Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Something I wrote on 27th April....

I've been missing my writings as part of ME here... but too much has been going on in my life and I didn't know that I could be so damn right about "maybe after "my" Festival I will take my courage and fly", as I said once here. I seriously didn't know that opportunities could be so close to change my life, perspective and heart about everything... or almost everything!

So, I am not absent from here, I'm just too (really really) BUSY organizing the East Fest Lisbon 2011 which is approaching...

As I said once and say again: Come to our shows on 28th and 30th April (book it now through: eastfestportugal@gmail, as the price gets higher on the day), enjoy the beauty of a truely and inspiring dance.... breathe our fantastic atmosphere full of joy and love and feel inside your heart what means to feel alive! 2 hours of performances with beautiful and fantastic artists, part of them new friends, others "old" friends of mine... people that I carry inside my heart!

Because I am so thankfull to find special people in the world, because dance gave and give me the opportunity to find human kind in so many forms and in so many ways that I can't describe...
(Of course there is the negative and positive part of everything but I assume it all belongs to the path so we can see what is good from what it's not that good... and learn, always learn)

Yes, I truely LOVE to DANCE because when I dance all is WHOLE, all is DIVINE, all is GOD within ME. And because it allowed me to find precious people.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Silence is made of GOLD...................

Did I mention how much I adore silence?

And for some reason, just GOD knows, I can't stop thinking about what an unknown woman said to me once "I rather a big love far from me than a little love close by". How could I forget this lovely pearl?

All the signs are here, we just need to open our eyes and hearts..........
We all end up returning to our hearts after the storm or even the thunderstorm

because the storm disturb our cells, puts everything in perspective or doubt to show us what is wrong with us

because the storm suddenly wakes us up to show that that way wasn't OUR way

BUT in the end we find our path and,

because after the storm, there's always a rainbow, always a light... we all return to our hearts to feel, just to feel our inner truth and our heart: the place where we can truely find what we deeply wish for.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Flying with this song, feeding my soul in moments of sadness while I seek for inner transformation:

Asking for Universe's Protection, Love, Guidance. Always :)
I have been absent for a while from the cyber world due my life which became like a rollercoaster these last days. I headed off to Oporto again for professional reasons and I ended up feeling completely tired. My tiredness remained this last week with all the "do's" I had to do, actually... I even heard from my doctor that I should, seriously, rest for some days. While she was saying that I need some vacations, etc I was thinking I have a festival to occur within 3 weeks, how am I going to rest and take vacations?. I was also thinking, I must admit, about my agenda and how it will be till next month... Oh boy, thinking about it gives me headache/tiredness as well. So, the last 2 nights I decided to try to relax and sleep instaed of working, as my doctor adviced me. I seriously need to stop running in order to find inside myself what makes sense and what doesn't make sense at all in my life... so, as I cry I clean my heart from all the pains and fears I keep inside. I'm willing to set it free so I can see my brightness between the darkness, even believing that the darkness brings you the opportunity to see what it's deep inside yourself. After the darkness, the light. After the rain, the sun. After the most dark sadness, the wonders of joy. Always...