Wednesday 30 November 2011

Love one another and you will be happy.  It’s as simple and as difficult as that.  ~Michael Leunig

Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.  ~Robert Heinlein

We loved with a love that was more than love.  ~Edgar Allan Poe

There is something that I really don't like and it is prejudice. The cheaper one and the most rich form of being prejudiced. I seriously don't like it from my heart. Everytime someone says something related to it I can't do more than be quiet and don't give a word about the subject. Of course people always realize that I don't like it because I stay quiet and don't feed their prejudice... how can I feed something which I don't agree with? It's impossible! If you plant good seeds you get good crops and I prefer to plant LOVE than prejudice in this world!

Is it so difficult to achieve/understand?! Or am I the only person in this world who doesn't like prejudice?

Sunday 27 November 2011

The days have been passing by so quickly and slowly at the same time...

I'm working a lot, learning everyday more and more about life and taking one step at a time to open my heart. If I look 2011 since the first month of the year I have to admit that today I'm more than yesterday and I'm sure tomorrow I'll be better and hopefully lighter than today.

In the first months of the year I was dealing with doubts and fears which I got over with. I also was dealing with my balance, I felt completely apart the first months of the year without knowing what to do about my life and my heart. I went to Barcelona and experienced a beautiful dance festival and in April I was having the best festival ever in my hometown with such beautiful people. Apart from all financial situation the second East Fest Lisbon, organized by me and a dearest friend was a huge sucess and spiritually beautiful! I met friends for a life, I huged people I love and are special and important for me!

In June I made more difficult decisions in my life. I was with my man and I moved to Doha, without knowing what expected me. I definitely changed the certain for the uncertain, without any doubt. I cried, I laughed and I still do the same every day because I'm human. I feel homesick many times and at home in Doha at the same time. I miss deeply my friends, my family, my pets, my love but in my heart I am exactly where I should be and none of these people is missed or forgotten by my and my heart. Everywhere I go I think about my loved ones, everything I see in a new country I think about how much they would like to see this or that and somehow this is what make me alive. It's never easy to change, but it's possible and most of the time I am very happy because I did it. I realized that, once in life, I seriously did something for me.... I faced all my fears! Despite all the dark moments I have been going through I have to be glad for being here and facing the dark corners of myself because it's the only way to became brighter and reborn!!

I'm boucing between the connection with the Universe (and myself) and the ego, taking one step at a time to the heart and happiness, between the signs I receive and are for me and the silly thinking of saying to myself that this is not happenning... I'm going everyday to the only place where I am total, perfect and unit, to my heart! 

And my heart lives also where everbody I love lives.

PS: Finally I have laptop... :)

Thursday 17 November 2011

The meaning of RESPECT

Lately I'm thinking a lot about the meaning of RESPECT. I can be taken as a dramatic person in these kind of matter but in fact life has showed me the meaning of respect in such different situations...

I've seen a LOT of life, a LOT about RESPECT and for me RESPECT is much more of being polite.
For me RESPECT means that you ACCEPT other's decisions and choices even if you don't agree with them. It's THEIR choice, If it hurts us it's OUR choice but we should RESPECT, above all, that in the same proportion we deserve respect regarding our choices, we should also respect other's.
Dear readers (I have no idea if with my ausence I still have readers??!!),

I have been ausent from my blogger because my laptop decide to retire from its tiring job of being MY laptop and working constantly. I tried to fix it, I must admit, according to my father's instructions, and even a woman-man like me couldn't repair my poor laptop so it decided to retire... and so I decided to send it to my country to someone who can really take care of it. Anyway, just to let you know I have a LOT of things to write, many feelings, many situations to express but till I buy a new laptop - hopefully in the end of the month - I'll be out of writing.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Isn't it beautiful? :)

Delicious cold, fantastic view and the will of sharing it with all my LOVE to you.

And another song I adore:

Feeling so much woman lately... stronger and growing up so much in my life. Having sure that some situations are NOT for us at all and let them go is one of the wisest decisions we can take.
Make you feel my LOVE, beautifully sang by Adele:

Feeling good...

Lately I'm feeling good about my past decision of moving country. Today, 4 months after my moving I look back and I realized how much I gained coming here. I'm loosing a LOT of good things in my country too. One of my dearest friends just got married and another is pregnant and despite feeling sad everytime I think I didn't share these beautiful moments of happiness (wedding and official annoucement of the pregnancy), I'm proud of myself for my decision.

I left my country without any kind of expectation. I left everything behind indeed. My family, friends and my beautiful babies (pets). I headed off to a uncertain future and there's nothing that scares us more than not knowing the future. Despite everything I did it. I did it alone and I'm so proud of myself!
This was one of my biggest adventures, my BIG challenge and I did it. 
I felt so much fear and I overcame it... facing it!

Looking back, today, I can see, that I'm a new person. More simple, more human and who really appreciate more than EVER true love. If I was in my country right now, I would be frustrated, unsatisfied, probably without a job and complaining to myself everyday why many things were happening or happened in my life.

I'm really proud of myself for all I achieved till now and for the best that is yet to come!