest news.
I realized why I don't see TV, all that negative news from all over the world can depress even the most optimistic person. So, I finish that "news session" asking myself what is happening with the world? Why is everybody fighting? It's seems that no one can escape now from having protesters on the street, a civil war, victims etc etc. I seriously just can ask what is happening?
Intead of trying to communicate with our neighbours we get angry.
Instead of trying to understand other cultures we insult and attack.

And I ask again, what is happening?

Thursday 13 September 2012

Living in the Middle East makes us aware of, obviously, happens in the nearest countries.
Today, when reading the news on the internet I found something I did not know about - the video which is shocking Muslims. To be honest, I saw an excert of the video and I felt disgusted with the content.
No one has the right to atack other's religion/point of view, person etc - absolutely no one! Unfortunatelly the video was horribly made atacking a religion which spreads love - like all religions.

The thing is: we shouldn't attack others because we don't understand them or because we do not agree with them or do not follow their religion. You should instead accept their differences as a blessing and live with each other in peace!

Thursday 6 September 2012

How blessing the darkness can be!

I admit I have been through a LOT since I moved to a new country. I have been facing my fears, my insecurities, etc... a lot of darkness indeed. It's not easy to move alone, adapt to a new culture and language but most of all the process of growing PLUS all the rest has its ups and downs. At the end that's what makes the ride worthy...

Sometimes we reach the point, as I felt so many times while standing for myself in the past, thus some other moments we feel like we don't know anything anymore - am I learning something new today? Have I been listening to me lately? We question ourselves a lot of things!

So, while dealing with all the questions, darkness, how to overcome everything etc I've diving into a tons of seminars available on line, looking for books, reading articles - a bunch of good stuff! or sometimes, just stuff... and it turns out that what I thought it wasn't making any effect in fact it's making! I'm learning a lot with all the things I have listening to, reading and re-reading. It has been a ride, I must say!