Wednesday 23 February 2011

What I've bought to increase my mountain made of books

"I loved you for your voice" is a fantastic novel written by Sélim Nassib based on Oum's life. Although many facts are fictional the writing is amazingly capable of transporting us to Cairo and to the scenarios he describes.

It's a reading I suggest to all of you who wants to know more about Oum's life, her poet, songs she have sang and Cairo in general.
You can feel how much Oum loved her art. She is inspirational!

Monday 21 February 2011

My dream to be achieved... soon.

Because LOVE heals all wounds
Because there's only one person able to make you fly within.
Because there's only one TRUE LOVE able to make you fly within.
Because LOVE is LOVE and WE don't need more words to explain what just can be felt.
The beautiful city of Lisbon, capital of Portugal, receive once again this amazing festival.
Our goal is to spread the art of oriental dance and our LOVE for art.
Fantastic teachers, wonderful dancers and lots of fun in a great atmosphere that makes our festival so special!
Join us!
- 3 days of workshops
- 2 gala shows

Wednesday 16 February 2011

A video that I want to share with you ALL:

A phrase I want to share with you ALL:
Let's fly! (destination: our dreams)

Enjoying little pieces of everything

Last Sunday, on a melancholic day, I went out to eat some portuguese sweets and drink a coffee (supposed!) with one of my best friends. I really needed to cheer me up that day!

And what did I find? A caramel frappucino! Oh, I went nuts.

This drink is absolutely divine, it's made of cream, caramel and I think it hasn't coffee at all...
I drank a bit and I saw heaven on earth - what a beautiful and delicious drink. I'm in love with frapuccino and this is my way to enjoy life and myself for the next days I think :)
As the book says "Eat, Pray, LOVE" - I'm mixing everything at the same time. Enjoying food, praying and loving the Universe as I'm trying to open my heart to everything and learn to let go what needs space to breathe and be what it is exactly.

Whispering step by step you make your dreams, to myself...

Sunday 13 February 2011

Looking forward to heal my wounds

Looking forward to follow my heart

"In the last days I talked about closeness to god. I would say that the aim of each prayer is getting close to God. A prayer is successful if you feel more and more close to God. A prayer can be in any form. Different religions suggest different ways of praying and those who did not learn any way of praying like children, they have their own way of praying.

Many people think of God as a very distant high power which is unreachable. For them God is not close and their prayers seem very formal, they follow what they learned. A prayer is something special and can be in many forms. It is not a certain ritual that you perform or certain words that you have to say. But you need closeness, your heart should be in your prayer.
This doesn’t mean that I am against any ritual. I say that in a ritual, too, you need to have your heart. If you only follow the rules of the ritual, doing one thing after the other and if you are not really there and enjoying it, it is not coming from your heart and it is a dry ritual. I don’t know how effective that prayer will be. But each ritual that is done from your heart, with your love, is an effective prayer. It doesn’t matter if this ritual is praying with a Mala, a rosary or while sweeping or while cooking. When you do it with love, this ritual is a way of getting close to God and a wonderful form of praying. It brings you close to God."


Love Spells cannot Work - Love is not Sellable or Forcable - 17 Aug 08

"Love from your deep and honest heart and you will see how love will come to you!"


I was missing his articles, indeed... :)

Saturday 12 February 2011

Our prayers were listened.

I couldn't write before due my excitement!

Yesterday, I sent a couple of text messages to my close friends saying "yes, yes, yes, let's go Egypt!" and I'm still yealing inside myself "yes yes yes!" as well as praying for a NEW and more colorful country where dignity, human rights and some other important values will remain!

A phrase that kept me faithful along these 18 days of fight:

"A voz do Povo é a voz de Deus"

And now I understand why I woke up yesterday feeling that I should go to Egypt very very soon.... now I know why.

Because something will change since 11th February 2011!!



Wednesday 9 February 2011

Books from Spain

It's official. I'm in love with books. What did I bought in Spain? Books!! It was suppose to be just 2 english novels but I end up bringing 3... ok, ok, I couldn't resist!

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Some days have been passing by...

