Monday 30 July 2012

Fasting under 43 degrees but mostly under AC

I decided to fast this year on my days off while I'm on ground to experience the meaning of the Ramadan.
I always found the reasons behind fasting very beautiful and for the first time today when I friend asked me to eat something I felt very proud to say I was fasting. My fasting is still not perfect, I admit, but for the first time I'm not that bad... and I'm happy. Of course having a friend fasting as well, for the first time like me and for the same reasons, is also motivating because we cook together for us and break the fast together and celebrate. In a near future we will celebrate the Iftar in some good restaurant around and truely feel the spirit of Ramadan. And I'm happy!
It's not just about the words you said
It's not just about your voice that is beautiful for me
It's not just the way you used to blink your eyes to me
It's the way I love you and the way my soul is connected with yours.
I can not change. You are part of me.


Tuesday 17 July 2012

Sometimes I get surprised with my own strenght...

God is definitely fantastic and gave me such a power within that I really don't know from where it comes. The way I reborn from the ashes is surprising for me and I give all the rights to God/Universe who made me like this... this strenght comes from above for sure and from its LOVE.
Yesterday I was completely broken but I do believe I'm such a blessed person that the Universe sent me the right friends, and so a friend of mine managed to calm me down. It wasn't easy but she gave me the support I needed at that moment and I re-borned from the ashes.
Yesterday I read an article about love myths and love reality. I wandered about the subject for a while and I made my own conclusions. I took what was written and digested every word of it. I completely agreed in some aspects which were written and from those 5 myths I particularly selected the next ones:

1 - Love is not enough.
 We all heard this one and we can love or hate this quote but here it is what I realized: love is not enough but is in fact the big part of the thing! Of course we have to love the person is next to us but by saying this I'm not avoiding or hiding aspects that I might not like that much in that person. I am just accepting totally that person because I DO love her/him as a soul. Love is in fact the most important thing but there is also the compatibility. Since I was young I used to say, without realizing in fact what I was saying at that time, that love is not enough. You have to share the same lifestyle/way of thinking with the other person. Of course you can disagree about your favourite colour or some aspects of life, but, as long as you accept each other and RESPECT each others' opinion things can definitely work! Sharing the some principles is definitely important for me.

2 - If it's true love we will never fight.
Of course you will! This is one of the biggest myths ever. Even when we find our soulmate, we will fight. People need to comunicate, we are a social being and we will agree and disagree with people because we are all unique and nobody is like us. Plus, sometimes we are tired and the other will take something we say in a wrong way. It happens and it can happen! It is so normal to fight from time to time that is pointless to explore more this point here. The important message to keep is that one argument is not going to ruin your love story or all the love is going to fade away. In fact we can learn a LOT by having an argument with someone. We can learn about the other, how to listen more carefully and how to deal with that person (love partner or family or friends), being tolerant and patient... with love.

Monday 16 July 2012

So many books and so little time....

After 10 days of deserved holidays I came back to Qatar, willing to read books like crazy, take care of myself and find a new me. Reading books, meditate and stay with myself and GOD is my number 1 priority as the Holy month is starting on 19th July.

Ramadan Kareem!

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Written on 3rd July:

God is extremely wonderful. When I least deserve love that's when we send me HIS gifts and put people around me giving me love unconditionally.
Another day, while working, I must admit that my mood wasn't the best. I was very quiet, I wasn't saying anything or something nice to my colleagues, as I usually do. I wasn't even joking or making fun of something to make others happy, as I usually do.
I was with my thoughts and I was feeling blue and despite my mood, the thing is, my colleagues were somehow nice, somehow in little details they were expressing love... telling me to sit down and rest a bit, as I was working a lot or, at this time, making me laugh!
I felt good and I realized how good God is! I think we all deserve love, in good days and bad days and I experienced it... we deserve love anytime and we should receive it without regret!