While in Barcelona for few days to join a festival I could stay alone without feeling alone at all.
I could feel your arms around me, wrapping me, holding our love tight despite our geographic distance. May GOD give me the wisdom I need to understand what can not be understood but just felt.

The meaning of love

While letting the ferrocarril drive me to my workshops in the city of Barcelona my mind was wandering about love, the only force that moves the Universe. For sure.

Imagine you have a wardrobe in your house which look you can't open. You know and you feel that that wardrobe is full of divine qualities but you are so used to try to open it and used to see that wardrobe that you almost forget their richness. One day someone open your wardrobe easily so you can see how much richness you have been missing inside.

The wardrobe is your soul, your heart... that you forget sometimes how rich it is. Who opens your heart is your love. Don't let it go, that person holds the key to your heart and there only 2 keys to a wardrobe. Yours and the other person.

Thursday 3 February 2011

I can't stop thinking about that phrase "when you receive a prophecy you shouldn't ignore it... you should go for it."

I'm thinking so much about it from time to time... like if there was a reminder whispering into my ears this phrase (maybe there is indeed)...



Today I got a congratulations because I allowed myself to be upset with some situations which I didn't like and were unconfortable for me.
Instaed of being thinking too much about it and loosing my sleep I solved them with an adult conversation after moments of reflection about the subject. Well done! I'm starting to learn that sometimes, sometimes... everybody can be upset (just breathe, take time on your own and solve the things you can change for better)!!
We are not made of iron, right? Communication should be everybody's foundation!
About growing up

Growing up takes courage and hurts sometimes. I'm not talking about our bones or teeth which hurt in some point in our life. I'm talking about spiritual or personal growing.

You know, we are used to do things in some way or think like one way that when we try to change it, it hurts. So, I realize that... growing up needs more courage then we sometimes are aware.

Our mind is so used to take the same old path to go somewhere that if I explain to you another way to reach the same point you will get confused and you will be afraid of getting lost.

Conclusion: you will get the same path because you don't want to get lost.

That's exactly what happens inside our mind!

We are so used to have obcessive thoughts or habits and when we try to change it to a better and healthier way our mind starts to fool us making us believe that something is not going to be right if we change or we are going to die or something bad will happen...

Nothing bad is going to happen unless you change. For how long are you stuck in something that doesn't belong to you? Our souls are pure, divine and fullfiled with divine Love but we forgot that because everything has so much light here that we completely forget who we are and our divine qualities.

You are a prisioner of your own mind if you don't change it and growing up as a person or just letting you be who you REALLY are, changing habits hurts because we during years we did things that we (really really really) didn't want to but we thought that we are good people because we did it. I assure you, it can hurt, it can be difficult but it's definitely the best journey you can take to be healthier, happier... everything "ier"!

So, I challenge you as I challenge myself to listen to our hearts and be FREE.

Let your mind be your mind and your heart be your heart. Make a choice. TODAY!

"Whatever has been taking your time and energy is about to end. When you conclude something you are creating opportunities to a new begining. Take advantage of that period of calm to celebrate both things: the end of the old and the begining of the new."

This phrase embraced me the moment I've read it.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

" Travelling is a destiny's catalyst: it forces "things" to
happen... "

...and I found out that what I most love about travelling is testing myself, thinking outside the box, facing new challenges, new cultures, new faces of myself, indeed.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

For those who know me are sure about the way I have spent my last days watching al jazeera on-line till the mourning. Everytime the television in my country showed something I already knew it because I watched it.

I faced desperate moments when I couldn't contact my friends in Egypt and everytime I had the knowledge about gunshots my heart stopped.

This has been a prove to my patience and faith and I didn't give up till I had completely sure that my friends were ok. When I had the information about their wellness I felt like I could breathe now.

Interesting things that are happening in Egypt:

- Egyptians are cleaning their streets as they feel that NOW their country REALLY belongs to them;

- Egyptians are sharing food and drink as the food suplies are shut down;

- Christians, Muslims, Young, Old, everybody is present, strong and fighting for their rights!

- All egyptians are living in harmony and staying firm in their protests.

Egypt is making history and I'm very proud of egyptian people who are fighting to a better country. Next time I'll visit Tahrir Square! The square where they are making history!